J6 panel to vote on urging DOJ to prosecute Trump on at least three criminal charges

Will The DOJ Accept J6's Recommendations?

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this proves they've found nothing.......a panel made up of all demmycrats needs to take a vote or whether they should ask the DoJ to act........if they had found something they wouldn't even have to ask......
I FEAR not indicting and trying Trump.

The only thing FEAR more is indicting and trying him without TOTAL preparation...and having him beat the rap. If that happens, the American right will take over our country and end the great experiment.

I do not want AG Garland to act quickly. I want him to act SUPER CAREFULLY.

Nailed it, Frank. So say we all! (Or should, anyways.)
Realistically, the Joke administration and Democrats have about a year to move forward on this. At that point, the 2024 election cycle will be starting and if Trump runs it will become a very serious political imbroglio and mistake to indite a declared presidential candidate--however unfavorable you view him--that is campaigning. It will smack of political backstabbing rather than something apolitical.

The same thing applies to the Republicans investigating Bagman and any involvement they find Joke having. At that same point they can't push for prosecution, as it would have the same affect.
And where is the prosecution of black DC cop michael byrd for KILLING unarmed white girl ashli babbitt at the j6 protests. ??? The committee never even looked into that.

That is called deflection. Do you, can you, understand it has nothing to do with this thread? The shooting was investigated and it was called a proper shooting. There is NO crime there. It was in the heat of an insurrection designed to over throw the American system.The door was betweeh the insurrectionists and the politicians they wanted to kill.
Trump organized an insurrection. There is no doubt about that. The question is would he get prosecuted? It looks like it may finally happen.
So lets hold obama accountable for DACA. And Biden for his proven child molesting. And Bush for lying us into the iraq invasion. And clinton for killing 85 americans at waco.

Sure. Talk to your congressman. Have them investigate Obama for his DACA and Biden for your made up crimes. See how far you get.

"The Jan. 6 select committee is preparing to vote on urging the Justice Department to pursue at least three criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, including insurrection.

The report that the select panel is expected to consider on Monday afternoon, described to POLITICO by two people familiar with its contents, reflects some recommendations from a subcommittee that evaluated potential criminal referrals. Among the charges that subcommittee proposes for Trump: 18 U.S.C. 2383, insurrection; 18 U.S.C. 1512(c), obstruction of an official proceeding; and 18 U.S.C. 371, conspiracy to defraud the United States government."

So, do we think, Garland will act?

If that happens, blood will flow freely in the streets of everywhere in the US. No fucking Stasi bullshit like that is happening in the US like that without super blowback.

Most Americans see the bullshit for what it is.

Nobody gives 2 shits about the 1/6 commission Kangaroo court. It's an insult to America at the very least.
If that happens, blood will flow freely in the streets of everywhere in the US. No fucking Stasi bullshit like that is happening in the US like that without super blowback.

Most Americans see the bullshit for what it is.

Nobody gives 2 shits about the 1/6 commission Kangaroo court. It's an insult to America at the very least.

Yep. When things don't go your way, don't follow the law, just fucking start shooting at shit. That's the Nazi mentality alright.
Trump will never see justice. Trump is very wealthy and has never once in his entire existence had to take personal responsibility for his misdeeds. He always buys his way out or gets off on some technicality which means SOMEONE associated closely to him goes to jail but he never does.

January 6th wasn't the beginning of the end of America. No, we started down that path a LONG time ago. We don't dole out justice fairly. The rich white dude gets off. Anyone else goes to the slammer. It's how we can have the largest prison population on earth yet still elect criminals like Trump and let them steal nuclear secrets.

Funny thing: Ethel Rosenberg went to the electric chair for less than what Donald J. Trump had in just one storage area at Mar a Lago. (Most Trumpers won't understand that reference)

He's also good at getting others to take the fall for him.
If that happens, blood will flow freely in the streets of everywhere in the US. No fucking Stasi bullshit like that is happening in the US like that without super blowback.

Most Americans see the bullshit for what it is.

Nobody gives 2 shits about the 1/6 commission Kangaroo court. It's an insult to America at the very least.

If the cowards of the GOP in the Senate had truly done their jobs...none of this would be necessary. The cowards of the GOP in the Senate SHOULD HAVE VOTED GUILTY on both impeachments.

They didn't.

So now the job that should have been done that way...will have to be done another way.

But...you guys have other things to worry about. Ya know...like Hunter Biden's laptop and Hillary Clinton's emails.
That is called deflection. Do you, can you, understand it has nothing to do with this thread? The shooting was investigated and it was called a proper shooting. There is NO crime there. It was in the heat of an insurrection designed to over throw the American system.The door was betweeh the insurrectionists and the politicians they wanted to kill.

I believe it is true that some are stupid enough to believe this........it is why they are not fit to rule.....
If the cowards of the GOP in the Senate had truly done their jobs...none of this would be necessary. The cowards of the GOP in the Senate SHOULD HAVE VOTED GUILTY on both impeachments.

why should the Republicans have participated in the NancyDancing........impeachment is not a tool of partisan posturing.......

So now the job that should have been done that way...will have to be done another way.

NancyDancing 3.0......