It's Time To Start the RFBI-Investigate the Clinton Body Count

Berta Caceres

Human Rights Activist


Died: March 3, 2016
Killed while sleeping in her home in La Esperanza, Honduras. Berta Caceres had named Hillary Clinton as responsible for the Honduran coup which toppled democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup, Honduras has become one of the most violent places in the world. Growing awareness of Hillary's role in Honduras became a serious liability during Hillary's 2016 campaign.


It appears protectionist will be our in-house sucker-for-conspiracies.....i.e. those folks who have nothing going-on, in their own lives (typically, outta laziness).....but, feel some heavy-duty need to insist they know something, no one else does. Every workplace has one.
James Bunch

Influential Texan

Exact date of death unknown
Died from a gunshot "suicide", similar to Vince Foster. - Was discovered to have a "little black book" containing the names of many influential persons in Texas and Arkansas who visited certain prostitutes.

Eric Butera


Died: December 4, 1997
An informant who came forward offering information regarding the murder of White House intern Mary Mahoney. He was then sent into a known crack house to make an undercover buy for the police and was beaten to death. His mother was awarded $100 million in compensation, but a Federal Judge later slashed it to just $1 million. least you're well-represented, in the current-election.....

August 28, 2016 - "A new poll out today from TDC/ Opinion research shows presidential candidate Donald Trump leading by a whopping 70 points among people who are severely intellectually disabled.

According to the first-of-its-kind survey Hillary Clinton comes in second with 12%, Libertarian Gary Johnson garners 4%, while 8% of respondents simply wrote in the word "poop".

"Trump build wall. Wall stop bad people," says Jason Anderson, a 32-year-old resident of Clara Vista Mental Hospital, who responded to the survey last week.

"Bad people come from under America. Wall stop bad people. Trump stop bad people"

Other respondents told pollsters that their support for Trump was motivated by their intense dislike of Clinton.

"Hillary look like nurse. I hate nurse," says Jennifer Foley, a patient at Bellevue Mental Hospital in New York City.

Approximately 1 to 3 percent of Americans are intellectually disabled, which is defined as having an IQ lower than 70. Although they have historically been swing voters, it appears Trump's appeal to base instincts has resonated with this population."

September 1, 2016; MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - "Immediately upon landing in the country, Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump asked Mexican President Enrique Nieto for a tour of the facilities where Mexico trains its citizens to rape, deal drugs, and prepare taco bowls.

“Hey, El Presidente,” Trump shouted as he got off the jet emblazoned with his name, “before we have our little meeting, I was hoping you could give me a tour of your infrastructure.” When President Nieto asked Trump which facilities the alleged billionaire would like to visit, Trump told him “all the important ones” and indicated he’d like to see where Mexico trains the rapists and drug dealers they send to America. He also added that a tour of Mexico’s official taco bowl factory would be “totally tits.”

President Nieto looked very confused. He turned to his advisers and asked them in Spanish what “the orange one” was talking about. All of his aides shrugged.

“I am sorry, Mr. Trump,” President Nieto said, “I don’t know which facilities you speak of.”

Trump scoffed.

“C’mon President Nieto, don’t bullshit a bullshitter,” Trump said, “I know you’ve got your official state sponsored rape training facilities. I read about them on Breitbart in the same column about America’s FEMA camps where they’re going to force everyone into Sharia Gay Abortion Marriages. So make with the tour.”

Again, President Nieto told Trump no such facilities existed. Trump seemed to grow even unhappier. He tried again.

“Look, I’m a winner, okay,” Trump asked, “I win. I make the best deals. Everyone knows this. So how about we make a deal?”

The Mexican president tentatively agreed to hear the details of Trump’s proposal.

“You show me where you train the people you send over to America to learn how to deal drugs,” Trump offered, “and I’ll knock fifteen percent off the cost of the border wall.”

Nieta balked. He shook his head vigorously “no.” After speaking with his advisers once more, Nieto responded to Trump’s initial offer.

“I am sorry, Señor Chingando Naranja,” Nieto said, “but I cannot accept because Mexico will not pay a dime for your border wall idea. It is frankly rude and insulting that you assume we’re training rapists and drug dealers to send over the border. But it’s patently absurd that you think we’d feel any compulsion to pay for your border wall. Now, if you’d like to join me, we’ll go tour actual Mexican facilities, then go have a brief meeting on other issues.”

Trump was displeased.

“I always win,” Trump said.

“Okay, but, that doesn’t change what I just said,” Nieto replied.

“I know, but, I always win,” Trump said a little more forcefully.

“Still nothing changes, Señor Chingando Naranja,” Nieto insisted.

After about 10 minutes of Trump repeating to Nieta that he “always wins,” the two seemed to be at an impasse. Then, Trump waved his hands and shook his head.

“I tell you what, we’ll just put a pin this,” Trump said, “and the next time I come down here, I’ll be president and then we’ll see if your tune changes.”

Nieto grinned a wide, ear to ear grin. He had just been looking at FiveThirtyEight’s current projection models which gave trump only a 23% chance of winning. He responded to Trump after closing his smart phone’s browser.

“Okay, sure, Señor Racista Naranja,” Nieto said, “when you win the election and become president, you can come back down and we’ll negotiate this further. But only after you’re president.”

Trump, sensing he had finally won, agreed to those terms.

“Perfect, glad you see it my way way,” Trump said, “because I’m going to win the election in the same victorious manner with which I have run my companies…into the ground…and into bankruptcy court.”

In most current polling, Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide if the election were held today."
Hillary loons are scared stiff of this thread exposing the Clinton murders. If they weren't, they wouldn't be here. But they'r showing up, and trying hard to derail the thread (HA HA HA HA) with everything from oversized smilies, to moronic, old pictures of Abbie Hoffman. burt reynolds laughing.jpg

They know eventually all this devastating information is going to surface (probably at the debates), and they're shitting in their pants. I love it!
Sorry Hillary loons. The only way you can disprove this post, is by not being here. And you've already blown that. smiley_ROFLMAO.gif
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William Colby

Director of Central Intelligence (ret)

View attachment 3218

Died: April 27(?), 1996
William Colby had been the DCI from 1973 to 1976 under Nixon and Ford.

At age 76, Colby had found a new career and had just started writing for Strategic Investment at the time of his death. This had worried many insiders in the intelligence community who felt that Colby had already divulged too many of the CIA's secrets in the preceding years. Indeed, his dismissal by Ford because of his over-cooperation with Congressional investigations into CIA wrongdoing. It was Colby who had revealed to Congress the plans to kill Fidel Castro, the spying on American citizens (in direct violation of the CIA charter) and the conducting of biological tests by the CIA on unsuspecting citizens. George Bush replaced him.

According to the original CNN report, Colby was reported missing by neighbors who "recovered" his canoe, by one story from under the dock at Colby's house, by another report, 1/4 of a mile downstream from Colby's home.

Colby was by all report a methodical, tidy man, yet police found his home unlocked, his computer on, and a partly eaten dinner on the table. The official story is that Colby just put down his fork and decided to drop everything and go canoeing.

Colby at 76 was still a world-traveler and consultant to many corporations. He recently became an editor of an important financial newsletter, "Strategic Investment," which covered the Vince Foster "suicide" in detail. Its editors hired three renowned handwriting experts to investigate Foster's suicide note, which hadn't been found when his briefcase was first searched, but later materialized, torn into pieces, with no fingerprints on any of the pieces. Upon comparing this document with others of Foster's writings, these experts declared it was a forgery, and a not very good one at that.

Colby had old enemies as well as new, with plenty of motives for his extermination. He was in charge of the infamous Operation Phoenix during the Vietnam War, in which more than 20,000 South Vietnamese citizens -- supposedly Vietcong sympathizers -- were rounded up, tortured and executed. In the 1970s he opened some of the secrets of the CIA to Congress: "Colby insisted on going public about the agency's role in tapping the telephones and opening the mail of Americans; plotting the assassination of Fidel Castro, and using human guinea pigs for mind-control experiments involving LSD," the Times reports.

On Monday, May 6th, Colby's body was found just 20 yards from where his canoe had been recovered, in an area that had been thoroughly searched several times by helicopters and search teams.

Most notable about the body was the absence of a life jacket, which according to his wife, Colby always wore on the water.

As has since been proven to have happened in the JFK Jr. case false stories were being deliberately planted in the media, including one quoting Mrs. Colby herself as having been told by William Colby by phone that he was going canoeing. Mrs. Colby denied any such story. The week that he died, Colby was scheduled to meet with the Disclosure Project.
Suzanne Coleman

Had affair with Clinton when he was attorney general of Arkansas.

Died: February 15, 1977
Died of "suicide" with gunshot wound to the back of her head. No autopsy allowed. Was 7 months pregnant at time of her death. She had told friends it was Bill Clinton's child. (See Danny Williams). She was 26 at the time of her death.

Gregory Collins

Witness to the Train Deaths

Died: January 1989
Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot blast to the face. Declared a suicide.

Keith Coney (or Koney)

Witness to the Train Deaths

Died: May 1988
Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 while being chased by a car. Ruled a traffic accident.

L.J. Davis

Reporter investigating Clinton scandals. Attacked at his hotel room in Little Rock. His notes were stolen.

David Drye

Died 8/1999. Pat Matrisciana, owner of "Jeremiah Films" (which produces such vides as The Clinton Chronicles), and David Drye planned a trip to Washington DC by Private plane. At the last second, pat had to cancel and David left without him, dying when the plane crashed.

Daniel A. Dutko

C-chairman of Leadership 2000

Died: July 27, 1999
Daniel A. Dutko, 54, was the co-chairman of Leadership 2000, the Democratic National Committee's main fund-raising effort. He held many other high-level political positions, including vice chairman of finance for Clinton-Gore in 1995; finance chairman of the 53rd inaugural ball; and vice chairman of finance for the DNC in 1996 (when the Chinese money poured in). Attributed to a bicycle accident in which it's claimed he struck his head on the concrete twice.
Five Navy aviators

Clinton bodyguards/escorts

(names not determined) Died: 3/26/93 - all died in a crash of an E-2C Hawkeye in Italy. The crash occurred shortly after the plane was "waved off" from a landing attempt on the Carrier Roosevelt, due to a "foul deck". - All five men had been Clinton's escorts during Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt 2 weeks prior. Three other men, who had flown Clinton to the Roosevelt for that visit also died later in a helicopter crash.
Vincent Foster

Deputy White House Counsel


Died: July 20, 1993
Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A suicide note was supposedly found a few days later, torn into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had been entered by White House staff and materials removed. The "suicide" note, (leaked despite official efforts to keep it from view) has since been revealed to be a forgery.

The gun which he supposedly used to kill himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person who first found the body reports that there was no gun at that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the investigation of it. For one thing, neither Foster's fingerprints or blood were on the gun he supposedly inserted into his mouth and fired. There was no blood on Foster's hands.

Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm. Foster had intimate knowledge of the Clintons' personal finances. Foster was involved in an investigation of their finances, and reportedly made a phone call to Hillary Clinton, in Los Angeles, just hours before his death. Foster had been called to testify to Congress about the records Hillary refused to turn over. Another possible motive for the murder relates to the Clinton Presidential Blind Trust, being prepared by Foster, but six months late. Testimony during the Whitewater hearings suggests the trust was fraudulent, with the Clintons retaining control over much of their finances, in order to profits from inside information.

Recently, the signed report of M.E. Dr. Donald Haut was uncovered at the National Archives, proving that Foster had a previously unreported gunshot wound to his neck.

Finally, an FBI memo surfaced dated the day after the date of the official autopsy, in which the pathologist informed the FBI that there was NO exit wound.
Kathy Ferguson


Died: May 10, 1994
Kathy Ferguson supposedly committed "suicide" May 10,1994 when she shot herself in her living room. Kathy's ex husband was Danny Ferguson, who was the Arkansas trooper who said he escorted Paula Jones to Bill Clinton's hotel room. Kathy often told friends and co-workers about how Bill had gotten Danny to bring women to him and stand watch while they had sex. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in Paula Corbin Jones's sexual harassment suit. Kathy Ferguson was a corroborating witness for Ms. Jones.

Oddly, next to Kathy's body were her packed bags, as if she was expecting to be going somewhere.