I've got some news for Obama...


Well...the right is right
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., continued to attack Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., today for suggesting during a Democratic debate that after withdrawing combat troops from Iraq, Obama, as commander in chief, would be willing to send U.S. troops back into Iraq "if al Qaeda is forming a base" there...


"The fact is, al Qaeda is in Iraq," McCain said. "Al Qaeda is in Iraq today. If we left Iraq there's no doubt that al Qaeda would then gain control in Iraq and pose a threat to the United States of America. Ask anyone who knows about the situation on the ground in Iraq. I look forward to continuing this debate."

Obama responded to McCain's comments today at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

"Well, first of all, I do know that al Qaeda is in Iraq. That's why I've said we should continue to strike al Qaeda targets," he said. "But I have some news for John McCain, and that is that there was no such thing as al Qaeda in Iraq until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq.

Well seems that that Barack Obama has one heck of a foreign policy lined up for us, withdrawal from Iraq, only to return after all our success is undone by the terrorists. Oh and don't forget the wonderful Idea to bomb our allies as we withdraw from one fight.

Point is Obama, needs a history lesson, Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism in many forms, I'll outline a few here...

Salaries For Suicide Bombers
Iraq Pays $25,000 To Families Of 'Martyrs'

WASHINGTON, April 3, 2002

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has raised the amount offered to relatives of suicide bombers from $10,000 per family to $25,000...

Mahmoud Safi, leader of a pro-Iraqi Palestinian group, the Arab Liberation Front, acknowledged that the support payments for relatives make it easier for some potential bombers to make up their minds.


What is Ansar al-Islam?

Ansar al-Islam (Supporters of Islam) is a group of Kurdish separatists and Islamic fundamentalists seeking to transform all ofIraq into an Islamic state. Mullah Krekar, also known as Faraj Ahmad Najmuddin, reportedly founded Ansar in December 2001 with funding and logistical support from al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

Al-Qaeda operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi reportedly oversaw training of the terrorist group. According to the FBI, Ansar al-Islam also has ties to al-Qaeda Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers, Ansar al-Sunnah Army, and Tawhid and Jihad.

Zarqawi fled to Iraq after being shot by US forces in Afghanistan before Operation Iraqi Freedom...

April 2002: Al-Zarqawi leaves Iran and enters Iraq.

February 2003: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell names al-Zarqawi as an associate of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.


In 2001, with Bin Ladin’s help they re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam

-911 Commission Final Report 7/22/04

Has Iraq sponsored terrorism?
Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship provided headquarters, operating bases, training camps, and other support to terrorist. During the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam commissioned several failed terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities. The State Department has listed Iraq as a state sponsor of terrorism through both Democrat and Republican administrations.


Has Iraq ever used weapons of mass destruction?
In the 1980s Iran-Iraq War, Iraqi troops repeatedly used poison gas, including mustard gas and the nerve agent sarin, against Iranian soldiers, and dropping mustard-gas bombs on Iranian villages. Human Rights Watch reports that Iraq frequently used nerve agents and mustard gas against Iraqi Kurds living in the country’s north. In March 1988, Saddam’s forces killed thousands of Iraqi Kurds in the town of Halabja with chemical weapons.
(Warning very graphic)
Ahh but we all know Obama isn't one to let the facts get in the way of a good line, to bad he's running for President...
Guess you missed it, WRL. This talking point had a shelf life of about 1 hour, before Obama embarassed McCain with it.

I thought the GOP had sent out the new memo? Check your files...it should say something like "abandon tactic! abandon tactic! Focus on middle name of "Hussein"!!!
Let's just think for a minute about the idiocy of McCain's statement on the merits. He said:

"Al Qaeda is in Iraq today. If we left Iraq there's no doubt that al Qaeda would then gain control in Iraq and pose a threat to the United States of America."

Basically, he's saying that an extreme minority group of Sunni extremists will take over the entirety of Iraq over the objections of the indigenous Sunni Iraqi minority that hates Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Kurdish minority that hates Al Qaeda in Iraq and the majority Shi'ites that hate the Sunni Al Qaeda in Iraq and who would get backing from Shi'ite Iran who hate the Sunni Al Qaeda in Iraq.

That doesn't pass the laugh test. If we left there is no doubt that al Qaeda would be just as marginalized as they are today if not more so, considering their presence is tolerated at all only because they attack Americans. If we weren't there, the wouldn't be tolerated at all.
Well seems that that Barack Obama has one heck of a foreign policy lined up for us, withdrawal from Iraq, only to return after all our success is undone by the terrorists. Oh and don't forget the wonderful Idea to bomb our allies as we withdraw from one fight.

Point is Obama, needs a history lesson, Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism in many forms, I'll outline a few here...

Zarqawi fled to Iraq after being shot by US forces in Afghanistan before Operation Iraqi Freedom...

April 2002: Al-Zarqawi leaves Iran and enters Iraq.

February 2003: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell names al-Zarqawi as an associate of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.


In 2001, with Bin Ladin’s help they re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam

-911 Commission Final Report 7/22/04

Ahh but we all know Obama isn't one to let the facts get in the way of a good line, to bad he's running for President...

Here is what you need to learn WRL, Al Queda is not our alliy.
3 trillion dollar war...

LOL... i dont care who is right on iraq.. i really dont at this point. Its a fucking waste of money to spend 3T (us annual tax base is only 2.5T or so) on this war... al quida or not. I say we use intelligence and special ops to find an kill al quida. there is no more need to have a conventional army sucking the gold from fort Knox for some shit country.

Could you imagine putting 3T into our country instead of some other country?
3 trillion dollar war...

LOL... i dont care who is right on iraq.. i really dont at this point. Its a fucking waste of money to spend 3T (us annual tax base is only 2.5T or so) on this war... al quida or not. I say we use intelligence and special ops to find an kill al quida. there is no more need to have a conventional army sucking the gold from fort Knox for some shit country.

Could you imagine putting 3T into our country instead of some other country?

So who will you be voting for?
So at least we got you in the most likely case.

ill take my chances with obama.. i like his style of wanting to unite the parties via compromise and his ideas are not foolish and grand like Clinton's. Also i don't trust Clinton's.. i think shes a tax and spend liberal.

I find Obama to be far more concerned with cost of his proposals, not in the pockets of special interests.. and most likely to lead as a fiscal conservative.

Not to mention his proposals protect a range of income that benefits my family. Example - His SS plan protects the income range of 100-200K and hillarys doesn't.
If we left Iraq there's no doubt that al Qaeda would then gain control in Iraq

WRL, you and Grandpa are totally ignorant. Five years into this war, and you don't have a bloody clue about the facts on the ground.

Those in iraq who have sworn allegiance to al qaeda number in the few hundreds at best. And most of them are foreign fighters.

Please tell me that you and Grandpa don't possibly think that a few hundred sunni foreign fighters are going to take over a dominantly shia nation of 25 million people.
If we left Iraq there's no doubt that al Qaeda would then gain control in Iraq

WRL, you and Grandpa are totally ignorant. Five years into this war, and you don't have a bloody clue about the facts on the ground.

Those in iraq who have sworn allegiance to al qaeda number in the few hundreds at best. And most of them are foreign fighters.

Please tell me that you and Grandpa don't possibly think that a few hundred sunni foreign fighters are going to take over a dominantly shia nation of 25 million people.

When the Bush administration talks about "Al Queda in Iraq" they are not talking about the same Al Queda they discuss when they discuss Al Queda in general. This is merely a perception game. "Al Queda in Iraq" is the name the Bush Administration has given to those fighting America in Iraq.

Its like saying "Mission Accomplished". They figure if we call the orginization "Al Queda in Iraq" people will believe it is somehow associated with the Regular Al Queda.
ill take my chances with obama.. i like his style of wanting to unite the parties via compromise and his ideas are not foolish and grand like Clinton's. Also i don't trust Clinton's.. i think shes a tax and spend liberal.

I find Obama to be far more concerned with cost of his proposals, not in the pockets of special interests.. and most likely to lead as a fiscal conservative.

Not to mention his proposals protect a range of income that benefits my family. Example - His SS plan protects the income range of 100-200K and hillarys doesn't.

He's the farthest left of his party, how is that going to unite the country? How is he going to pay for his promise the moons spending, did you say fiscally responsible???
He's the farthest left of his party, how is that going to unite the country? How is he going to pay for his promise the moons spending, did you say fiscally responsible???

hes not the furthest left in his party. you will see this based on time. Hes just being painted by right wing media as far left.

yes he is fiscally responsible compared with blowing 3T on a war. bush is the most fiscally reckless president we have had probably of all times... and mccain seems to want to continue down that road.