It's the DEMOCRATS Stupid!

And Solitary, I don't know what happened to you man, I think someone must have dropped you on your head when you were little. How else can an otherwise rational reasonable person associate with this bunch of morons? If the Liberals had their way, Alabama wouldn't exist! Listen to Darla's tone, she had just as soon torch us all and be done with it. There is nothing civil about it, they aren't interested in how much you kiss ass and try to pretend you are a Liberal, to them, you are a racist redneck from Alabama, doesn't matter what you say. But here you are, marching right along in lockstep with it, helping them carry the fucking banner! Pathetic!
"There is nothing civil about it"

And your definition of civil would be calling Darla a c**t, telling us to f off and stating without doubt that we want Al Qaeda to win, because we're afraid to pick up guns & we know they'll kill the Jews for us?
"I do read what economists have to say, I don't put much stock in Milton Freidman, who is the only moron you will listen to. Most of the ones I have heard, say essentially what McCain said, that the fundamentals, the foundation, is strong. Our actual economy is not in a recession, it has to go two quarters at negative growth to qualify, and it hasn't...yet. We are heading toward that, mainly because of Liberal policy, like allowing people to get loans who had no business getting them, thanks to Liberal Democrat Socialists."

I really should start a thread for this solo. I mean come on, Dixie claiming that Milton friedman is the only economist that the pinhead liberals read, and that liberals worship him?

This could get lost in the noise, and that really wouldn't be fair. Everyone should have the chance to read this.
And Solitary, I don't know what happened to you man, I think someone must have dropped you on your head when you were little. How else can an otherwise rational reasonable person associate with this bunch of morons? If the Liberals had their way, Alabama wouldn't exist! Listen to Darla's tone, she had just as soon torch us all and be done with it. There is nothing civil about it, they aren't interested in how much you kiss ass and try to pretend you are a Liberal, to them, you are a racist redneck from Alabama, doesn't matter what you say. But here you are, marching right along in lockstep with it, helping them carry the fucking banner! Pathetic!

How can he listen to my tone??

I don't want to torch all of you Dixie. can trust me. I defintely believe you should be repeatedly waterboarded first, cause you know, it's not torture. First I want to hear you cry for your mama, then we're going to set you on fire, so just calm down ok?
Dixie wtf?

And Darla not all liberals hate Friedman as much as you do.

Let me tell you, leftists hate him, and I never saw even a liberal here quoting him admiringly? Dixie has republicans confused with liberals, and also doesn't know who the hell Friedman even is don't cover for him.
As I said, please substitute "Milton Friedman" with whatever nutball economist suggests it's good for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them. Liberals espouse SOCIALISM, which is NEVER good for the economy in a Capitalist society.

My comment was made in response to OnceIhadaBrain's comment: You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...

Now I am asking, what Economist does he read? Who advocated that it's good for our economy for Barney Frank to give people with no money, loans they couldn't afford? What Economist is telling him, it's a good idea for Government to not reform this policy, and allow our financial institutions to crash and burn? Most importantly, what brilliant Economic mind is out there suggesting it is cool as shit for America to go trillions more in debt, to pay for all the dreams, wants, and desires of Liberals? Please, do tell!!
As I said, please substitute "Milton Friedman" with whatever nutball economist suggests it's good for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them. Liberals espouse SOCIALISM, which is NEVER good for the economy in a Capitalist society.

My comment was made in response to OnceIhadaBrain's comment: You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...

Now I am asking, what Economist does he read? Who advocated that it's good for our economy for Barney Frank to give people with no money, loans they couldn't afford? What Economist is telling him, it's a good idea for Government to not reform this policy, and allow our financial institutions to crash and burn? Most importantly, what brilliant Economic mind is out there suggesting it is cool as shit for America to go trillions more in debt, to pay for all the dreams, wants, and desires of Liberals? Please, do tell!!

Ohh about 1 trillion in debt for cons to hold on to their dreams.
As I said, please substitute "Milton Friedman" with whatever nutball economist suggests it's good for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them. Liberals espouse SOCIALISM, which is NEVER good for the economy in a Capitalist society.

My comment was made in response to OnceIhadaBrain's comment: You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...

Now I am asking, what Economist does he read? Who advocated that it's good for our economy for Barney Frank to give people with no money, loans they couldn't afford? What Economist is telling him, it's a good idea for Government to not reform this policy, and allow our financial institutions to crash and burn? Most importantly, what brilliant Economic mind is out there suggesting it is cool as shit for America to go trillions more in debt, to pay for all the dreams, wants, and desires of Liberals? Please, do tell!!

You know living in the Czech Republic has given me new perspective on the word "Socialism". Conservatives use this word to slam liberals every chance they get. In truth the concept of Socialism in the U.S. is a myth. You know nothing about Socialism, Dixie. It's an insult to the people that lived and survived during the Soviet era to compare Stalin to every liberal that's walked the earth. Do some research and you'll see just how wrong you are.
As I said, please substitute "Milton Friedman" with whatever nutball economist suggests it's good for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them. Liberals espouse SOCIALISM, which is NEVER good for the economy in a Capitalist society.

My comment was made in response to OnceIhadaBrain's comment: You should lay off Savage for awhile, and try reading what some actual economists have to say...

Now I am asking, what Economist does he read? Who advocated that it's good for our economy for Barney Frank to give people with no money, loans they couldn't afford? What Economist is telling him, it's a good idea for Government to not reform this policy, and allow our financial institutions to crash and burn? Most importantly, what brilliant Economic mind is out there suggesting it is cool as shit for America to go trillions more in debt, to pay for all the dreams, wants, and desires of Liberals? Please, do tell!!

Anyone who doesn't know who Milton Friedman is doesn't get to lecture anybody about the economy, stupid.
Anyone who doesn't know who Milton Friedman is doesn't get to lecture anybody about the economy, stupid.

I am aware of who Milton Friedman is, I made ONE comment, and you blow it out of proportion and lie your ass off. It was Waterhead who said "I support Milton Friedman" in another thread, a while back. Upon reading the 'wisdom' of the Waterhead, I realize now it was said as sarcasm, but I incorrectly assumed Friedman had espoused some Liberal Socialist viewpoint that Waterhead found agreement with. I don't "subscribe" to any one individual economist's philosophy, because I am not a koolaid drinker... hate the stuff! I am aware, and was aware when I posted my comment, that Friedman pretty much dispelled the Keynesian philosophy of economics. But this doesn't matter to you, because you caught me, you got me, you saw an opportunity to pounce on me and you took it, and nothing I can ever say from this point forward, will make up for that one little mistake I made.

So you keep on bashing me, keep calling me names and trying your best to discredit me and tear me down. I expect nothing less from you, because you do this with anyone you see as a threat to your fantasy of Liberal Utopia. I am actually flattered as hell to be such a target for your liberal rage, it proves to me that I am on the right track, getting under your skin, irritating the piss out of you and your kind on a daily basis... and I ain't going nowhere, sugar! You can kiss my redneck ass, I'll see you to the gates of hell!
Hey, USC - you should love this response. It shows that you're getting under Dixie's skin.

According to Dix, it means you should be "flattered."

Hey Moron, how's about answering my damn question? Who is this brilliant economist you've been reading, who tells you it was great for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them? Are you just going to continue to ignore my question, and respond to the thread with your typical asinine rhetoric? Please tell us all, what "economists" have you been reading?
Hey Moron, how's about answering my damn question? Who is this brilliant economist you've been reading, who tells you it was great for the economy to give loans to people who can't afford them? Are you just going to continue to ignore my question, and respond to the thread with your typical asinine rhetoric? Please tell us all, what "economists" have you been reading?

Umm Paulson and his predecessors ?
Bush and the republicans and dems in congress ?
MOst of the finiancial coprs profitting off of it ?
And Solitary, I don't know what happened to you man, I think someone must have dropped you on your head when you were little. How else can an otherwise rational reasonable person associate with this bunch of morons? If the Liberals had their way, Alabama wouldn't exist! Listen to Darla's tone, she had just as soon torch us all and be done with it. There is nothing civil about it, they aren't interested in how much you kiss ass and try to pretend you are a Liberal, to them, you are a racist redneck from Alabama, doesn't matter what you say. But here you are, marching right along in lockstep with it, helping them carry the fucking banner! Pathetic!

Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. We can't help it. We agree when someone is right.