I've Changed My Mind

maybe if you try to start two or three more threads saying the same thing, it will change our positions.

try it!
It's all above, in brown and tan. There was a BILL, to PROTECT NEWBORNS, that somehow survived abortion, to give them CARE, to be HUMAN, and give them COMFORT, and what did Mr. Obama, freind of Racists, Terrorists, Enemy of Flag Pins DO? He voted NO, DO NOT PROTECT THOSE INFANT BABIES. LET THEM DIE. tHEN HE TIED UP THE LEGISLATURE FOR ANOTHER year, TRYING TO GET THEM TO RENAME THE BABIES AS SOMETHING OTHER THAN HUMAN BEINGS. Read it NOW, or read it in the Campaign Ads, your choice, Haaaaahahaha!
It's all above, in brown and tan. There was a BILL, to PROTECT NEWBORNS, that somehow survived abortion, to give them CARE, to be HUMAN, and give them COMFORT, and what did Mr. Obama, freind of Racists, Terrorists, Enemy of Flag Pins DO? He voted NO, DO NOT PROTECT THOSE INFANT BABIES. LET THEM DIE. tHEN HE TIED UP THE LEGISLATURE FOR ANOTHER year, TRYING TO GET THEM TO RENAME THE BABIES AS SOMETHING OTHER THAN HUMAN BEINGS. Read it NOW, or read it in the Campaign Ads, your choice, Haaaaahahaha!

I still don't get it........

maybe if you start a new thread?........
What's wrong, Lady T, cant take TRUE CRITICISM of your Phony, Inexperienced Candidate? Crying to "Damo, he's making multiple posts, waaaa, waaaa"? You'd BETTER GET USED TO IT, 'cause you're gonna KEEP SEEING IT FOR A YEAR. IN TV CAMPAIGN ADS, Haaaahahaa!! And as LONG as you keep trying to TURN OBAMA'S VOTING TO NOT GIVE COMFORT AND TREATMENT TO NEWBORN INFANTS AS A JOKE, I WILL CONTINUE TO PUT IT UP.
Let me ask you a question, Lady T, seeing you think these baies dying is such a JOKE. How do you FEEL, that THREE BLACK BABIES ARE ABORTED, FOR EVERY ONE WHITE BABY. Doesn't that sound kinda like Eugenics? Do you KNOW what that is? It's EXTREME RACISM. Ever hear the word G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E? Hmmmmmmm? Ever hear of a guy name Adolf Hitler? Hmmm? I got one last thing, for ya, 'cause i thik you're a Lost Cause. When all the Little Black, Brown, and Babies from Liberal Mommies are Aborted, What will be the Political philosiphy of the people LEFT? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?