Joe Manchin’s ugly new demands expose the absurdity of arbitrary centrism

The one on the Earthquake fault line?

Why Bi-den Put Corn Pop in Charge of the EPA

This whole pseudo-science of Environmentalism is funded by Hollywood producers looking for sensationalist scare-stories. The mindless shock and awe script-written by psychotic nerds sells a lot of popcorn.
China emits 28% of the world's CO2 which is more than North America, Europe, India and Russia combined. So why aren't you protesting at the Chinese embassy? Did you know that the US is now back to the emission levels of 1991?
Not Only Are the Alt-Energy Fanatics Wrong, They're Dead Wrong

That's what killed the Fortune Cookie Virus there, after some of it escaped to the Lockdown World, where there was not enough "pollution" to kill it off. The mere 4,636 deaths there is a fact that cannot be explained otherwise. CO2 is antiseptic.
Not Only Are the Alt-Energy Fanatics Wrong, They're Dead Wrong

That's what killed the Fortune Cookie Virus there, after some of it escaped to the Lockdown World, where there was not enough "pollution" to kill it off. The mere 4,636 deaths there is a fact that cannot be explained otherwise. CO2 is antiseptic.

everything you write is very stupid
Kind of hard to understand where the fools crawl out from. They cannot grasp the concept that socialism does not necessitate an end to capitalism, or that the country was founded on the principles of both while strictly curtailing the corporation in its life time, and power to influence especially in politics. They also ignore the reality that the Founders feared the wealth inequality that they now support, and was the reason why the tax was to be imposed only on the wealthy, not the poor, or the working poor. Truth is irrelevant to them, and they lie on a daily basis, and never, I mean NEVER, provide any proof for their lies, and bull shit, yet ignorantly repeat them as commanded by their masters.

They will, if left to do so, destroy the American Dream in favor of the wishes of their masters, and the autocrats they so adore.
If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must They

Taxing at 100% the inheritances and trust funds of those born in the 1% would bring in $3 trillion a year. There would then be no need for an income tax.
No, YOU don't understand capitalism without government-bribed influence, probably because you have never experienced it.

Well I have, and capitalism is good without the government picking winners.
Totalitarian Juniorocracy

What right does the plutocracy have to pick winners in the next generation through inheritances and trust funds? This cancer of hereditary power, which has destroyed all civilizations, is never recognized, because the HeirDads control what we think.
Manchin’s new moves reveal the folly of arbitrary centrism. This posture is essentially that any effort to restrain liberal governance is an inherent good, with no serious acknowledgement required of the real-world trade offs it entails.

This is necessary because Manchin, who fears deficits and inflation, has drawn a line at $1.5 trillion. But that appears arbitrary: Manchin has even suggested to colleagues that he doesn’t particularly care which progressive priorities get jettisoned; he just wants to see some of them gone.

Stop whinning and stop using the WaPo as a source for anything.
Manchin’s new moves reveal the folly of arbitrary centrism. This posture is essentially that any effort to restrain liberal governance is an inherent good, with no serious acknowledgement required of the real-world trade offs it entails.

This is necessary because Manchin, who fears deficits and inflation, has drawn a line at $1.5 trillion. But that appears arbitrary: Manchin has even suggested to colleagues that he doesn’t particularly care which progressive priorities get jettisoned; he just wants to see some of them gone.

Interesting how aw 10:32 you post an OP saying everything is going down and one minute later at 10:33 you post this. Confusion running around in your empty head?
I fully expect you worthless cunts to misconstrue scriptures.......what about "you saw the government violate the laws of the country on a daily basis for political gain and you supported it".......

Thank you for proving once again that PiMP's (False "prophets") like you have no use for scripture, nor even know what the f**k you are talking about. Keep crying snowflake:

1Samuel 8: 10-22

"So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who asked him for a king. And he said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots. He will appoint captains over his thousands and captains over his fifties, will set some to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and some to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. And he will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants. He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage, and give it to his officers and servants. And he will take your male servants, your female servants, your finest [a]young men, and your donkeys, and put them to his work. He will take a tenth of your sheep. And you will be his servants. And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, “No, but we will have a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”

And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he repeated them in the hearing of the Lord. So the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed their voice, and make them a king.”

if you fucks want to help the poor of the world, CHANGE IMMIGRATION control control the white don't want new want a flood of illegals who are afraid to get better paying jobs, who are totally dependant on lib'rul politicians for their don't want to help them, you want to own them......meanwhile you raise this argument simply because you want to detract from your pork.....

So tell us oh ignorant fool, what law needs to be changed? The one that gives welfare to immigrants? The one that allows for immigrants to apply for asylum no matter what their legal status is? The one that sets up judges to hear asylum cases that your gawd reduced the number of that created the mess we have now?

Cite a law that needs to be changed instead of your childish, and particularly stupid, recitation of trumps bull shit, that needs to be changed. Or is it the law that needs to be enforced, not your gawds EO's.

And then maybe, just maybe, you might give an actual example of this "pork" you keep whining about, and lying about.
I suspect that if the Socialism Advancement Program does not come it at near or above the $2 trillion mark that the Revolution will start up the riots again.
Manchin could be fighting for West Virginia, he is not.
I agree and I don't think Manchin delivered squat to West Virginia's best interests and the interests of them who voted for him, other than for himself and his special interests groups:

West Virginians Are Disappointed in Joe Manchin
The Build Back Better plan could set West Virginia on the path to prosperity, but the senator stands in the way

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”
hard to believe you need it explained to you......if you want more more immigrants, increase the legal immigration limits.......don't ignore illegal immigration.......

Not surprised you have no answer. Your gawd id all of that by Executive Order, and look at the mess it created.

Now, once again fool, what laws would YOU change?
I agree and I don't think Manchin delivered squat to West Virginia's best interests and the interests of them who voted for him, other than for himself and his special interests groups:

West Virginians Are Disappointed in Joe Manchin
The Build Back Better plan could set West Virginia on the path to prosperity, but the senator stands in the way

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”

Manchin has the integrity, and the moral values, of a Republic**nt, and needs to change parties. Hell, he has taken enough from Big Oil, and his coal stocks, to live life comfortably.