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Why, has he already started an unnecessary war?

Wire tapped

Oh, crap, I don't have all day to finish the whole list of why we do not respect GWB.

I gave him a break after 9/11, he f'd that up royally and has done nothing in the meantime to regain my respect, sorry!

Now, if Obama does any of these things or anything remotely like it, he will have my scorn, and I will be critical of him, also!

You have to have the right to be hateful, first.
Obama voted in favor of extended FISA authority, including the clause giving communications companies blanket pardons for violating previous FISA laws. That AFTER he promised to fight it and vote it down.

Strike ONE.
Barack Obama has done many things that reveal deep and disturbing character flaws. This isn't about ideology. This isn't about politics. These are things that are so despicable, I understand why this man has so few friends. And, the friends he does have, share a depravity that makes one unfit for high office, but just as important, unfit for healthy personal relationships.

I will never get over or get past these things:

1. Barack Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, actively advocated that abortionists, who committed murder on the babies they failed to kill during partial-birth abortions, should not face criminal or civil responsibility of any kind. We're talking about infanticide. Barack Obama actively worked to protect the dark act of infanticide.

This is the behavior of a cold, unfeeling monster and only a trained psychiatrist could begin to explain what would make a human being come to the defense of an abortionist butcher who performed such a horrible and violent act on the most innocent and defenseless among us. This is off the charts beyond everything Michael Vick did. You PETA members, this is as if Barack Obama argued for legislation to make sure that torturing and killing animals would always remain legal. Safe, legal and, perhaps, rare.

2. Barack Obama has long cultivated and maintained a close, personal, political and professional relationship with Bill Ayers. Since the early 90's, maybe earlier. We'll find out in the near future. Bill Ayers was an active and "successful," domestic terrorist. A Timothy McVeigh who beat the rap. Bill Ayers is a self-proclaimed and proud communist. Bill Ayers dedicated his book, "Praire Fire," to Sirhan Sirhan, among others.

Sirhan Sirhan hated Jews and the State of Israel. So much so, Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy, John and Ted Kennedy's brother, because Robert Kennedy as a United States Senator voted to approve the sale of Phantom fighter jets to Israel. Those jets were used in the Six Day War. Again, as unbelievable as it sounds, Barack Obama has never disassociated himself from Bill Ayers. He has never repudiated the man. Just some of his acts, when Obama was eight years old. That's it. Bill Ayers dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan.

I can't get past this.

3. Barack Obama chose an Afro-centric, Marxist church led by a racist, Jew-hating Marxist, as the church for himself and his family. He stayed there for 20 years. He supported that church as much and as deeply as any member of a congregation could: Attended church for 20 years there, donated tens of thousands of dollars there (and this man is STINGY with charitable donations), was married in that church by Jeremiah Wright and had his two children baptized by Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright adores Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan is a proud anti-Semite. Jeremiah Wright is a despicable human being. There is no other way to describe him.

I can't get over this. Barack Obama celebrated this man and this church for most of his adult life. And while attending that church, Obama maintained a close and deep relationship with Bill Ayers, who dedicated a book he wrote to the man who assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy. While attending that church of hate, Barack Obama found it in his head and heart to advocate infanticide. This is what that church inspired?

4. Rashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers are all long time, good friends of Barack Obama. Rashid Khalidi is a former spokesman for the PLO when Yassir Arafat was alive and in charge. Yassir Arafat is perhaps the most "successful" and best known terrorist the world has ever known. Yassir Arafat died with the blood of thousands of innocent men, women and children on his hands. One of the most depraved and abhorrent human beings who has ever walked the planet is Yassir Arafat. There is a tape of Barack Obama toasting Rashid Khalidi--- a spokesman for Yassir Arafat--- which the Los Angeles Times will not release. Rashid Khalidi is one of Bill Ayers best friends. Again, Bill Ayers dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan.

5. Barack Obama spent $1 million dollars on staging and lighting while in Berlin, Germany as a candidate for President to give a speech. A speech that was intended for the entire world to see and hear. This was a well planned and well thought out speech and the stage could not have been bigger. With that stage, with that pulpit, Barack Obama trashed his own country. He denounced the United States and its history and promised to fix it. It was un-American, it was destructive to this country and it was a slander.

6. On that same overseas, campaign trip, Barack Obama canceled a visit to wounded American soldiers in Germany. The reason was he couldn't make his visit into a photo op for his campaign.

I can barely contain my rage and disgust when I think about that overseas stunt.

7. Barack Obama has lectured this country on how we must treat each other, how we must not be "selfish," how we must help one another and lift one another up. Then we find out how members of his own family live....or should I say, exist. A half-brother lives on $12 a year in a hut in Kenya. An aunt lives in a Boston slum. Illegally I might add. Barack Obama has not shown the least bit of concern for these two family members--- family members he used in a book where he made millions of dollars on. He made millions and let these people live in squalor.

I do not understand a man like this. I do know, however, that he has deep! problems that should concern anyone who is close to him. This is an emotionally troubled man.

There are more things that I don't like about Barack Obama and many things politically I disagree with him on. For one, he actively tried to undermine this country and our military during a time of war. That is unforgivable, but for some reason I don't put it in the category above. Perhaps I should.

But I can't get past these things. They haunt me. I don't know anyone like this. I have never met or even heard about someone this ugly, this cold---who help high political office in this country. This is all new territory. These are warning signs of a man with deep and dangerous character flaws.