I't's time to take the car keys away


Verified User
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
Dear fucking idiot,

The economy is not crashing assmouth

Numbers matter you fucking Russian whore

Eat Putin shit if you must but don’t expect AMERICANS to join you in your sacred feast.

Fuck you very much
If Biden was your father would you let him drive? He isn't capable of operating a car much less running the country. There is no wonder that he is crashing the economy. Crashing the USA relationship with our allies. Crashing our borders. Crashing crime. It's time to put him in a home.
I would rather have an old guy that can ride a bike drive the car than a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist that lies all the time.
Oh yeah I remember trump used his butt doctor. Trump wrote up the letter of health and the doctor signed it. That was a trip.