I've decided to make this public

The lamest trolls are the spell and grammar checking trolls

CL belittles other and questions their intelligence, yet can't properly use the correct word to convey his thoughts.

Something he SHOULD have learned in the 3rd grade.

THOSE are the lamest trolls.
CL belittles other and questions their intelligence, yet can't properly use the correct word to convey his thoughts.

Something he SHOULD have learned in the 3rd grade.

THOSE are the lamest trolls.

You mean he belittles "others" not "other"...
So really, you didn't get that? Seriously? This is hilarious. Keep on keeping on with it

I get that you are a lame hypocrite.
I take retards at face value.
Sorry I can only use the tools I have available.
If you want sarcasm noted in this type of environment it is heartilly recommendef that you label it as such.
There is much that does not translate well on the internet.
I mailed billy stuff when he was in Iraq.

he knows my real name and the location and address of one of my homes.

So far he has honored that information even though he hates me entirely

good for you Billy

thank you

I think billy deserves praise for this

as much as I disagree with him and as confused as he is about life he is keeping his word