Its official Robdawg is a Democrat again

i think thats the dream ticket obama/hillary, but i don't think hed pick her b/c she's been really nasty to him.

He'd be a fool to pick her because she's nothing but a liability to him in the general election. People will come out of the wood work to keep her out of the whitehouse. She may be popular amongst dems, but don't underestimate the conservative's sheer hatred of Hillary.

Secondly, she's been disgraceful in my opinion against Obama in this primary. She's just as tacky and low down as the republicans have been in the last two election. That would be fine in the general but to politically cannibalize you're own like that is pathetic in my opinion.
btw lots of folks in London wanted Obama when i was there to win but that was in Sept when hillary was way ahead.
Hill and Bill have destroyed their reputations and many Dems no longer have any feelings of respect for them.

The Canadian leak about Nafta and Obama was the last straw for me , they are scum.