Jesse Jackson's New America

This article is about racism you fool and the attack on ACORN is an attempt to disnefranchise voters who are poor and often of color.
Would someone please be so kind as to tell me if I am reading the right article? (Lord knows if wouldn't be the first time my dumb ass read the wrong thing or misread something.) The article I see posted is about Jesse Jackson speaking overseas about how he see's an Obama presidency playing out.

I don't see anything about ACORN and I don't see anything about Jesse Jackson Jr. Please let me know if I'm wrong. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

what a liar

shut the fuck up Desh. Your idiocy made me confuse myself. Yes, there is a refernce to Jesse Jackson Jr. It has nothing to do with the article other than Sr. stating his family is friends with the Obama's so I'm not sure what your tangent was for but nonetheless yes Jesse Jackson Jr. was referenced.
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what dioes that have to do with fucking anything.

You were wrong and this article mentioned JJjr.

I brought up ACORN.

go check the other threads and you will find people talk about related issues to the subject all the fucking time you twit.
what dioes that have to do with fucking anything.

You were wrong and this article mentioned JJjr.

I brought up ACORN.

go check the other threads and you will find people talk about related issues to the subject all the fucking time you twit.

why do I have to be a twit?
Here you go , evidencde of the racially tinged aspect of their hate for ACORN.

If YOU do not know Jessie Jackson Jr and have not heard him speak I think you will be amazed at this young man.

He is brilliant.

I have NO problems in knowing that he and Obama are good friends.

There is a segment of this country that live in the past and is it any wonder they think being a conservative is a great idea?

They want to conserve the racism of the past and infect our coutnry with it forever.


You tossed in Acorn, racism and Jesse Jackson Jr., did you even read the article or are you on a kool-aid high.
Jesse Jackson Jr is in the article.

You hate Jessie because he is black.

You hate ACRON because they register black ovters.
Desh must have gotten some new DNC memo that said to include a defense of ACORN in every post, no matter how unrelated.
who listens???
Apparently racist kkk fuckers like the thread starter.
There aren't enough scared redneck white fools for mcsame to win.
Jesse Jackson Jr is in the article.

You hate Jessie because he is black.

You hate ACRON because they register black ovters.

I hate ACRON because they fucked up the WA state gubernatorial election in 2004. They weren't going to throw our national vote, but statewide races were a very different matter.
Jesse Jackson Jr is in the article.

You hate Jessie because he is black.

You hate ACRON because they register black ovters.

No,I hate you cause your an ignorant boob and cannot spell. I hate Jesse Jackson because he is a piece of shit. I hate Acorn because they are corrupt and fill out anything on a registration card to get the messiah elected. But I guess that's how your party is going to roll from now on, scream racism anytime somebody questions the messiah and his cult members.
Go retrieve proof of the crap you claim

State election officials keep close watch on registrations

OLYMPIA - Questions keep coming up about voter registration practices in Washington state, but not at the scale seen after the disputed governor's race in 2004. At that time, 1,678 illegal votes cast by felon, deceased and other ineligible voters came into play in a razor-close election decided ultimately by a judge...