I've Changed My Mind


New member
I've decided I'm going to vote for Barack Obama. I have thought about it, and I've come to the conclusion that he is the MOST CONSISTENT of all the Candidates.
Never MIND the little things, like being a 20-year member of a "Hate-on Whitey" Church, then LYING, "Gee, I didn't KNOW that was being said, even though Wife Michelle gave her OWN "Whitey" Sermon there.
Never MIND that when FIRST asked, in a debate,Obama said, about his Contributor Chicago Slumlord and real Estate Gangster Tony Rezco, that "Gee, I only did 4 hours of Legal Work for him!" He then ADMITTED HE LIED, when he admitted that he had a SEVENTEEN YEAR RELATIONSHIP with this crook.
Never MIND that Obama calls his FRIENDS, Willie Ayers, who BOMBED THE PENTAGON, got off on a technicality of Police Evidence Mishandling, then ON 9/11/2001, SAID HE NOT ONLY WOULD NEVER APOLOGIZE, BUT WISHES HE HAD DONE MORE, HAD KILLED MORE PEOPLE!

I meant what I said, I believe HE IS THE MOST CONSISTENT.
Those Little LIES are FINE with me, if they're fine with Lady T. Because when I point OUT these, and all of Obama's other problems, like Hating the American Flag, what it STANDS for, hating Capitalism and Free Enterpise, and endorsing Socialism, Lady T, like Obama's other apoliogists, call All of Us, who ask these and many more queries, Racists. We're RACISTS, because we want Obama to answer, truthfully, these concerns. Then

Yesterday, she showed her Lack of Intelligece by going off on the tangent that I was saying that Obama wanted to Enslave Whites, as "payback" for the Africal Tribal Wars of the 14th-18th Centuries, when WINNING African Tribal Leaders SOLD their Captives to European explorers, a deplorable custom that was Imported to America.
But of course, we can't TALK about the fact that WINNING AFRICANS SOLD OTHER, LOSING AFRICANS to Europeans, and THAT'S how SLAVERY got started. Can't SAY that. That would be RACIST, just like POINTING OUT THAT OBAMA IS NOT READY TO BE A SENATOR, LET ALONE PRESIDENT. He is SO naive, he thinks "talking" to Ahmedinijad, Syria, Hezbolla, other enemies, will make them be "Good Boys". Only OBAMA can do this. Event though HUNDREDS OF DIPLOMATS, with DECADES OF EXPERIENCE IN MIDEAST AFFAIRS, cannot STOP their Hatred of Jews and America, OBAMA can. Why? Because HE IS BETTER. HE IS SMARTER, THAN ANYONE. TYPICAL LIBERAL ELITISM, which most of America CAN'T STAND. But let me get to the POINT.I want Lady T to read this, ESPECIALLY THE PIECE BELOW Lady T,(who I discovered is in reality Tianabutre, a Socialist Anti-American Radical Militant from another website who talked Sexy to various men, then COMPLAINED to the ADMIN, when she got an ANSWER. is consistent. She's Consistent, TOO, just like Obama.

Obama is the MOST CONSISTENT because, he's not just like most Liberals, who like Abortion, they just don't want "Partial Birth Abortion", where the baby's arms and legs are flailing, struggling to take a breath, when the baby is Killed, stabbed in the back of its little, defenseless head. But some RADICAL Liberals think "Partial Birth Abortion", (which is MURDER, to any REASONABLE person), is FINE, because "a woman has a RIGHT to do with HER body,....etc, blah, blah, EVEN THOUGH, its not "HER BODY", who's Little arms and legs are flailing, struggling to take a breath, when the baby is Killed, stabbed in the back of its little, defenseless head.

But Obama is CONSISTENT! he doesn't stop THERE! He's a FULL- FLEDGED, DYED-IN-THE-WOOL ULTRA-LEFT RADICAL! Obama doesn't just believe in "Partial Birth Abortion"! Oh, NO. HE BELIEVES THE "MOTHER"(as if a BEAST that could DO this can be called "Mother"), OBAMA BELIEVES THE MOTHER HAS THE "RIGHT" TO KILL THE BABY EVEN AFTER IT HAS SUCCESSFULLY MADE IT OUT OF THE WOMB, AND PAST THE MURDERING "DOCTOR" AND "MOTHER"! These Inhuman MONSTERS call this "ACCIDENTAL BIRTH"! As if it was an "accident", that the baby actually LIVED, past the attempts to kill it! Will SOMEONE, ANYONE, PLEASE, Speak UP, tell me ALL IS NOT LOST, TELL ME, PLEASE, that you could NOT VOTE FOR A MAN WHO WOULD CONDONE AND SUPPORT THIS MURDER OF A BABY, AFTER IT SI BORN!!! PLEASE!!!
Below is the PROOF, of Obama's Views. He VOTED FOR THIS INFANTICADE!
It is from digitaljournal.com, a non-partisan News site, where people express their views.

Obama's voting record in the Illinois State Senate is host to a fact little known to the public this Presidential Campaign Season. More over it reveals a disturbing thought process in America.
Live Birth Abortion was a practice in some Hospitals in America, which allows for an infant who survives an abortion procedure to die without medical treatment. In 2001 and 2002 bills were passed by the United States Congress to protect "infants born alive," amongst other patients rights. Thank God for small favors.

The purposes of H.R. 2175, the `Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2001' are:

(1) Ìto repudiate the flawed notion that a child's entitlement to the protections of the law is dependent upon whether that child's mother or others want him or her;

(2) Ìto repudiate the flawed notion that the right to an abortion means the right to a dead baby, regardless of where the killing takes place;

(3) Ìto affirm that every child who is born alive--whether as a result of induced abortion, natural labor, or caesarean section--bears an intrinsic dignity as a human being which is not dependent upon the desires, interests, or convenience of any other person, and is entitled to receive the full protections of the law; and

(4) Ìto establish firmly that, for purposes of Federal law, the term `person' includes an infant who is completely expelled or extracted from his or her mother and who is alive, regardless of whether or not the baby's development is believed to be, or is in fact, sufficient to permit long-term survival, and regardless of whether the baby survived an abortion.

Jill Staneck a Registered Nurse spoke out about the procedure at a hospital where she worked.

... In this particular abortion procedure doctors do not attempt to kill the baby in the uterus. The goal is simply to prematurely deliver a baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward.

To commit induced labor abortion, a doctor or resident inserts a medication into the mother’s birth canal close to the cervix. The cervix is the opening at the bottom of the uterus that normally stays closed until a mother is about 40 weeks pregnant and ready to deliver. This medication irritates the cervix and stimulates it to open early. When this occurs, the small second or third trimester pre-term, fully formed baby falls out of the uterus, sometimes alive. By law, if an aborted baby is born alive, both birth and death certificates must be issued. Ironically, at Christ Hospital the cause of death often listed for live aborted babies is "extreme prematurity," an acknowledgement by doctors that they have caused this death.

It is not uncommon for a live aborted baby to linger for an hour or two or even longer. At Christ Hospital one of these babies lived for almost an entire eight-hour shift...

In the event that an aborted baby is born alive, she or he receives "comfort care," defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until s/he dies. Parents may hold the baby if they wish. If the parents do not want to hold their dying aborted baby, a staff member cares for the baby until s/he dies. If staff did does not have the time or desire to hold the baby, s/he is taken to Christ Hospital’s new Comfort Room, which is complete with a First Foto machine if parents want professional pictures of their aborted baby, baptismal supplies, gowns, and certificates, foot printing equipment and baby bracelets for mementos, and a rocking chair. Before the Comfort Room was established, babies were taken to the Soiled Utility Room to die.
(We are TRULY Hell-Bound, if we keep allowing THIS kind of Behavior, and VOTING AND SUPPORTING THOSE WHO DO CONDONE IT:jollie)

The problem is that before the unanimous votes to pass these bills the option to go through with this procedure was available and practiced. The bills would put restrictions on the procedure which is a specific type of abortion that fetus sometimes survives. It would also require another doctor to be present to treat the resulting child if the fetus were to survive the abortion. The bills pushed through the Illinois legislature in 2001, Obama voted Present,(Coward) and in 2002, Obama voted no.(Consistent Monster)

The Bills introduced in Illinois in 2001 were:
Senate Bill 1093 which requires a separate physician, who is not involved in an abortion, to be present in the event that an abortion might result in a live birth, for that doctor to make an independent evaluation of the viability of the infant and to provide medical care if required.

Senate Bill 1094 creates a cause of action in the event an induced labor abortion results in a live birth and the doctor or health care provider harms or neglects the infant or fails to provide proper medical care to the child after its birth.

Senate Bill 1095 defines a "born-alive infant" to include every infant member of the homo sapiens species who is born alive at any stage of his/her development.

Obama was called out for his vote and his response was:

"It would essentially bar abortions because the equal protection clause does not allow somebody to kill a child, and if this was a child then this would be an anti-abortion statute," Obama said in the Senate's debate in March 2001.
During his run for Federal Congress he expressed support for the federal bill which put in protections for abortion rights.

So apparently this was all about the rights of a mother to seek an abortion and he had problems with naming an infant born and completely outside of the mother a child.(What did he WANT to call it, a "THING"? This man is SCUM. I have lost ANY resect I had for the man.)

So because he played semantics in such a manner which is obviously supported by many pro-abortion groups we as Americans needed to waste time and money to redefine what a child is even though it has been established time and time again that a legal child is not a fetus in the womb but an infant who is completely extracted from the mother. We have to further degrade ourselves as human beings and legislate what is common sense, if a person is alive you give them treatment. Under the previous laws the reason live birth abortion was allowed to happen was that the procedure was supposed to result in the death of the baby, and the mother did not want the child. I am sorry but I fail to see how letting a live child die in a hospital without care is different from a mother giving birth then drowning the child in the bath tub because she did not want it.

The fact that abortionists thought that infanticide was a legal right shows to me they are completely off base. Live Birth Abortion was legal infanticide, that is all. And Obama SUPPORTED AND VOTED FOR IT.

Honestly I don't know what is worse, ripping a child apart, sucking out its brains, or delivering it prematurely and letting it slowly suffocate as it struggles to breathe. As a woman I try to be understanding of those who seek abortion, especially mothers who have children and are in danger of death. Honestly I would rather if they do give birth prematurely, but to then set the baby aside and let it die? At least knowing that it is illegal to allow the baby to go with only comfort care and now must be treated is a blessing. If you think about it, this procedure is less invasive on the mother and the child, no ripping, no tearing, nothing more than a regular birth of a premature child. Now I am wondering why we still rip babies out body part by body part, why we stick scissors in their head and suck out their brains, or why we euthanize them while still in the womb. Why not deliver prematurely and then give custody to the state? It seems more humane, then again the cost of such a policy would be atrocious.

If you think, really think, about Abortions in America you start to wonder how much if it is a designed for population control, class control, and genetic control through inadvertent sterilization.
So to use the Tianabutre (aka "Lady T") tack, I should say, "Yeah, this Abortion, "Partial Birth Abortion", and "Live Birth Abortion/Accidental Birth", or, BABY MURDER, as HONEST People call it, I support ALL of it! It seems the plan of "genetic control", to limit the number of African-American, and Minority Births, YEAH, that's a GREAT thing! Keep DOWN the Population of the Undesirables! But see, I'm not LIKE Tianabutre, or "Lady T", whatever. I DON'T MAKE JOKES ABOUT SLAVERY, WHETHER WHITE, BLACK, OR PURPLE. I DON'T JOKE ABOUT ACCUSING PEOPLE OF RACISM And I DON'T MAKE JOKES ABOUT BABY MURDER.

Someone EXPLAIN it to me. How could ANY woman, even if she had no kids of her own, as a WOMAN, how could she VOTE, SUPPORT ANYONE......I mean, Abortion is bad ENOUGH, but, how could she VOTE, SUPPORT ANYONE......who voted to KILL LIVE BABIES?

:burn: :burn: :burn:
Cuddle Doon

by Alexander Anderson

The bairnies cuddle doon at nicht
Wi muckle faught and din.
"Oh try an' sleep, ye waukrife rogues,
Your faither's comin' in."
They niver heed a word I speak,
I try tae gie a froon,
But aye I hap' them up an' cry
"Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon!"

Wee Jamie wi' the curly heid,
He aye sleeps next the wa'
Bangs up and cries, "I want a piece!"
The rascal starts them a'.
I rin and fetch them pieces, drinks,
They stop a wee the soun',
Then draw the blankets up an' cry,
"Noo, weanies, cuddle doon."

But ere five minutes gang, wee Rab
Cries oot frae neath the claes,
"Mither, mak' Tam gie ower at aince,
He's kittlin' wi' his taes."
The mischief in that Tam for tricks,
He'd bother half the toon,
But aye I hap them up an' cry,
"Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon!"

At length they hear their faither's fit
An' as he steeks the door,
They turn their faces tae the wa'
An Tam pretends tae snore.
"Hae a' the weans been gude?" he asks,
As he pits aff his shoon.
"The bairnies, John, are in their beds
An' lang since cuddled doon!"

An' just afore we bed oorsel's
We look at oor wee lambs,
Tam has his airm roun' wee Rab's neck
An Rab his airm roun' Tam's.
I lift wee Jamie up the bed
An' as I straik each croon,
I whisper till my heart fills up:
"Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon!"

The bairnies cuddle doon at nicht
Wi' mirth that's dear tae me.
But soon the big warl's cark an' care
Will quaten doon their glee.
Yet come what will to ilka ane,
May He who rules aboon,
Aye whisper, though their pows be bald:
"Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon!"
Hey...weren't we supposed to see the blockbuster headlines today about Michelle's fiery, hate whitey speech at the church?

What gives?
I got up to "I've decided I'm going to vote for Barack Obama. I have thought about it, and I've come to the conclusion that he is the MOST CONSISTENT of all the Candidates.
Never MIND the little things,"

and then I saw my name sprinkled throughout the post. I can only assume that thanks, to me, you've finally gained some common sense and decided to come aboard with Obama. We welcome you. The cause welcomes you.

And since you were such an easy convert, when Obama takes over and your people are enslaved and we give Texas back to Mexico, I'll save a nice spot on my plantation for you. You'll be my driver. :)

Black slave owners are so much nicer.
The people into bondage will unite behind Obama. Do you think that is what caused Jollies conversion?
Tonight, after 54 hard-fought contests, our primary season has finally come to an end.

Sixteen months have passed since we first stood together on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Thousands of miles have been traveled. Millions of voices have been heard. And because of what you said — because you decided that change must come to Washington; because you believed that this year must be different than all the rest; because you chose to listen not to your doubts or your fears but to your greatest hopes and highest aspirations, tonight we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another — a journey that will bring a new and better day to America. Tonight, I can stand before you and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

I want to thank every American who stood with us over the course of this campaign — through the good days and the bad; from the snows of Cedar Rapids to the sunshine of Sioux Falls. And tonight I also want to thank the men and woman who took this journey with me as fellow candidates for president.

At this defining moment for our nation, we should be proud that our party put forth one of the most talented, qualified field of individuals ever to run for this office. I have not just competed with them as rivals, I have learned from them as friends, as public servants, and as patriots who love America and are willing to work tirelessly to make this country better. They are leaders of this party, and leaders that America will turn to for years to come.

That is particularly true for the candidate who has traveled further on this journey than anyone else. Senator Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign not just because she's a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she's a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight.

We've certainly had our differences over the last sixteen months. But as someone who's shared a stage with her many times, I can tell you that what gets Hillary Clinton up in the morning — even in the face of tough odds — is exactly what sent her and Bill Clinton to sign up for their first campaign in Texas all those years ago; what sent her to work at the Children's Defense Fund and made her fight for health care as first lady; what led her to the United States Senate and fueled her barrier-breaking campaign for the presidency — an unyielding desire to improve the lives of ordinary Americans, no matter how difficult the fight may be. And you can rest assured that when we finally win the battle for universal health care in this country, she will be central to that victory. When we transform our energy policy and lift our children out of poverty, it will be because she worked to help make it happen. Our party and our country are better off because of her, and I am a better candidate for having had the honor to compete with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

There are those who say that this primary has somehow left us weaker and more divided. Well I say that because of this primary, there are millions of Americans who have cast their ballot for the very first time. There are independents and Republicans who understand that this election isn't just about the party in charge of Washington, it's about the need to change Washington. There are young people, and African Americans, and Latinos, and women of all ages who have voted in numbers that have broken records and inspired a nation.

All of you chose to support a candidate you believe in deeply. But at the end of the day, we aren't the reason you came out and waited in lines that stretched block after block to make your voice heard. You didn't do that because of me or Senator Clinton or anyone else. You did it because you know in your hearts that at this moment — a moment that will define a generation — we cannot afford to keep doing what we've been doing. We owe our children a better future. We owe our country a better future. And for all those who dream of that future tonight, I say — let us begin the work together. Let us unite in common effort to chart a new course for America.

In just a few short months, the Republican Party will arrive in St. Paul with a very different agenda. They will come here to nominate John McCain, a man who has served this country heroically. I honor that service, and I respect his many accomplishments, even if he chooses to deny mine. My differences with him are not personal; they are with the policies he has proposed in this campaign...
Because while John McCain can legitimately tout moments of independence from his party in the past, such independence has not been the hallmark of his presidential campaign.

It's not change when John McCain decided to stand with George Bush 95 percent of the time, as he did in the Senate last year.

It's not change when he offers four more years of Bush economic policies that have failed to create well-paying jobs, or insure our workers, or help Americans afford the skyrocketing cost of college — policies that have lowered the real incomes of the average American family, widened the gap between Wall Street and Main Street, and left our children with a mountain of debt.

And it's not change when he promises to continue a policy in Iraq that asks everything of our brave men and women in uniform and nothing of Iraqi politicians — a policy where all we look for are reasons to stay in Iraq, while we spend billions of dollars a month on a war that isn't making the American people any safer.

So I'll say this — there are many words to describe John McCain's attempt to pass off his embrace of George Bush's policies as bipartisan and new. But change is not one of them.

Change is a foreign policy that doesn't begin and end with a war that should've never been authorized and never been waged. I won't stand here and pretend that there are many good options left in Iraq, but what's not an option is leaving our troops in that country for the next hundred years — especially at a time when our military is overstretched, our nation is isolated, and nearly every other threat to America is being ignored.

We must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in — but start leaving we must. It's time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their future. It's time to rebuild our military and give our veterans the care they need and the benefits they deserve when they come home. It's time to refocus our efforts on al-Qaida's leadership and Afghanistan, and rally the world against the common threats of the 21st century — terrorism and nuclear weapons; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. That's what change is.

Change is realizing that meeting today's threats requires not just our firepower, but the power of our diplomacy — tough, direct diplomacy where the president of the United States isn't afraid to let any petty dictator know where America stands and what we stand for. We must once again have the courage and conviction to lead the free world. That is the legacy of Roosevelt, and Truman, and Kennedy. That's what the American people want. That's what change is.

Change is building an economy that rewards not just wealth, but the work and workers who created it. It's understanding that the struggles facing working families can't be solved by spending billions of dollars on more tax breaks for big corporations and wealthy CEOs, but by giving the middle-class a tax break, and investing in our crumbling infrastructure, and transforming how we use energy, and improving our schools, and renewing our commitment to science and innovation. It's understanding that fiscal responsibility and shared prosperity can go hand-in-hand, as they did when Bill Clinton was president.

John McCain has spent a lot of time talking about trips to Iraq in the last few weeks, but maybe if he spent some time taking trips to the cities and towns that have been hardest hit by this economy — cities in Michigan, and Ohio, and right here in Minnesota — he'd understand the kind of change that people are looking for.
Maybe if he went to Iowa and met the student who works the night shift after a full day of class and still can't pay the medical bills for a sister who's ill, he'd understand that she can't afford four more years of a health care plan that only takes care of the healthy and wealthy. She needs us to pass a health care plan that guarantees insurance to every American who wants it and brings down premiums for every family who needs it. That's the change we need.

Maybe if he went to Pennsylvania and met the man who lost his job but can't even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one, he'd understand that we can't afford four more years of our addiction to oil from dictators. That man needs us to pass an energy policy that works with automakers to raise fuel standards, and makes corporations pay for their pollution, and oil companies invest their record profits in a clean energy future — an energy policy that will create millions of new jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. That's the change we need.

And maybe if he spent some time in the schools of South Carolina or St. Paul or where he spoke tonight in New Orleans, he'd understand that we can't afford to leave the money behind for No Child Left Behind; that we owe it to our children to invest in early childhood education; to recruit an army of new teachers and give them better pay and more support; to finally decide that in this global economy, the chance to get a college education should not be a privilege for the wealthy few, but the birthright of every American. That's the change we need in America. That's why I'm running for president.

The other side will come here in September and offer a very different set of policies and positions, and that is a debate I look forward to. It is a debate the American people deserve. But what you don't deserve is another election that's governed by fear, and innuendo, and division. What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge, and patriotism as a bludgeon — that sees our opponents not as competitors to challenge, but enemies to demonize. Because we may call ourselves Democrats and Republicans, but we are Americans first. We are always Americans first.

Despite what the good Senator from Arizona said tonight, I have seen people of differing views and opinions find common cause many times during my two decades in public life, and I have brought many together myself. I've walked arm-in-arm with community leaders on the South Side of Chicago and watched tensions fade as black, white, and Latino fought together for good jobs and good schools. I've sat across the table from law enforcement and civil rights advocates to reform a criminal justice system that sent thirteen innocent people to death row. And I've worked with friends in the other party to provide more children with health insurance and more working families with a tax break; to curb the spread of nuclear weapons and ensure that the American people know where their tax dollars are being spent; and to reduce the influence of lobbyists who have all too often set the agenda in Washington.

In our country, I have found that this cooperation happens not because we agree on everything, but because behind all the labels and false divisions and categories that define us; beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people, united by common challenges and common hopes. And every so often, there are moments which call on that fundamental goodness to make this country great again.

So it was for that band of patriots who declared in a Philadelphia hall the formation of a more perfect union; and for all those who gave on the fields of Gettysburg and Antietam their last full measure of devotion to save that same union.

So it was for the greatest generation that conquered fear itself, and liberated a continent from tyranny and made this country home to untold opportunity and prosperity.

So it was for the workers who stood out on the picket lines; the women who shattered glass ceilings; the children who braved a Selma bridge for freedom's cause.

So it has been for every generation that faced down the greatest challenges and the most improbable odds to leave their children a world that's better, and kinder, and more just.

And so it must be for us.

America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.
And even if he wasn't an Inhuman Monster and Scumbag, voting to KILL LIVE BABIES, what about his Phony Facade of a "New Washington", Bipartisan, where we don't waste time"? As stated above, he wasted months, and probably Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars, re-legislating THE TERMS FOR WHAT IS A "BABY", WHAT IS A "HUMAN BEING", AND WHAT IS "ALIVE"! THIS IS YOUR COMPASSIONATE, "NEW POLITICS", "NEW wASHINGTON" OBAMA. Funny, looks like the Same Old Socialist, State-Controlled Baby Murderer to the REST of us, with Common Sense.
"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals..."
Whats the MATTER, Lady T, don't want to TALK abot Barack the Baby Murderer? Is that RACIST of me? It was HIS vote! Are you afraid to discuss YOUR Candidates VOTES?
"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment — this was the time — when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals... "
Whats the MATTER, Lady T, don't want to TALK abot Barack the Baby Murderer? Is that RACIST of me? It was HIS vote! Are you afraid to discuss YOUR Candidates VOTES?

I wasn't going to get into, but that is plan B (no pun intended) in obama's oath to the cause. He's also waging a war on children and that's the first step. We're trying to extend abortion time to three months after birth.

Fingers crosssed it passes! :)
Whats the MATTER, Lady T, don't want to TALK abot Barack the Baby Murderer? Is that RACIST of me? It was HIS vote! Are you afraid to discuss YOUR Candidates VOTES?

For the record, I don't think I've called you a racist. Psychotic and entertaining, yes.

That's the message I've been trying to send to "reasonable" liberals. I was convinced that once they became aware of Obama's stance on infanticide, they couldn't in good conscience continue their support for the man. But I was naive. The fact of the matter is, liberals don't have a conscience. They simply don't give a damn. Furthermore, there's no such thing as a "reasonable" liberal.
Dead Men

To a Metaphysician

If they were shadows walking to and fro
Upon a screen you call reality,
Then, when the light fails, where do shadows go?
This boy enigma rapes philosophy.
But if they really occupied three-square,
And now are only shadows on a screen,
How can the light still cast a shadow there
From shades of shadows that have never been?

Such questions are a mimic pantomime
Of ghosts to utter nothings in dream chairs,
Myopia squinting in a mist of time,
An eye that sees the eye with which it stares.
Your light too clearly shows the ancient stigma
Of questions solved by posing an enigma.

Where softly steal fantastic shadows grim
O'er bannered wall, limned saint, prone effigies,
And time-etched brass, sleeps, dust-choked, mute as these,
The Voice that stirred the Minster's arches dim.
With master-touch, obedient fingers skim
In eager joyance o'er the yielding keys,
And the groined vault is filled with harmonies
That soar and swell in grand, triumphant hymn.
Thus some great soul, cloistered amid the gloom
And shades of prisoning shell, in silence waits
The word inbreathed that shall to the dumb clod
Give speech. As wingèd spirit from its tomb
His message flies—nathless the erst-barred gates—
And, hushed, men whisper: "Hark! the voice of God!"

That's the message I've been trying to send to "reasonable" liberals. I was convinced that once they became aware of Obama's stance on infanticide, they couldn't in good conscience continue their support for the man. But I was naive. The fact of the matter is, liberals don't have a conscience. They simply don't give a damn. Furthermore, there's no such thing as a "reasonable" liberal.

Is this Brent?