Jewish terrorists kill medics and nurses- leave Al Shifa littered with human remains


Satire for Sanity
One day- maybe very soon- decent Americans will reject their apologies for statesmen that support this foul Jewish genocidal agenda .

It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.


One day- maybe very soon- decent Americans will reject their apologies for statesmen that support this foul Jewish genocidal agenda .

It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.



Maybe if people stopped killing Jews things would go better for them but antisemitism is an old business.
One day- maybe very soon- decent Americans will reject their apologies for statesmen that support this foul Jewish genocidal agenda .

It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.



I guess Palestine terrorist shouldn't have used it to plan attacks and store weapons...u stupid fucking terrorist

Within the maternity ward, soldiers uncovered an array of weaponry ingeniously concealed inside pillows, hospital beds, ceilings, and walls. The cache included dozens of mortar shells, explosives, sniper rifles, Kalashnikov rifles, pistols, magazines, mortars, and additional ammunition

Hamas Used Gaza Hospital as a Command Center, U.S. Intelligence Says
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State department officials running out the door in protest of genocide Joe. Tell-all books will be on the shelves soon.
One day- maybe very soon- decent Americans will reject their apologies for statesmen that support this foul Jewish genocidal agenda .

It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.



Did they bomb the hospital and kill 500 doctors and nurses? Oh wait that was Hamas' lies about the last hospital incident. It's hard to keep up with their constant lies.
Did they bomb the hospital and kill 500 doctors and nurses? Oh wait that was Hamas' lies about the last hospital incident. It's hard to keep up with their constant lies.
Hamas isn't being called before the international court but jews are. Why do you think that is?
Hamas isn't being called before the international court but jews are. Why do you think that is?
Do you believe the international court should be concerned with Hamas slaughtering kids in front of parent and burning babies alive in ovens or beheading babies or raping women and girls? They have VIDEO evidence of those crimes.
Do you believe the international court should be concerned with Hamas slaughtering kids in front of parent and burning babies alive in ovens or beheading babies or raping women and girls? They have VIDEO evidence of those crimes.
All that bullshit you keep parroting has been debunked 5 months ago. Even israel and the NYT had to admit it was all lies.
Capra aegagrus hircus. 5947689 said:
All that bullshit you keep parroting has been debunked 5 months ago. Even israel and the NYT had to admit it was all lies.
Oh Really?

Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre[1] (also unofficially called סרט הזוועות, lit. 'the atrocity film' or 'the film of horrors' in Hebrew) is a compilation by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit of raw footage from the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel. The film includes footage captured from body cameras worn by Hamas militants on October 7, and contains scenes of extreme violence recorded during and after the incursion.[2]

Israeli officials have held screenings of the film for national and international journalists, foreign diplomats, and Hollywood executives to garner support[3][4] and to deflect criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza.[5][6] The film has generated controversy, with some criticizing plans to publicly release the footage over concerns it would be psychologically harmful.[6]

The 47-minute video was produced by the IDF Spokesperson's Unit from footage retrieved partly from the body cameras of Hamas militants who carried out the October 7 attacks on Israel .[6][20] The video shows images of the attack, including scenes of murder, and mutilation of the bodies of Israeli civilians and some foreign workers. The footage contains graphic content such as burned bodies, including a burnt baby, civilians shot in homes, cars and public spaces, the beheading of a body, bodies thrown in dumpsters, soldiers killed at military bases, and female hostages being pulled by the hair while being kidnapped.[5] Other footage was taken on mobile phones by civilians as they tried to escape, and by first responders after the attack.[5]

Now do you think Hamas should be called before the International Court?

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Guno צְבִי;5947693 said:
Because they are fine with Hamas killing Jews
The entire world can see what's going on in Gaza. jew lies no longer work. israel is totally dependent on welfare the American taxpayers are forced to send them.
Wikipedia is a stenographer for the CIA.
WikiLeaks is where you go to learn about government crimes.

I showed a worker who was there. Hamas slaughtered and burned whole families alive. Some of the horrors were videoed on the victims phone then sent to family members on their phones. You can't deny there is a film that uses footage from terrorist body cameras. I have seen reporters that have viewed it. They say it is very disturbing.

So should Hamas be hauled before the International court?
The entire world can see what's going on in Gaza. jew lies no longer work. israel is totally dependent on welfare the American taxpayers are forced to send them.

Address what Guano and I said. Do you think Hamas should be hauled in front of the International Court?
I showed a worker who was there. Hamas slaughtered and burned whole families alive. Some of the horrors were videoed on the victims phone then sent to family members on their phones. You can't deny there is a film that uses footage from terrorist body cameras. I have seen reporters that have viewed it. They say it is very disturbing.

So should Hamas be hauled before the International court?
israel is a notorious victim. They will say anything to convince the world their genocide of Palestinians is justified. You continue to believe and spread the lies 5 months after israel was forced to admit they lied.
israel is a notorious victim. They will say anything to convince the world their genocide of Palestinians is justified. You continue to believe and spread the lies 5 months after israel was forced to admit they lied.

Prove ANYTHING I said was a lie. Prove it!
israel is a notorious victim. They will say anything to convince the world their genocide of Palestinians is justified. You continue to believe and spread the lies 5 months after israel was forced to admit they lied.

War is hell. When you attack a country by shooting missiles into a crowd of concert goers, kill & rape women and children in front of their families and take hostages, expect hell to pay.
Israel should send in a team of their elites to eliminate Hamas's top officials. They have a pretty good team of shooters, don't they?