It's the economy stupid!

Republicans like to claim it's the economy stupid, this time they are right!

Republicans like to keep harping that Biden has destroyed our economy but it's becoming clearer and clearer that they are full of shit. The next time this country does fall into a recession, our recovery will be measured by how fast it recovered under Joe Biden!

Hallucinating isn't going to work, ya dumb dog.
Now let's have an election and see if this country wants more of this fabulous economy, or if we want Trump to put our military on the streets like a dictator and start persecuting everyone he doesn't like.

What 'fabulous economy'???
Putting National Guard on the streets to shut down the rampant crime caused by Democrats is a legit use of the Guard.
:hand: :hand: :hand:

If this is "destruction," let us please have four more years of it.

Our area is a small and somewhat economically-depressed one, esp. compared to the rest of the state (Michigan). During Trump's tenure, we lost several businesses, including a Shopko (similar to Target) and an Office Depot. But since the pandemic and Biden's election, we have been gaining new businesses. In fact, the formerly-empty buildings that housed the Shopko and the Office Depot are being remodeled and will house brand new businesses. Several new restaurants have opened, and two are opening soon with brand new buildings constructed for them -- a Panera and a Longhorn Steakhouse. Our Best Buy closed during Trump's regime, too. It now houses a business selling offroad sports stuff like ATVs and gear. We now have high-speed fiber optic Internet even way out here in the wilderness. Our state has a budget surplus, some of which is being returned to the people in the form of lower taxes and millions more sent to schools for infrastructure maintenance and the hiring of new educators.

These are things that Fox et al doesn't want ppl to know about.

Caused by DEMOCRATS. Not Trump.
Rightys have no skepticism. If they are told something bad about the left, it must be true. Trump says Hillary is a crook. The right investigated her a dozen times and came up empty. But yeah, she still has to be a crook. Trump says so.
Hillary is a crook. Selling US property for personal gain is a crime. Fraudulent 'charities' is a crime. Publishing state secrets is a crime. Aiding and abetting sexual abuse is a crime. The Democrats are not 'the right'.
Biden is corrupt. You know this because Trump and the far right say so. Proof? You" don't need no stinking proof."
We have the proof.
Trump says Biden is directing the courts to charge him. Proof? You do not need it. The courts are not directed by the president.
Courts do not charge people.
But if he gets back in, it will be. He says he will use it to punish his enemies.
Prosecuting criminal activity by Democrats is legit.
Inflation began as a Covid supply chain issue.
WRONG. Inflation began with the adoption of Federal Reserve notes. That was during the days of FDR, a DEMOCRAT. Inflation is caused by printing too much money (or shortages). That's DEMOCRATS, dude.
Corporations seized on the opportunity to price gouge consumers and simply blame 'inflation'.
Blatant lie. Corporations are NOT the Federal Reserve or Congress.
The economy is doing very well,
Blatant lie. Economic depression is not 'doing very well'.
but most people only see higher prices for necessities.
And everything else.
Fuel is a big driver, and it's highly unstable due to corporate profiteering.
Fuel SHORTAGES is a big driver, resulting in higher prices. All caused by DEMOCRATS...specifically Biden.
Labor utilization rate? Is that another bogus statistic like the labor participation rate you came up with to try and counter the drop in unemployment under Obama?
There was no drop in unemployment under Obama. Obama and Democrats caused the economic depression during the Obama years. It did not end until 1 year into the Trump administration.
Everything I posted was pure fact.
Making shit up is not 'fact'. Learn what 'fact' means.
There will be no recession,
We are in an economic depression, ya dumb dog. It was started by DEMOCRATS.
unemployment is lower than ever
Blatant lie.
and growth is expected for the next year.
Blatant lie.
There is nothing wrong with the economy, stupid.
Economic depression is not 'nothing wrong'.
Wrong! The bogus stat is the U3 that you cited. The only economy worse than Biden's was Carter's and only barely at this point. 70% of Americans disagree with you and think the economy sucks. Nothing you posted was a worthwhile fact, and what I posted are facts, you just don't like it.

Unemployment Is Low, But So Is The Labor Force Participation Rate — What’s Going On In The U.S. Labor Market?

New research suggests the US unemployment rate is about to become useless

What the US unemployment rate doesn’t tell you

The Unemployment Rate Is the Most Useless Measure of All!

Biden's (and the Democrat's) economy is worse than it was under Carter.
Carter DID implement numerous price controls, which started an economic depression, but nowhere near as bad or as long lasting as the current one.
Typical for an exceptional unemployment rate to be mocked with bullshit from the right. Virtually every economic measure is looking good and/or improving. The right will spend the next year lying to their ignorant supporters that the sky is falling but you will lose anyway.

Hallucinating won't help you.
Folks, all you have to do is follow the money to know that what is causing food inflation is RECORD PROFITS FOR FOOD MANUFACTURERS AND THE FOOD RETAIL MARKET. Yes, you are being intentionally gouged at your local grocery store.

Is it political? In other words, is it because food manufactures and the major Grocery Store Chains are just trying to make Joe Biden look bad? Well, that may very well be true in some cases, but, it may also just be that the industry just happens to be in a position to get by with it right now, and so they are doing it to line their pockets while the getting is good!

But, let's just take a look at some of the record profits right now.

Oh, and here is the source of information!


Conagra isn’t the only food company making profits off of inflation-driven price increases. At Kraft-Heinz, the multinational food company that makes Oscar Mayer, Jell-O, and Kool Aid, profits for the quarter ending at the end of 2022 were up nearly 450%, compared to the prior year, at $887 million. Tyson Foods, the largest meat company in the U.S., more than doubled its profits between the first quarters of 2021 and 2022. And General Mills, which owns Kix, Trix, and Chex among other recognizable cereal labels, saw its fourth quarter profits last year rise 97% compared to the previous quarter. General Mills has raised prices five times since 2021 and indicated last month that another price hike could be coming soon. (Profits fell for both Tyson and General Mills in the most recent quarter, however.)

Over the last year, the price of food eaten at home has soared more than 10%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with some items spiking even higher. Cereals and bakery goods are up 14.6% from a year ago, closely followed by dairy and nonalcoholic beverages, which have both risen 12.3%. The other major grocery store food groups—meats and fresh produce—are up 6.8% and 5.4%, respectively. Prices increases have slowed in recent months, but show no signs of going back to pre-pandemic levels.

The trend shows that the packaged food industry is benefitting from passing the price increases along to American consumers. And as more food companies are reaping the rewards of higher profit, it could result in your grocery prices staying at these inflation-driven levels for longer, says Chris Becker, a senior economist at Groundwork Collaborative, which promotes left-leaning economic policies.

READ MORE: U.S. Food Prices Are Up. Are the Food Corporations to Blame for Taking Advantage?’

“When shareholders see that other corporations are getting away with high pricing, they start wanting to get in on it,” he says. “So other corporations then raise prices to deliver profit margins.”

In other industries, like electronics and home furnishing, consumers are likely to cut back on spending if prices are too high. But that hasn’t been as big a concern among food industry executives, Becker says, since people will always need to spend on groceries in order to live.

“Food companies are taking advantage of this very precarious moment,” says Irit Tamir, Director of Oxfam America’s private sector department, which seeks to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice. “They are hiding behind a very good story of the pandemic, inflation, and the Ukraine war to say that they need to raise prices, but they are actually just creating a smash and grab for profit, exploiting and exacerbating inflation.”

And it’s not just packaged food manufacturers that are experiencing a recent profit boom thanks to rising prices, says Joe Maxwell, the president of Farm Action, a nonprofit that campaigns against corporate influence in the farm industry. Some food producers and suppliers are also reaping the same rewards.

Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the U.S., reported that its revenue doubled and profit surged 718% last quarter because of higher egg prices. The company, which controls about 20% of the U.S. egg market, said its average selling price for a dozen eggs in the quarter ending Feb. 25 was $3.30, more than double the average of $1.61 a year earlier.

READ MORE: Your Egg Prices Could Be So High Because of Price Gouging, Farm Group Says

The company has pointed to decreased egg supply nationwide due to avian flu as the reason for higher prices and record sales. The avian flu, which is tearing through poultry farms across the U.S., wiped out some 58 million birds in the last year. But Farm Action believes that there’s another culprit: price gouging. In a January letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the organization alleged that Cal-Maine Foods is engaging in “a collusive scheme among industry leaders to turn inflationary conditions and an avian flu outbreak into an opportunity to extract egregious profits.”

Maxwell, who was the last Democratic Lt. Governor of Missouri, says that the food and agriculture industries have become so concentrated into a few large companies that there’s no longer an incentive to gain market share by competing on price. “The market dynamics do not work,” he says. “Today a primary cause of food inflation in this country is the market concentration that allows for price gouging.”

Democratic lawmakers Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Katie Porter called out Cal-Maine and other major egg producers for more transparency into their profitability. “American families working to put food on the table deserve to know whether the increased prices they are paying for eggs represent a legitimate response to reduced supply or out-of-control corporate greed,” they wrote in a letter in February.

“Companies have admitted that they are raising prices not because of costs, but because they can,” Tamir says. “They are essentially hiding behind a lot of these excuses as a way to gouge consumers.”

Attempted proof by Holy Link.
Time magazine is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.

Denying the current economic depression won't work.
Attempted proof by Holy Link.
Time magazine is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.

Denying the current economic depression won't work.


Sir, get real!

Prove the information to be wrong- or STFU!

That's OK, as we understand if you can't!

How old are you? THREE?


Recession shadow indicator trucking and freight are already in recession with soaring bankruptcies, mass layoffs, and crashing volumes. Bellwether Maersk just laid off 10,000 workers, leading one major analyst to declare globalization is "broken."

Trucking employment is doing 3 times worse than the 2000 recession, which was itself much worse than the 2008 recession.

Trumpists have been screaming Recession for three years. Eventually it will happen. A broken clock is correct twice a day.

Bush - Recession
Clinton - No recession
Bush Jr. - MASSIVE Recession
Obama - No recession
Trump - Recession
Biden - No Recession

Can you see a pattern?
Trumpists have been screaming Recession for three years. Eventually it will happen. A broken clock is correct twice a day.

Bush - Recession
Clinton - No recession
Bush Jr. - MASSIVE Recession
Obama - No recession
Trump - Recession
Biden - No Recession

Can you see a pattern?

Denying what is won't work.
The DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression.