JESSE WATTERS: WSJ's 'bombshell' report reveals it's even worse than it looks for Biden

It probably says a lot more about the voting public than Joe Biden...but the question of who is "leading" still is up for grabs. We'll see what happens in November.
still up for grabs

Thats amazing after the verdict ...says Biden is a joke idiot fool etc etc
Jesse Watters is a right-wing, Faux News propaganda spewing hack.

Probably has Trump's jizz crust on his upper lip.
Even if all this is true...and I doubt it is...I would still choose Joe Biden over Trump in a heartbeat, because even if all this is true (like I said, I doubt it is)...Joe Biden would be a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better choice for the job than Trump.

Choose whichever way you want to. You are still free to do so. But any intelligent, sane person should choose Joe Biden over Trump.
Only an imbecile would vote for an imbecile like Joe Biden.
Earl, Jesse Bailey Watters is an American political commentator, which means what he says on Fox News is what the crow whats to hear, and not necessarily reality.
The WSJ had 45 sources. Jesse only quoted it. Biden's brain is mush. It's worse than the general public is allowed to see.
JESSE WATTERS: WSJ's 'bombshell' report reveals it's even worse than it looks for Biden
Biden campaign co-chair called Biden 'sharp' after WSJ sources say he shows signs of 'slipping'
By Fox News Staff Fox News
Published June 5, 2024 10:06pm EDT

Jesse Watters: Biden's having trouble keeping up Video
Jesse Watters: Biden's having trouble keeping up

Fox News host Jesse Watters reacts to 45 sources telling the Wall Street Journal President Biden is showing signs of decline behind closed doors on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.'

Fox News host Jesse Watters reacts to The Wall Street Journal's new report about concerns surrounding President Biden's mental acuity on "Jesse Watters Primetime."


JESSE WATTERS: Biden is the one having trouble keeping up and behind the scenes, it's even worse than it looks. A bombshell Wall Street Journal report, 45 sources, Republican and Democrats, all people who spent hours and hours inside, behind closed doors with the president, say he's not the same person. His memory is slipping. He mumbles so much that people sitting right next to him have trouble hearing him. He relies on his note cards to make obvious points, pauses for extended periods, and sometimes closes his eyes for so long that people in the room wonder whether he tuned out.
President Biden is sharp and engaged: Sen. Chris Coons Video

You couldn't be there and not feel uncomfortable, is what one insider told the Journal. The president moved so slowly around his Cabinet room that sometimes it'd take 10 minutes just for a meeting to start, and when it did, Biden wouldn't even know what he was negotiating. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy told the Journal he kept going back to old stuff and would be shocked when he'd be told: No, Mr. President, we talked about that meetings ago, we're done with that.

People can 'slip' and still be sharp. Biden has slipped and is not sharp physically or mentally.
Only an imbecile would vote for an imbecile like Joe Biden.
I understand that you feel that way. I hope you understand that I feel that anyone who would vote for Trump is a pile of garbage, cowardly, unpatriotic, bag of shit.

That doesn't mean we cannot be friends.