Joe Biden’s made-up stories... raise serious questions about his mental health | NYP


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I see that a thread has been started here recently concerning whether or not Biden should run for a second term, this one to be precise:

Comments on whether Joe Biden should run for re-election |

Though I'm not American, I agree with the approximately 80% of Democrats that believe that he should not. I preferred him to Trump going into the 2020 elections, but he seriously disappointed me with his stance on Covid and his stance on giving Ukraine billions of dollars in weapons, while perhaps more predictable, was also terrible in my view. But perhaps just as important as his decisions is his mental health. I strongly believe that at this point, Biden is probably little more than a puppet, being stage managed by people who weren't even elected to be president. This is particularly concerning, given the amount of bad decisions he can make. One example that comes to mind is the war in Ukraine. Made a thread about the dangers there recently here:

Robert Scheer: Nuclear War Imminent? |

With that in mind, I'll quote a bit of the article from the New York Post written at the end of 2021 that this thread is named after, from the introduction and its conclusion...

By Kevin D. Williamson

December 3, 2021

Once, toward the end of her life, when she was not in good health, I woke my mother up from a nap, and, unusually for her, she snapped fully awake immediately. Over the next several minutes, she talked at length about the strict Catholic schools she had attended as a girl, remembering how mean the nuns had been and how afraid she had been of them. Her memories were vivid, and I was surprised that she had never shared them with me before.

The reason she hadn’t shared them with me, of course, is because none of it had ever happened. She was raised in a Methodist family in a company town in the Texas Panhandle and had never set foot in a Catholic school a day in her life — she probably would have had to drive two hours just to find one. I’d be surprised if she’d even known any Catholics back then. Her mind had, for whatever reason, played a trick on her. She didn’t suffer from dementia in any obvious way, and she never had another episode like that, as far as I am aware, for the rest of her life. When we get old, we break down, and strange things sometimes happen.

A thing about my mother, though: She did not possess a single nuclear weapon.

President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and what we sometimes euphemistically call a “senior moment.”


Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health. That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public.


As far as I know, no well known democrat has said a word on all of this since this article was written over a year ago.
I see that a thread has been started here recently concerning whether or not Biden should run for a second term, this one to be precise:

Comments on whether Joe Biden should run for re-election |

Though I'm not American, I agree with the approximately 80% of Democrats that believe that he should not. I preferred him to Trump going into the 2020 elections, but he seriously disappointed me with his stance on Covid and his stance on giving Ukraine billions of dollars in weapons, while perhaps more predictable, was also terrible in my view. But perhaps just as important as his decisions is his mental health. I strongly believe that at this point, Biden is probably little more than a puppet, being stage managed by people who weren't even elected to be president. This is particularly concerning, given the amount of bad decisions he can make. One example that comes to mind is the war in Ukraine. Made a thread about the dangers there recently here:

Robert Scheer: Nuclear War Imminent? |

With that in mind, I'll quote a bit of the article from the New York Post written at the end of 2021 that this thread is named after, from the introduction and its conclusion...

By Kevin D. Williamson

December 3, 2021

Once, toward the end of her life, when she was not in good health, I woke my mother up from a nap, and, unusually for her, she snapped fully awake immediately. Over the next several minutes, she talked at length about the strict Catholic schools she had attended as a girl, remembering how mean the nuns had been and how afraid she had been of them. Her memories were vivid, and I was surprised that she had never shared them with me before.

The reason she hadn’t shared them with me, of course, is because none of it had ever happened. She was raised in a Methodist family in a company town in the Texas Panhandle and had never set foot in a Catholic school a day in her life — she probably would have had to drive two hours just to find one. I’d be surprised if she’d even known any Catholics back then. Her mind had, for whatever reason, played a trick on her. She didn’t suffer from dementia in any obvious way, and she never had another episode like that, as far as I am aware, for the rest of her life. When we get old, we break down, and strange things sometimes happen.

A thing about my mother, though: She did not possess a single nuclear weapon.

President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and what we sometimes euphemistically call a “senior moment.”


Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health. That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public.


As far as I know, no well known democrat has said a word on all of this since this article was written over a year ago.

Yeah. Maybe he can get the doctor who claimed Trump was the most healthy president ever to write up something for him.

What a joke MAGA Republicans are.
Anything NOT from a right wing blog?

The New York Post is a news outlet that's at times written some truths that most of the mainstream media refused to touch initially. The Hunter Biden laptop story is what got me on their radar. That doesn't mean I agree with everything they say, but after reading the article linked to in the opening post, I think they have another well written article here.
Anyone who supports Trump or the GOP is mentally ill.

As I just mentioned, I've never been a fan of Trump. As to the GOP or the democrats for that matter, I'm generally in favour of those who aren't part of the establishment. For all Trump's faults, I think he was on the money that there is a deep state at work in the U.S. government, one that cares little for whether you're a democrat or a republican so long as you tow the line on certain issues such as the ever increasing power of the military industrial complex and much of the mainstream media.
I'm no fan of Trump, but that doesn't mean we should ignore Biden's faults.

I think we should never ignore anyone's faults...and I never suggested we should.

BOTTOM LINE: The best I have seen in any election during the last dozen plus cycles is...choose the better of two flawed candidates.

These people are human beings...and human beings bring flaws along with their strengths.
The New York Post is a news outlet that's at times written some truths that most of the mainstream media refused to touch initially. The Hunter Biden laptop story is what got me on their radar. That doesn't mean I agree with everything they say, but after reading the article linked to in the opening post, I think they have another well written article here.

You are on board with the laptop? After all this time and nothing but noise. The chain of evidence in that case should tell you something.
I'm no fan of Trump, but that doesn't mean we should ignore Biden's faults.

You don’t understand. The far left is still very afflicted with TDS. ANY criticism of Biden no matter how innocuous it is means , to them, you are a MAGA.
I’ve stated consistently all the way back to 2015 that Trump is terrible, yet the far left loons here still think I’d vote for him today, consider me a white supremacist nazi and member of the Proud Boys.
I think we should never ignore anyone's faults...and I never suggested we should.

BOTTOM LINE: The best I have seen in any election during the last dozen plus cycles is...choose the better of two flawed candidates.

These people are human beings...and human beings bring flaws along with their strengths.

Why not choose the best candidate available? Nobody forces you to choose between two horrific candidates.
Oh yeah, the old ‘don’t throw away your vote ‘ excuse.
Well I’ve got news for you. Your vote has never made one iota of difference in the outcome of any election.
I see that a thread has been started here recently concerning whether or not Biden should run for a second term, this one to be precise:

Comments on whether Joe Biden should run for re-election |

Though I'm not American, I agree with the approximately 80% of Democrats that believe that he should not. I preferred him to Trump going into the 2020 elections, but he seriously disappointed me with his stance on Covid and his stance on giving Ukraine billions of dollars in weapons, while perhaps more predictable, was also terrible in my view. But perhaps just as important as his decisions is his mental health. I strongly believe that at this point, Biden is probably little more than a puppet, being stage managed by people who weren't even elected to be president. This is particularly concerning, given the amount of bad decisions he can make. One example that comes to mind is the war in Ukraine. Made a thread about the dangers there recently here:

Robert Scheer: Nuclear War Imminent? |

With that in mind, I'll quote a bit of the article from the New York Post written at the end of 2021 that this thread is named after, from the introduction and its conclusion...

By Kevin D. Williamson

December 3, 2021

Once, toward the end of her life, when she was not in good health, I woke my mother up from a nap, and, unusually for her, she snapped fully awake immediately. Over the next several minutes, she talked at length about the strict Catholic schools she had attended as a girl, remembering how mean the nuns had been and how afraid she had been of them. Her memories were vivid, and I was surprised that she had never shared them with me before.

The reason she hadn’t shared them with me, of course, is because none of it had ever happened. She was raised in a Methodist family in a company town in the Texas Panhandle and had never set foot in a Catholic school a day in her life — she probably would have had to drive two hours just to find one. I’d be surprised if she’d even known any Catholics back then. Her mind had, for whatever reason, played a trick on her. She didn’t suffer from dementia in any obvious way, and she never had another episode like that, as far as I am aware, for the rest of her life. When we get old, we break down, and strange things sometimes happen.

A thing about my mother, though: She did not possess a single nuclear weapon.

President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and what we sometimes euphemistically call a “senior moment.”


Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health. That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public.


As far as I know, no well known democrat has said a word on all of this since this article was written over a year ago.
Seeing Joe Biden at the State of the Union, it’s obvious the man does not have dementia. He may spin a good yarn, but he is not demented. He does show signs of being near 80 years old.
I see that a thread has been started here recently concerning whether or not Biden should run for a second term, this one to be precise:

Comments on whether Joe Biden should run for re-election |

Though I'm not American, I agree with the approximately 80% of Democrats that believe that he should not. I preferred him to Trump going into the 2020 elections, but he seriously disappointed me with his stance on Covid and his stance on giving Ukraine billions of dollars in weapons, while perhaps more predictable, was also terrible in my view. But perhaps just as important as his decisions is his mental health. I strongly believe that at this point, Biden is probably little more than a puppet, being stage managed by people who weren't even elected to be president. This is particularly concerning, given the amount of bad decisions he can make. One example that comes to mind is the war in Ukraine. Made a thread about the dangers there recently here:

Robert Scheer: Nuclear War Imminent? |

With that in mind, I'll quote a bit of the article from the New York Post written at the end of 2021 that this thread is named after, from the introduction and its conclusion...

By Kevin D. Williamson

December 3, 2021

Once, toward the end of her life, when she was not in good health, I woke my mother up from a nap, and, unusually for her, she snapped fully awake immediately. Over the next several minutes, she talked at length about the strict Catholic schools she had attended as a girl, remembering how mean the nuns had been and how afraid she had been of them. Her memories were vivid, and I was surprised that she had never shared them with me before.

The reason she hadn’t shared them with me, of course, is because none of it had ever happened. She was raised in a Methodist family in a company town in the Texas Panhandle and had never set foot in a Catholic school a day in her life — she probably would have had to drive two hours just to find one. I’d be surprised if she’d even known any Catholics back then. Her mind had, for whatever reason, played a trick on her. She didn’t suffer from dementia in any obvious way, and she never had another episode like that, as far as I am aware, for the rest of her life. When we get old, we break down, and strange things sometimes happen.

A thing about my mother, though: She did not possess a single nuclear weapon.

President Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and what we sometimes euphemistically call a “senior moment.”


Because of Biden’s long history of habitual dishonesty, it is difficult to tell how much of this is Biden being Biden and how much of it is Biden no longer quite being Biden — how much is his longstanding and familiar moral disability and how much is, as it may be, late-life mental disability.

We need an independent medical assessment of the president’s mental health. That is a sobering fact to face, but face it we must. And right now, we need a Democrat who will say so in public.


As far as I know, no well known democrat has said a word on all of this since this article was written over a year ago.

As I just mentioned, I've never been a fan of Trump. As to the GOP or the democrats for that matter, I'm generally in favour of those who aren't part of the establishment. For all Trump's faults, I think he was on the money that there is a deep state at work in the U.S. government, one that cares little for whether you're a democrat or a republican so long as you tow the line on certain issues such as the ever increasing power of the military industrial complex and much of the mainstream media.

Trump first, got it.
Why not choose the best candidate available? Nobody forces you to choose between two horrific candidates.

Except for the candidacy of Trump...I have never seen any horrific candidates from the two major parties.

Oh yeah, the old ‘don’t throw away your vote ‘ excuse.

To those with a functioning brain, it is not an "excuse." It is a logical, rational reason fr not doing it.

Well I’ve got news for you. Your vote has never made one iota of difference in the outcome of any election.

Well, when I ran for president, my write-in vote meant I got one vote...which did make a difference. So don't give me that "never made one iota of difference" bullshit.
Trump and Biden should not run, they both are too old and neither of them have a firm grasp on truth.

This does not mean neither of them will, they both are running.

Biden will win the Democratic nomination unless something major stops him. Trump, on the other hand, is not such a sure lock on the Republican nomination.
Seeing Joe Biden at the State of the Union, it’s obvious the man does not have dementia. He may spin a good yarn, but he is not demented. He does show signs of being near 80 years old.

"Spin a good yarn?" More like lying braggard telling 'fish' stories who is going senile.
