I've decided to make this public


Verified User
Another poster brought up a serious issue and I was going to contact the board Admin, but i decided this is far too egregious.

What were the reasons you gave for leaving?

My antagonist published private info about me.
I left because Damo refused to remove said info.

I don't understand why Rune would come back after this. But I also do not understand why the Mods would allow his personal information to remain.

Clarification would be nice.
the term "private information" is subjective, it may not have been personally identifying.

Not saying you're wrong Konono, just saying we don't really have enough information to be clear what's going on.

I do agree that some mods suck though. I left the last political site I was on because the leftist mods don't enforce the rules for liberals. I got sick of it. They're liberals, they're biased and stupid. I get that. But I have a big issue with mods not enforcing rules. Either enforce them or don't have them. But don't use them as political weapons
Another poster brought up a serious issue and I was going to contact the board Admin, but i decided this is far too egregious.

I don't understand why Rune would come back after this. But I also do not understand why the Mods would allow his personal information to remain.

Clarification would be nice.

good lord, were you stupid enough to believe something Rune said.......
Private information is one of the two rules we take very seriously. If we didn't do anything it was because it was not deemed to be personally identifying or was spoken about on the board by the poster previously or common knowledge in some way.
Private information is one of the two rules we take very seriously. If we didn't do anything it was because it was not deemed to be personally identifying or was spoken about on the board by the poster previously or common knowledge in some way.

Rune is a blubbering vagina *

* Grind approved
...and you're vagina drips something that is considered toxic.

What's your point?

Seems to me that YOUR point is that YOU'RE not bright enough to distinguish between "your" and "you're".

I learned the difference in the 3rd grade...what's wrong with you?
I mailed billy stuff when he was in Iraq.

he knows my real name and the location and address of one of my homes.

So far he has honored that information even though he hates me entirely

good for you Billy

thank you
Doesn't this belong in the Complaints Dept?
I would think Legion would have known that.
A little attention whoring Legion?
Another poster brought up a serious issue and I was going to contact the board Admin, but i decided this is far too egregious.

I don't understand why Rune would come back after this. But I also do not understand why the Mods would allow his personal information to remain.

Clarification would be nice.

Why didn't you quote where I said I came back because the offending parties left the forum?
How many times have you rage-quit Legion?
Can the number even be calculated?
What about the troll who started this thread?
That seems pretty lame to me.
Especially considering how many years ago this happened.
Yes, it's a lame thread. It didn't even give us any information other than a subjective opinion