Jewish terrorists kill medics and nurses- leave Al Shifa littered with human remains

One day- maybe very soon- decent Americans will reject their apologies for statesmen that support this foul Jewish genocidal agenda .

It is up to every decent , law-abiding, person on earth to ensure that Israel never recovers from this display of inhuman Zionist brutality. Sever all ties. Exclude each and every Israel-friendly politician. Re-forge democracy as a force for good over evil.
Zionism has engendered a world-wide righteous antisemitism born of rage.



War is hell. When you attack a country by shooting missiles into a crowd of concert goers, kill & rape women and children in front of their families and take hostages, expect hell to pay.
Israel should send in a team of their elites to eliminate Hamas's top officials. They have a pretty good team of shooters, don't they?
RB, I know you're smarter than Guno. jew news had to come clean and admit it's all lies.
RB, I know you're smarter than Guno. jew news had to come clean and admit it's all lies.
Do you think Hamas hides behind civilians as human shields?
Do you think propaganda and lies come from both sides?

How many cities were destroyed by both sides in WWII?
It took the destruction of 2 major cities to end WWII, no?

A destroyed town in northwest France during WWII


War sucks. Start one and the above is not uncommon.
Do you think Hamas hides behind civilians as human shields?
Do you think propaganda and lies come from both sides?

How many cities were destroyed by both sides in WWII?
It took the destruction of 2 major cities to end WWII, no?

A destroyed town in northwest France during WWII

War sucks. Start one and the above is not uncommon.
zionism started in Europe more than 100 years ago.
Britain made an illegal deal to give Palestine to zionists after WWI.
Zionist are terrorists that attacked USS Liberty killing and wounding over 200 sailors.
zionists are no different than nazis, but zionists did a better job at owning US government.
zionists/neocons need to be quashed before they start WW3.

I can go on all day.
Similar to the old business that categorizes people as "ragheads" and "piss drinkers"...

You just can't help yourself can you? You just want all jews killed dont you? I wish you people had the courage to just say it but that requires integrity so I have a better chance of finding a unicorn.
You just can't help yourself can you? You just want all jews killed dont you? I wish you people had the courage to just say it but that requires integrity so I have a better chance of finding a unicorn.

If I wanted all Jews killed that would include my brother in law. I’m fond of my brother in law. Guess that lets him off the hook.
If I wanted all Jews killed that would include my brother in law. I’m fond of my brother in law. Guess that lets him off the hook.

LMFAO "Some of my best friends are Jewish". Youd get to him eventually. Maybe the Palestinians should stop killing Jews. Things would probably go better for them but hate is strong.
zionism started in Europe more than 100 years ago.
Britain made an illegal deal to give Palestine to zionists after WWI.
Zionist are terrorists that attacked USS Liberty killing and wounding over 200 sailors.
zionists are no different than nazis, but zionists did a better job at owning US government.
zionists/neocons need to be quashed before they start WW3.

I can go on all day.
The Jews lived in Israel LONG before any Palestinian. Read your history. The Palestinians are interlopers they were offered HALF of Israel they turned it down and chose to fight. They LOST.
' This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells. '


Israel didn't exist until 1948. There are many Palestinians older than Israel. By Israel's unacceptable lawlessness- they will outlive it.

The future for US-backed Jewish gunmen is, hopefully, very short.
That's cool, but the story starts circa 1948.

Whatever happened before that isn't really too relevant.

We don't even know how genetically similar we are to ancient people
for us to try being a continuation of their story.

According to most texts on the subject,
the British tried to set the foundations for separate Jewish and Palestinian states and the Arabs would have none of it.
Death to the infidels they said.

Who's dying now?
Nothing of a Palestinian nation that used to exist has ever been discovered.

Not a single map discovered shows Palestine ever existed, no currency of any kind has ever been found, nothing has ever proven the existence of what only exists in the minds of modern people.

The reason nothing exists to prove there ever was a Palestinian nation is due to the fact there never has been a Palestinian nation in the history of the world.

' Israel ' was created in 1948 by Zionist occupiers of Palestine . Its criminal record from then on is recorded history.