It's the DEMOCRATS Stupid!

In the midst of the worst financial crisis since the 1930's, Barack Obama is out there blaming Republicans, and the pinheads are lapping it up! The truth, as always, seems to elude pinheads completely. The current financial crisis is tied directly to the downfall of Freddy and Fanny, and who were responsible for the low-interest housing loans to people with no means to repay them? Well it was the kindhearted Liberals, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Harry Reid! They pushed through this legislation in a Congress dominated by Democrats, while John McCain was literally screaming at the top of his lungs, that it was a mistake. In fact, McCain, in 2005, proposed a reform to the Fanny/Freddy policy, and it was killed in committee... again, a Democratic-controlled committee. Barack Obama was silent on the matter...Hmmm, wonder why?

Now, Freddy and Fanny weren't 'partisan' they contributed money to numerous Senatorial campaign coffers, even that of John McCain. He received around $20k in 20 years from the organizations, but the #2 recipient of money from Freddy and Fanny contributions, was Barack Obama... pretty impressive in his 2 years as a Senator, only democrat Chris Dodd, who had been in Congress much longer, received more. Perhaps this explains BO's connection with the corrupt CEO's running these organizations?

Democrats continue to try and spin this whole financial crisis into the fault of Republicans, when it was purely Democrat policy which lead to the failure. John McCain realized the problem early on, and tried to get something done to prevent the exact crisis we are now seeing unfold. He was told to 'sit down and shut up' as Democrats killed his proposals in committee and focused on more 'pressing' issues, like impeaching Bush and giving themselves another pay raise.

While Americans are grappling with what to do about their 401k's and investments taking a nosedive, Harry Reid admits he has no answer to this problem, and just wants to close up shop, and go home. Well, I think it's a swell idea Harry... go home, and why don't you do us all a favor, and STAY!
The problems with Fannie & Freddie were not a secret. Every politician in Washington knew what was going on. They mmay not have known the extent of the problem, but they knew there were serious problems.

And none of them raised a stink about it. None of them proposed legislation to fix things BEFORE it cost us billions of dollars.

None of them are innocent, no matter how much you may wish to point fingers at the other side.

All of them avoided rocking the boat. And now all of them are involved in this knee-jerk reaction.
The problems with Fannie & Freddie were not a secret. Every politician in Washington knew what was going on. They mmay not have known the extent of the problem, but they knew there were serious problems.

And none of them raised a stink about it. None of them proposed legislation to fix things BEFORE it cost us billions of dollars.

None of them are innocent, no matter how much you may wish to point fingers at the other side.

All of them avoided rocking the boat. And now all of them are involved in this knee-jerk reaction.

Yes, John McCain proposed reforms in 2005, they were killed in committee! John McCain clearly saw the problem coming, and tried to do something about it, but partisan Democrats would have no part of it, and shut it down!

Tell your lies to someone who is too stupid to research the facts!
Yes, John McCain proposed reforms in 2005, they were killed in committee! John McCain clearly saw the problem coming, and tried to do something about it, but partisan Democrats would have no part of it, and shut it down!

Tell your lies to someone who is too stupid to research the facts!

Can you please show the legislation that McCain tried to pass?
It says here the bill was introduced and killed in 2005. Almost a full 2 years before the Democratic congress took power. So who killed this bill?
Really? Just the people who write his campaign policies, donate money, and benefit from him being in the White House? Like Sarbanes, Dodd, Johnson, Reed, Schumer, Bayh, Carper, Stabenow, and Corzine? When did they begin supporting John McCain?

109th Congress

R- RICHARD C. SHELBY, Alabama, Chairman

R- CHUCK HAGEL, Nebraska
R- RICK SANTORUM, Pennsylvania
R- JIM BUNNING, Kentucky
R- JOHN E. SUNUNU, New Hampshire
R- ELIZABETH DOLE, North Carolina

D- TIM JOHNSON, South Dakota
D- JACK REED, Rhode Island
D- EVAN BAYH, Indiana
D- JON S. CORZINE, New Jersey

Let's venture to guess how many sorry-ass Democrats supported McCain's bill?

Let's also be clear about one thing... THIS BILL would have prevented the financial disaster we've encountered. John McCain saw it coming and tried to do something about it, and the bill was killed by THIS committee.
Well guess is what you'll have to do since you don't have the data stating how or who killed this bill.

I see 11 repugs. 9 democrats on the list. 2 of the people on the list are sponsors so we can eliminate them. That leaves 9 democrats and 9 republicans. Which could mean a 50% split. Which I guess is not as conclusive as a .33333334% split.
Yes, John McCain proposed reforms in 2005, they were killed in committee! John McCain clearly saw the problem coming, and tried to do something about it, but partisan Democrats would have no part of it, and shut it down!

Tell your lies to someone who is too stupid to research the facts!

I just wish the "news" would give us the facts and quit giving their opinions.

the closest place to that I know of is PBS.

People like dixie would have to think a bit or just shut up.
As I said.... John McCain had a solution for the problem which caused the current financial crisis. Not Barack "I was out to lunch on this because I was taking huge sums of money from Freddy and Fanny" Obama.

#2 on the list of major political recipients was the 2-year Senator from Illinois. He beat out people who had been getting contributions for years, including the #1 recipient, Chris Dodd (D) And the whole scam, was the idea of Barney Frank (D)!

DEMOCRATS are completely responsible for this mess, yet they are out there spinning as fast as they can to blame Republicans, including the only Republican who tried to prevent it, John McCain.
As I said.... John McCain had a solution for the problem which caused the current financial crisis. Not Barack "I was out to lunch on this because I was taking huge sums of money from Freddy and Fanny" Obama.

#2 on the list of major political recipients was the 2-year Senator from Illinois. He beat out people who had been getting contributions for years, including the #1 recipient, Chris Dodd (D) And the whole scam, was the idea of Barney Frank (D)!

DEMOCRATS are completely responsible for this mess, yet they are out there spinning as fast as they can to blame Republicans, including the only Republican who tried to prevent it, John McCain.

Do you have anything to backup this claim? Anything? Anything at all?
You as an accuser are obligated to provide the evidence of a made charge. It is my job as a listener to review your evidence and decide if it is something that I can accept as true. Do you get it?