Joe Biden betrays Israel

Yeah, you 'tards think you're so sick with your phony "jew-hatred" bullshit.

Show me where I've ever made a negative comment about Jews.

Hint: Saying "Fuck Israel" does not translate to a condemnation of Jews.

Israel and Jews though closely related are not one and the same.

Jews are people.

Israel is a country with a government.

Sad that you need to have that explained to you.

You kiss Trump's ass.

Same as kissing Putin's ass.

And when you kiss Putin's ass, you can't help but kiss Trump on the lips.

Israel is the ONLY Jewish nation on earth.

So "Fuck Israel" absolutely IS "Fuck Jews."

To be a democrat in 2024 one must be pro-terrorist and an Antisemite.
Hamas Joe, the pResident of the USA - betrayed Israel on Monday by supporting the UN demand for a ceasefire when Hamas still holds hundreds of hostages. Once again proving he is owned by Iran.

Posting screen shot because twitter doesn't work here.

Guano is fine with this though - party is his only loyalty.


it's about time someone put these crazy Jews on blast.
First of all, I am not a "Hamas promoter", assface.

Of course you are - promoting Hamas lies like "genocide" and demanding Israel surrender.

Second of all, Netanyahu is going to get those hostages killed if he keeps up the way he's going.

Got it, Netanyahu took hostages - not your Hamas buddies. More truthiness from the pro-terrorist left.

Apparently he is not familiar with the age old truism: "You cannot kill an ideology".

You can kill as many of its followers and adherents that you can, but all you'll do in the end is create more.

Got it, so those in Israel need to be good little Jews and die without complaint.

And besides, what good would it do for anyone on this board to "demand" anything out of Hamas?

Do they now take orders from us?

Quit being an idiot.

If that's possible.

Funny, you sure don't mind demanding that Israel submit to terrorists.

Quit being an idiot.

If that's possible.

it's about time someone put these crazy Jews on blast.

Hitler tried 80 years ago, but the good people of the world stopped him.

Now Iran/Hamas have stepped up to try - and evil fucks like Biden are helping them. But Iran has been bribing Joe Biden since the late 1970's.
Of course you are - promoting Hamas lies like "genocide" and demanding Israel surrender.

Got it, Netanyahu took hostages - not your Hamas buddies. More truthiness from the pro-terrorist left.

Got it, so those in Israel need to be good little Jews and die without complaint.

Funny, you sure don't mind demanding that Israel submit to terrorists.

Quit being an idiot.

If that's possible.

stopping BEFORE murdering all women and children isn't submitting to terrorists.
Israel is the ONLY Jewish nation on earth.

So "Fuck Israel" absolutely IS "Fuck Jews."

To be a democrat in 2024 one must be pro-terrorist and an Antisemite.

The government is not the people, shit-4-branez.

To be a republican in 2024 one must be pro-russia and an anti-American.

Of course you are - promoting Hamas lies like "genocide" and demanding Israel surrender.

Got it, Netanyahu took hostages - not your Hamas buddies. More truthiness from the pro-terrorist left.

Got it, so those in Israel need to be good little Jews and die without complaint.

Funny, you sure don't mind demanding that Israel submit to terrorists.

Quit being an idiot.

If that's possible.

All bullshit.

I've got to hand it to you.... when it comes to avoiding the issues by shamelessly lying and deflecting, you're right up down there with best worst.
The government is not the people, shit-4-branez.

To be a republican in 2024 one must be pro-russia and an anti-American.

Anti-Americans are the Marxist democrats.

Remember, your filthy party is triggered by the idea of America as "great," it caused the bowels of democrats to release.

Oh, and RUSSIA - lot of fucking nerve there.


democrats supported Russia - the USSR - my entire life.

All bullshit.

I've got to hand it to you.... when it comes to avoiding the issues by shamelessly lying and deflecting, you're right up down there with best worst.

ROFL - all your allies need to do is release the hostages.
You deal in irrational OBEDIENCE to genocide perpetrators. As it stands, you are an immoral shit who has no defensible argument. Come back when you decide to be rational and somewhat human.

All your terrorist buddies have to do is release the hostages, and the war ends.

Why don't you want the hostages released? Why do you support the rape and brutal murder of innocents at a concert?