It's the DEMOCRATS Stupid!

You as an accuser are obligated to provide the evidence of a made charge. It is my job as a listener to review your evidence and decide if it is something that I can accept as true. Do you get it?

This is what I get... you are a pinhead democrat hack, who wants to obfuscate and tapdance, instead of admit the truth. You want 'proof' only so you can discredit the source, and spin a lie to keep your guy from looking bad. I've been around this game a long time, you don't fool me for one second. You are not interested in being objective, you want to be a smart ass and play games. This information is a matter of public record, through the Federal Election Commission, and it can be obtained by any American citizen, including yourself.

There's the fucking list. As you will see, Obama is #2, as I said, right behind Chris Dodd, and right above John Kerry. You will also find Republicans on the list, including John McCain, who received a whopping $21k from 1989-2008.
Do you think McCain's current staff will work hard on legislation to prevent a crisis like this in the future?

...And why so agitated? I asked a simple question. It didn't seem unreasonable, or invasive. Do you think people are supposed to buy everything they hear? If so, it may explain a lot about you?
Do you think McCain's current staff will work hard on legislation to prevent a crisis like this in the future?

...And why so agitated? I asked a simple question. It didn't seem unreasonable, or invasive. Do you think people are supposed to buy everything they hear? If so, it may explain a lot about you?

I think McCain worked hard on trying to pass the legislation in 2005 which would have averted the disaster we have now. Barack Obama and the Democrats are the ones who opened up Fanny and Freddy to people who couldn't afford the loans, which caused the crisis. I am agitated because of the current liberal spin, that this disaster is the fault of Republicans, when John McCain seems to be the only person interested in fixing the problem before it became a problem. I think it is outrageous that Barack Obama can give speeches about how McCain doesn't understand the fundamentals, when he sat on his hands and let this happen, while taking more money than almost anyone else in Congress, from Freddy and Fanny! Hypocrisy at it's finest!
"including the only Republican who tried to prevent it, John McCain"

You have really lost your mind.

The GOP loves rubes like you. Anything they or their minions put out there, you eat up with a big ol' spoon. Corrupt Alaskan governor a reformer who is the "future" of the party? Check. Saddam linked to Al Qaeda & Iraq central to the 'war on terror'? Check. John McCain could have single-handedly stopped this economic crisis if only Dems hadn't gotten in his way? Check.

They adore you.
In the midst of the worst financial crisis since the 1930's, Barack Obama is out there blaming Republicans, and the pinheads are lapping it up! The truth, as always, seems to elude pinheads completely. The current financial crisis is tied directly to the downfall of Freddy and Fanny, and who were responsible for the low-interest housing loans to people with no means to repay them? Well it was the kindhearted Liberals, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Harry Reid! They pushed through this legislation in a Congress dominated by Democrats, while John McCain was literally screaming at the top of his lungs, that it was a mistake. In fact, McCain, in 2005, proposed a reform to the Fanny/Freddy policy, and it was killed in committee... again, a Democratic-controlled committee. Barack Obama was silent on the matter...Hmmm, wonder why?

Now, Freddy and Fanny weren't 'partisan' they contributed money to numerous Senatorial campaign coffers, even that of John McCain. He received around $20k in 20 years from the organizations, but the #2 recipient of money from Freddy and Fanny contributions, was Barack Obama... pretty impressive in his 2 years as a Senator, only democrat Chris Dodd, who had been in Congress much longer, received more. Perhaps this explains BO's connection with the corrupt CEO's running these organizations?

Democrats continue to try and spin this whole financial crisis into the fault of Republicans, when it was purely Democrat policy which lead to the failure. John McCain realized the problem early on, and tried to get something done to prevent the exact crisis we are now seeing unfold. He was told to 'sit down and shut up' as Democrats killed his proposals in committee and focused on more 'pressing' issues, like impeaching Bush and giving themselves another pay raise.

While Americans are grappling with what to do about their 401k's and investments taking a nosedive, Harry Reid admits he has no answer to this problem, and just wants to close up shop, and go home. Well, I think it's a swell idea Harry... go home, and why don't you do us all a favor, and STAY!

We're just days away from a "I love John McCain" love letter post.....
"including the only Republican who tried to prevent it, John McCain"

You have really lost your mind.

The GOP loves rubes like you. Anything they or their minions put out there, you eat up with a big ol' spoon. Corrupt Alaskan governor a reformer who is the "future" of the party? Check. Saddam linked to Al Qaeda & Iraq central to the 'war on terror'? Check. John McCain could have single-handedly stopped this economic crisis if only Dems hadn't gotten in his way? Check.

They adore you.

Hey, I went out on my own and found the information. McCain was the one who proposed reforms in 2005, which would have averted this crisis. It's there in black and white, and part of the public record for all to read, I don't have to drink any koolaid to read the facts. I don't pull any punches when it comes to Republicans here, some of them are to blame as well, they kissed ass with the Liberals to oppose McCain on the reforms in 2005, because it was the "popular" thing to do.

The point is, one man who is running for president, tried his best to fix this before it became a problem, and one man took more money than all but one other Democrat, as he sat silent on the reforms. One man knew Freddy and Fanny were in trouble, and the other sought the advice of their corrupt CEO's in his political aspirations. The public record doesn't lie. You do!
Hey, I went out on my own and found the information. McCain was the one who proposed reforms in 2005, which would have averted this crisis. It's there in black and white, and part of the public record for all to read, I don't have to drink any koolaid to read the facts. I don't pull any punches when it comes to Republicans here, some of them are to blame as well, they kissed ass with the Liberals to oppose McCain on the reforms in 2005, because it was the "popular" thing to do.

The point is, one man who is running for president, tried his best to fix this before it became a problem, and one man took more money than all but one other Democrat, as he sat silent on the reforms. One man knew Freddy and Fanny were in trouble, and the other sought the advice of their corrupt CEO's in his political aspirations. The public record doesn't lie. You do!

Please expalin the details of the reform and how it would have averted this crisis.
I have yet to see the details of how the proposed reform would work.
Please expalin the details of the reform and how it would have averted this crisis.
I have yet to see the details of how the proposed reform would work.

Are you too stupid to read? I posted the links earlier. You want me to copy and paste the text of the proposed bill here, or what? The title of the bill was; Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005... name speaks for itself, doesn't it? What it would have done, is prevent the collapse of Freddy and Fanny, which is the root cause of all the other problems we've seen in the financial sector over the past several weeks.

I love the way Liberals try to respond to shit that refutes them completely...

Do you have proof?
Do you have any more proof?
Were Republicans involved too?
Any evidence to back that up?
Why should I believe you?
When did that happen?
What are the details?
Cite please?
Can you explain it to me?
Is there an online coloring book?

It's like your inquisitiveness never ends! You just constantly look for a chink in the armor, some way to deflect blame or twist the facts to suit your side, and you just fucking don't stop until you get there. Keep throwing out stupid questions, keep obfuscating, keep being skeptical, keep trying to find a way to distort reality! Is that in the Liberal Playbook or something? I don't get it!

The facts have been presented, the links have been posted, the truth has been revealed. Deal with that!
I don't know, but it certainly wasn't John McCain, was it?
But just a few posts ago you said it was partisan dems, who didn't have a majority in the senate OR the House, so were you just talking out of your ass (again) by blaming the minority?
But just a few posts ago you said it was partisan dems, who didn't have a majority in the senate OR the House, so were you just talking out of your ass (again) by blaming the minority?

It WAS partisan Dems, none of whom supported McCain's bill, along with several RINOS like Hagel, who chose to suck Liberal ass instead of taking action. The whole entire Fanny Mae mess is the fault of Liberals like Barney Frank who just couldn't stand for people with no means to pay, not to get the low-interest loans for housing! Your candidate for president is taking money hand over fist from Fanny and Freddy, and getting his economic advice from their corrupt CEO's, while they were going down the tubes, as John McCain did everything in his power to try and reform the program. Now, after the damage is done, you want to throw it all back in the Republicans lap, like it's their fucking fault. It's a goddamn JOKE!
It WAS partisan Dems, none of whom supported McCain's bill, along with several RINOS like Hagel, who chose to suck Liberal ass instead of taking action. The whole entire Fanny Mae mess is the fault of Liberals like Barney Frank who just couldn't stand for people with no means to pay, not to get the low-interest loans for housing! Your candidate for president is taking money hand over fist from Fanny and Freddy, and getting his economic advice from their corrupt CEO's, while they were going down the tubes, as John McCain did everything in his power to try and reform the program. Now, after the damage is done, you want to throw it all back in the Republicans lap, like it's their fucking fault. It's a goddamn JOKE!

Please expalin the details of the reform and how it would have averted this crisis.
I have yet to see the details of how the proposed reform would work.
Full text of the bill:

The bill was never actually voted down, it died from lack of action at the end of the 109th Congress. Committee actions ended with an action of "Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably" which basically means they made so many proposed changes it was easier to write all the changes as one amendment which would, essentially, replace the entire bill.

McCain did not sign on as a co sponsor of the bill until May 25, 2006, more than a year after its introduction. It was Hagel who introduced the bill. Cosponsors (prior to McCain joining a year+ later) included Dole and Sununu.

However, transcripts from the congressional record show most of the opposition to the bill came from democratic committee members. One committee action vote, begging the question to refer the item to the Senate, was voted down 11-7 (2 absent) with all 9 democrats and 2 republicans (Santorum & Bunning) voting not to report the bill to the floor.

The bill was reintroduced in the 110th Congress, (S. 1100)., Again by Hagel, with 3 republican co-sponsors (but not McCain). However, no action was taken, and now it is too late.
Yep the title says it all dixie. The devil is in the details.
Just like the blue sky thing or some such feel good title.
Full text of the bill:

The bill was never actually voted down, it died from lack of action at the end of the 109th Congress. Committee actions ended with an action of "Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably" which basically means they made so many proposed changes it was easier to write all the changes as one amendment which would, essentially, replace the entire bill.

McCain did not sign on as a co sponsor of the bill until May 25, 2006, more than a year after its introduction. It was Hagel who introduced the bill. Cosponsors (prior to McCain joining a year+ later) included Dole and Sununu.

However, transcripts from the congressional record show most of the opposition to the bill came from democratic committee members. One committee action vote, begging the question to refer the item to the Senate, was voted down 11-7 (2 absent) with all 9 democrats and 2 republicans (Santorum & Bunning) voting not to report the bill to the floor.

The bill was reintroduced in the 110th Congress, (S. 1100)., Again by Hagel, with 3 republican co-sponsors (but not McCain). However, no action was taken, and now it is too late.
Wow but just a few posts above Dixie told me it was RINO's like Hagel who voted it down, Dixie ALSO told us that it was McCain's bill which appears NOT to be true. Dixie did you do ANY reading about this bill at all or just see that McCain at some point co-sponsored it after a RINO introduced it and it died without any action?
Fear & Loathing

the whole pinheaded group.....PWNED !
Full text of the bill:

The bill was never actually voted down, it died from lack of action at the end of the 109th Congress. Committee actions ended with an action of "Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably" which basically means they made so many proposed changes it was easier to write all the changes as one amendment which would, essentially, replace the entire bill.

McCain did not sign on as a co sponsor of the bill until May 25, 2006, more than a year after its introduction. It was Hagel who introduced the bill. Cosponsors (prior to McCain joining a year+ later) included Dole and Sununu.

However, transcripts from the congressional record show most of the opposition to the bill came from democratic committee members. One committee action vote, begging the question to refer the item to the Senate, was voted down 11-7 (2 absent) with all 9 democrats and 2 republicans (Santorum & Bunning) voting not to report the bill to the floor.

The bill was reintroduced in the 110th Congress, (S. 1100)., Again by Hagel, with 3 republican co-sponsors (but not McCain). However, no action was taken, and now it is too late.

the page has expired.
And I like Hagel a lot better than McCain.
or I guess to be more accurate fear him less.
Democrats continue to try and spin this whole financial crisis into the fault of Republicans, when it was purely Democrat policy which lead to the failure.

John McCain realized the problem early on, and tried to get something done...


Dixie, this is some of the best shit you've written since the Bush Love Letter.