Joe Liberman...VP!


Rumors are spreading fast that Joe will become John McCain's VP running mate in the General...Joe has been at John's side since December and traveled with him on his trip last week to Iraq.UK and Israel...Joe was coaching John along the way whispering sweet nothings into Johns ear when he misspoke...John was quoted saying 'Joe will have a important role in the General Election'...

VP comes to mind...What say y'all?

Rumors are spreading fast that Joe will become John McCain's VP running mate in the General...Joe has been at John's side since December and traveled with him on his trip last week to Iraq.UK and Israel...Joe was coaching John along the way whispering sweet nothings into Johns ear when he misspoke...John was quoted saying 'Joe will have a important role in the General Election'...

VP comes to mind...What say y'all?

Desh's conspiracy threads are getting really old!
I don't think so.............

Hook up Romney. He'd have been the nominee if that idiot Huckabee would have dropped out.

John has distanced from the Keating five incident...I don't think he would want a replay...Mitt and the 'Mormon 7'(Suma/Hughes hostile takeover)...this is Obamas problemo also...tying to fraudulent real estate dealings...bubble collapse!;)
Joe is a good Choice, but if the Republicans are to have a chance, they need a great choice. I would think Colin Powell would be an excellent choice if he would accept the invitation (not clear that he would even entertain it). I think Ms Rice would be another good choice. If this Campaign comes down to being "Historical" by gender or race standards, Republicans might do good to allowing their ticket to be "Historical" as well.

I do believe that both Mr Powell and Ms Rice are both extemely qualified hands-down (among many others I'm sure). You would not be lowering the ticket to attract enthusiam comparable to that generated by the democrats. You would be holding the line on extemely qualified individuals while giving Republicans, "Independens" and "Cross-over Democrats something to feel good about. Alright, someone jump in tell me how my logic is flawed....

Joe is a good Choice, but if the Republicans are to have a chance, they need a great choice. I would think Colin Powell would be an excellent choice if he would accept the invitation (not clear that he would even entertain it). I think Ms Rice would be another good choice. If this Campaign comes down to being "Historical" by gender or race standards, Republicans might do good to allowing their ticket to be "Historical" as well.

I do believe that both Mr Powell and Ms Rice are both extemely qualified hands-down (among many others I'm sure). You would not be lowering the ticket to attract enthusiam comparable to that generated by the democrats. You would be holding the line on extemely qualified individuals while giving Republicans, "Independens" and "Cross-over Democrats something to feel good about. Alright, someone jump in tell me how my logic is flawed....

Colin has expressed no desire to run for office..and Condi is going to go back to the University system...maybe write a book...and Joe would add a new twist to the scenario...the far left loves to play the race card...John would do well to stay outta this fray!
I would like to know McCain's short list of VPs. No doubt that Joe is on it, but I am not sure he adds enough to help the ticket. Huckabee, Romney, and others all carry baggage that will hurt as much as help the ticket. Some will vote for a ticket with Huck because of his beliefs, and some will not vote for him for the same reason. The same can be said for Romney. McCain's choice is critical and he needs a great pick this time. A good choice will not be enough to inspire a somewhat split party.
Well I disagree...............

I would like to know McCain's short list of VPs. No doubt that Joe is on it, but I am not sure he adds enough to help the ticket. Huckabee, Romney, and others all carry baggage that will hurt as much as help the ticket. Some will vote for a ticket with Huck because of his beliefs, and some will not vote for him for the same reason. The same can be said for Romney. McCain's choice is critical and he needs a great pick this time. A good choice will not be enough to inspire a somewhat split party.

Both John and Joe are old farts...who did their best to serve...This will most likely be a 'one term going' away party for John and this bad?...I think least the race card issue is not going to play here! imho!;)
Don't get me wong, I'd vote for John and Joe in a heartbeat, but with twice as many dems showing up in most primary bouts, I think enthusiasm has been lacking on our side. I'm not sure Joe will generate the enthusiasm we need. I wouldn't want to pin all my hopes on the Dems self-explosive nature. They "hate" Bush so much, that they might just manage to stay united against McCain if not united for their own. We need excitement on our ticket.
All I can say is.............

Don't get me wong, I'd vote for John and Joe in a heartbeat, but with twice as many dems showing up in most primary bouts, I think enthusiasm has been lacking on our side. I'm not sure Joe will generate the enthusiasm we need. I wouldn't want to pin all my hopes on the Dems self-explosive nature. They "hate" Bush so much, that they might just manage to stay united against McCain if not united for their own. We need excitement on our ticket.

it is 'written it is done' let the cards fall where they may!;)
I don't believe a single additional dem will show up to vote because of Joe. If anything, his democratic party past would likely draw some measure of dems and independents to vote for the McCain ticket. I truly don't know if it would be signifcant in the big picture. In any case, I'd vote for McCain-Liberman. We do not have to guess about either, both having lengthy voting records.

I can not understand a vote for Obama just because he can speak better than most. Obama has a Congressional record shorter than a High School transcript. OK, you can add his experience in Illinois, but that's kind of like looking back at Junior High... If he is fit for the job, let him spend a few more years in Congress and prove it!

I don't believe a single additional dem will show up to vote because of Joe. If anything, his democratic party past would likely draw some measure of dems and independents to vote for the McCain ticket. I truly don't know if it would be signifcant in the big picture. In any case, I'd vote for McCain-Liberman. We do not have to guess about either, both having lengthy voting records.

I can not understand a vote for Obama just because he can speak better than most. Obama has a Congressional record shorter than a High School transcript. OK, you can add his experience in Illinois, but that's kind of like looking back at Junior High... If he is fit for the job, let him spend a few more years in Congress and prove it!

and who would you rather have as 'First Lady' Michelle Obama 'I hate America', Bill Clinton...'Master of the Blue dress orgasm' or ...........

Cindy McCain who also has real credentials...regardless of the left wing smear tactic..
Yeah - 1st lady; that one's crucial. We're in a recession & can't get out of an unnecessary war...whoever fills the ol' "first lady" role will really tip the balance for America's future.