Joe Biden Foot In Mouth Starting

I think this is why McCain didn't meet personally with Palin until the last second, he wanted it kept secret and he wanted to be able to change the choice if Hillary was the VP selection. This was a calculated risk, one that wouldn't have played well if it got out before the scheduled time.
Damo, who are the people who “think” or “perceive” all of these things you are always claiming “some people” are thinking, saying, or perceiving? I am so curious. Because they sound really dumb. Is this a first grade class you hang around? A moron brigade sequestered in a lab for scientific study? Please, be specific, I’d love to get a look at these “people”?
It was based on what people said, Darla. You know, we can hear things that come out of their mouths. Well, while listening to the radio there were three people that called wondering if Biden was going to quit and let them add HillBillary to the ticket. I thought they were stupid people.
I doubt Obama regrets it.

The Mrs. has a theory that there are probably just as many people who won't vote for a woman as there are people who won't vote for someone who is black; their own internal polling might have even given them a hint of this, so whatever net gain they would have made by picking her - including the idea that McCain would have picked someone else - would have been negated by the double-whammy of having a ticket that might cost them on both gender & ethnicity.
Why is it strange? If Obama had picked Hillary, McCain would never have picked Palin, or if he had it wouldn’t have mattered. You think that they aren’t thinking about that? I’m not saying Obama regrets it, I highly doubt that, I wouldn’t even believe that. But of course this has crossed their minds, certainly it has crossed Biden’s mind.

On second thought…I guess a little actual honesty, otherwise known as actual straight talk, would shock a Republican.

I am going to go with Dungheap and say modesty is not usually the first word you associate Joe Biden with so at first glance it is kind of a shock. I didn't even think of McCain or who he would have picked when I read Biden's quote. As I said he paid her a great compliment.
So he is humble... Whats wrong with that.

Dude. Comprehension. There is nothing wrong with being humble. It is an admirable trait. Joe Biden is known for a lot of things. Most will say humble is not on top of that list. It doesn't mean he's a bad person or can't be humble but he is known as a very confident person who's not afraid to let you know that. Hence the initial surprise.
I doubt Obama regrets it.

The Mrs. has a theory that there are probably just as many people who won't vote for a woman as there are people who won't vote for someone who is black; their own internal polling might have even given them a hint of this, so whatever net gain they would have made by picking her - including the idea that McCain would have picked someone else - would have been negated by the double-whammy of having a ticket that might cost them on both gender & ethnicity.

that's retarded.
Mcain gets about 12 90yr olds on his stumps.
Add palin and you have Obama like rockstar crowds.
They won't win but she brings millions of voters that will save Mcain the humiliation of losing as bad as Mondale:pke:
I doubt Obama regrets it.

The Mrs. has a theory that there are probably just as many people who won't vote for a woman as there are people who won't vote for someone who is black; their own internal polling might have even given them a hint of this, so whatever net gain they would have made by picking her - including the idea that McCain would have picked someone else - would have been negated by the double-whammy of having a ticket that might cost them on both gender & ethnicity.

That’s probably true.