I've decided to make a new party!

Total government spending went "up" - that was due to inflation.

You mean in Reagan's years? No that was due to defence spending way above inflation and to other spending pushed by then Dem house leader Tip O'Neill, Reagan to his credit vetoed a lot of that spending (23 vetoes in first 3 years in office) but he didn't get them all and had to agree to some to get his tax cuts, defence spending and other regulation/spending reductions and free trade.

Of course Reagan took full blame for spending increases and the name Tip O'Neill is something that lefties may scramble for looking up in Wikipedia, that is if they even bothered to care anyway.
Dano, you are using the "Slippery Slope" fallacy. It is not necessarily so, that Public Health Insurance leads to the government taking care of EVERY aspect of your life.

If you had a REAL argument, such as SHOWING how the people living in countries with Public Health Insurance / Public Health Care were WORSE off, medically speaking, than the majority of Americans, then you wouldn't have to resort to such nonsense.

Once again, you put ideology before reason.
You should just be honest and state that you don't like the idea of the government running such things, and be done with it. Trying to pass off nonsense as serious argument just makes you look stupid and dishonest.
This type of ideological "reasoning" is the very reason why I started the thread on the mission of government.

The mission that coincides with the ideology put forth by Dano is:

We'll make some rules, enforce those rules, and then its every man for himself.
Claims of "Slippery Slope" are legitimate cause for WORRY, not legitimate cause for stating "If X then Y".

It is rational to say "We need to worry about unlimited abortion rights, if we allow Intact Dilation and Extraction when the mother's life is at risk".

It is NOT rational to say "We cannot allow Intact Dilation and Extraction, even when the mother's life is at risk, BECAUSE IT WILL LEAD TO UNLIMITED ABORTION RIGHTS".
Conservatives usually like to think that all slippery slopes are valid because it's they're favorite, and only, argument. It is rarely used in the proper manner. You can pretty much tell that it's fallacious whenever someone calls it out as such.
Dano, you are using the "Slippery Slope" fallacy. It is not necessarily so, that Public Health Insurance leads to the government taking care of EVERY aspect of your life.

If you had a REAL argument, such as SHOWING how the people living in countries with Public Health Insurance / Public Health Care were WORSE off, medically speaking, than the majority of Americans, then you wouldn't have to resort to such nonsense.

Once again, you put ideology before reason.

You are using the strawman you claim to hate, you only went after the weakest point in pretending I hinted at a slippery slope and then disregarded the evidence for WHY I believed that.
What about Canada (which has had universal healthcare since the 1960's under Lester Pearson), which now has universal daycare and many of it's provinces nationalizing car insurance?
What about the fact that lying scumbag Liberals try and say that the free market in healthcare is failing, when healthcare is arguably not only the most regulated industry but also heavily funded and badly funded with little oversight with Medicare and Medicare. Some fucking free market.
Give a REAL free market a chance and you'll see healthcare costs come down just as they used to be lower before stupid overregulation like the Patients Rights Act which was nothing more than a boon to trial lawyers and took cheaper healthcare off the market.
Nurses filing out a shitload of paperwork rather than tending to patients, so they can avoid lawsuits and sate government.
Ask a Liberal what is wrong with healthcare and they'll say profit, even though profit has been around in healthcare since before we were even a nation.
Ask a doctor what is wrong with healthcare and they will say skyrocketing malpractice insurance rates. Why? Because of higher lawsuits and ease of filing. It's not like insurance companies are looking to gouge them just for profit, because life insurance sure as hell has not gone up by much.

YOU Caesar are the one blinded by ideology.