John Durham Owes the American People an Apology for Wasting Their Money

And while we're on the subject, regardless of what report claims what,
I'm still pretty sure that Trump is a Putin cock-holster.
He proved that the Trump-Russian collusion issue was made up by democrats and perpetuated by the FBI.

Durham proved no such thing. The only indictment he tried on those lines was of Clinton-linked lawyer Michael Sussmann, for lying to the FBI. Sussmann was acquitted.

So there it is. The "crime of the century" according to Trump. LOL.
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I am sorry you feel that way but I will not return your anger
Why should I be angry? God gave each of us free will. You choose to be evil. It’s not my place to judge you.
You and I already agreed judgment comes from God post-mortem. :)
Special counsel John Durham’s final report reveals that four years, a $6.5 million spend, and many dining dates with former Attorney General Barr yielded nothing. As a prosecutor who served as a supervisor on an independent counsel investigation, I find Durham’s investigation to be a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.

Durham’s investigation sent no one to jail but did manage to lose two jury trials, including the final loss, in which Durham personally got into the well of the courtroom to make various arguments to the jury justifying his own investigation.

Contrary to the expectations set by former President Donald Trump, Durham failed to produce any evidence of what Trump promised to be “the crime of the century”—presumably involving the “deep-state conspiracy” mantra of Trump supporters—and sent no one to jail.

They owe us back our TAX PAID DOLLARS!

What was this WILD GOOSE trip to Italy all about that Durham and Barr participated in?

Anyone have any ideas?
I found it

"Italian officials... unexpectedly offered a potentially explosive tip linking Mr. Trump to certain suspected financial crimes," the Times reports. "Mr. Barr and [former special counsel John] Durham decided that the tip was too serious and credible to ignore. But rather than assign it to another prosecutor, Mr. Barr had Mr. Durham investigate the matter himself."
Wasn’t there rumors they found dirt on Trump? I seemed to recall something like that.
Finding dirt on Trump doesn’t take a shovel, just a leaf blower. Certainly not the FBI. The tabloids are full of Trump dirt.

He proved Democrats don't care about scandals, only power

rig a presidency. no bid deal

rig an election. no big deal
The Durham Report Offered Few Conclusions. The Right Drew Its Own.
Conservative leaders and right-wing outlets say the special counsel report, which produced no startling revelations, lends credence to their conspiracy theories about the F.B.I.
What I read about it was Durham who basically felt they rush the investigation and skipped steps, but there was no plot to get Trump.
Expect more spewing about deep state asshattery
Because Trumpers never take responsibility for anything. LOL

FWIW, on another thread it was speculated that the “deep state” could be our future selves traveling back in time to warn us.