I've got some news for Obama...

He's the farthest left of his party, how is that going to unite the country? How is he going to pay for his promise the moons spending, did you say fiscally responsible???

No, they say he is the farthest left in the Senate. So he is more to the left than socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont right?

And in 2004, it just happened to be Senator John Kerry, also coincidently the Democratic nominee, who was the "most liberal" senator, right?

Boy you must run to the phone every time some swindler comes on television and says "Buy now".

People m ust laugh at you a lot. You sure are a sucker. I bet the National journal has your picture up in their offices with the words "Our Little Bitch" underneath it. I bet that even they laugh at you. Con artists always laugh at their little suckers.
Obama's statement has been attacked without going back to the context. Without actually quoting Russert, he said something akin to Suppose there comes a time when we can withdraw MOST of our troops from Iraq and just leave a small force behind and Iraq said "no just leave and take your forces with you", would you reserve the right as president to invade if the need arose again? Something like that. Anyway the question presupposed the Iraqi's TELLING us to leave. So the whole McCain response showed that part of the debate was on way past papa's bed time. If you are going to attack the response there Larry the less than honest at least have the decency to attack it in it's context. But then again I am sure you didn't watch the debate either and are only talking out your asshole from the GOP talking points. Least that way your breath won't smell so much like McCains ass. Which I would guess is a step up from it smelling like GW's ass for the last 8 years.
No, they say he is the farthest left in the Senate. So he is more to the left than socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont right?

And in 2004, it just happened to be Senator John Kerry, also coincidently the Democratic nominee, who was the "most liberal" senator, right?

Boy you must run to the phone every time some swindler comes on television and says "Buy now".

People m ust laugh at you a lot. You sure are a sucker. I bet the National journal has your picture up in their offices with the words "Our Little Bitch" underneath it. I bet that even they laugh at you. Con artists always laugh at their little suckers.

please help me redeem myself, how do I join the [SIZE=-1]Che Guevara[/SIZE] fan club???
hes not the furthest left in his party. you will see this based on time. Hes just being painted by right wing media as far left.

yes he is fiscally responsible compared with blowing 3T on a war. bush is the most fiscally reckless president we have had probably of all times... and mccain seems to want to continue down that road.

Come on Chap, you can't seriously be saying Obama would be more fiscally responsible than the man who's made it his career. Who will take the tough action to fix the entitlement crisis. Who has showed they can break through the partisan divide and get things done, certainly isn't Obama, he can only talk the talk, McCain has been talking the talk, and walking the walk. Not ignoring the problem, not taking consistently far left positions, and it's not just right wingers who give him far left marks, I've seen it across the board, look at his 2007 record... I mean entitlement spending is approaching 70% of the budget and exploding, the military is only 20% of the budget. That is where the tough action must be taken, and where Obama will balk, making the situation continue to decline.
I don't know how they got that Obama is the most liberal in the senate. Obama is more conservative than Hillary, and Hillary isn't even close to being the most liberal.
It's based on his 2007 voting record, he's been basically running for President since getting to the Senate and this is what he's done...


Nah. It's based on only cherry-picked votes. Not on the entire record. Even Pat Buchanon couldn't help but to burst out laughing when he was asked "so his voting record is more liberal than Bernie Sanders"?

It's low, and it's deceitful...you know...it's Republican. Make sure you parrot it at every chance you get. It's easier than thinking for yourself, you bush bootlicker.
Hey Larry, why not reply to my comment about CONTEXT? I am quite sure that neither you or Papa McCain saw the debate and don't know the context. NOW you do. So Obama's answer in that context was a good one. But you aren't intellectually honest enough to admit that.
Hey Larry, why not reply to my comment about CONTEXT? I am quite sure that neither you or Papa McCain saw the debate and don't know the context. NOW you do. So Obama's answer in that context was a good one. But you aren't intellectually honest enough to admit that.

I'm sorry you can't put a good context to that comment...
I'm sorry you can't put a good context to that comment...
Well there is a suprise. Good old larry going with the GOP talking point rather than talking about what was ACTUALLY said at the debate and in what context it was said. Instead you just repeat the misinformation. This is going to be another fine election with the Republicans using statements of their opponent out of context and pretending it is how they say.