Jesus has been resurrected upon the lord's chosen hour

Of course he is, anybody that would choose Camilla over Diana must be a tad eccentric. We would rather have him than his brother Randy Andy. Anyway maybe he will hand over to William.

Why do you that? Seems Charles and Camilla are more suited than him and Diana. Now that she bore two handsome heirs to the throne.
Seriously what kind of american actually gives a shit about royals?

Very naïve people go for that sort of thing, I suppose, but a non-political Head of State makes considerable sense, if you can find one like the current Queen who can do her duty without dying of boredom. I doubt, though, that the institution will survive Carlo, Charles the Last. Meanwhile, the hangers-on are, I suppose, something to put in newspapers trying to save on the cost of gathering actual news.
Seriously what kind of american actually gives a shit about royals?

It's one thing to care about well-known royals, such as the Windsors, but I have to admit that when I come across a royal from some miniscule state that no one pays attention to the politics of, my reaction is often "holy crap, you guys still have a monarchy? How about that?!!?"