John Edwards Caught With Mistress



Sticking his cock somewhere else, while his cancer ridden wife is left at home.

You know the story has got to be true since the MSM is not even looking into it.


Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER.

The married ex-senator from North Carolina - whose wife Elizabeth continues to battle cancer -- met with his mistress, blonde divorcée Rielle Hunter, at the Beverly Hilton on Monday night, July 21 - and the NATIONAL ENQUIRER was there! He didn't leave until early the next morning.

A Beverly Hills hotel security guard told he intervened this week between a man he identified as former Sen. John Edwards and tabloid reporters who chased down the former presidential hopeful after what they're calling a rendezvous with his mistress and love child.

The Beverly Hilton Hotel guard said he encountered a shaken and ashen-faced Edwards — whom he did not immediately recognize — in a hotel men's room early Tuesday morning in a literal tug-of-war with reporters on the other side of the door.

"What are they saying about me?" the guard said Edwards asked.

"His face just went totally white," the guard said, when Edwards was told the reporters were shouting out questions about Edwards and Rielle Hunter, a woman the National Enquirer says is the mother of his child.
National Enquirer. Excellent source of news there. This coming from a guy who will tell you you're misguided if you read the New York Times.
Actually the Enquirer is not always wrong especially with this sort of scanal mongering. Anyway other sources have followed up and it looks like it might be true.
Actually the Enquirer is not always wrong especially with this sort of scanal mongering. Anyway other sources have followed up and it looks like it might be true.

If it is true, I would really have to wonder wtf was he thinking by running for President? One of this guy's biggest assets is his wife. This story, if true, would have put him down.

I must be getting old, I really must be. Or maybe i just really like Elizabeth Edwards. I guess, it is a combination of the two. But this would really bother me, if true. To the point of affecting whether I went third party. I guess I am getting old. I'm just so tired of all of this sleazy shit, and of women always being on the receiving end of it.
Perhaps I'm missing something, or perhaps it's just the European perspective, but even if the story is true, so what? A large proportion of politicians in every country have "complicated" personal lives. They're pretty much like the rest of us, including journalists and newspaper editors and owners.

In France, the President of the Republic married a nude-modelling, pop-song singing glamour model just a few months ago. In Ireland, a socially-conservative country once famously described as "the valley of the squinting windows", our previous Taoiseach (head of government), Bertie Ahern was seperated from his wife and had a string of "liaisons" during his term in office. And he was elected and re-elected three times.

I'm not surprised that people are intesred in the details of a politician's sex-life, but I am surprised that people would change their vote on the strength of it.
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Perhaps I'm missing something, or perhaps it's just the European perspective, but even if the story is true, so what? A large proportion of politicians in every country have "complicated" personal lives. They're pretty much like the rest of us, including journalists and newspaper editors and owners.

In France, the President of the Republic married a nude-modelling, pop-song singing glamour model just a few months ago. In Ireland, a socially-conservative country once famously described as "the valley of the squinting windows", our previous Taoiseach (head of government), Bertie Ahern was seperated from his wife and had a string of "liaisons" during his term in office. And he was elected and re-elected three times.

I'm not surprised that people are intesred in the details of a politician's sex-life, but I am surprised that people would change their vote on the strength of it.

Welcome to the board.

I know. It's really a nearly indefensible position. I cringe to see myself writing it. But, as I said, I must be getting old, because I'm just fed up with it. As far as the Carla Bruni thing, I think that's a horse of a different color. Who cares if she was a bit of a slut? Or if he was. The fact is, his wife left him, and he was available. No one was betrayed.

I think when it involves, as it almost always seems to, the public humiliation and betrayal of a woman, it's a bit different. I'm tired of it. And don't forget that Elizabeth Edwards has cancer. I guess I feel that if you can go home night after night and lie to your cancer-ridden wife, why the hell would you be telling me the truth?
I have not seen anything to indicate its true.

And you won't see anything in the MSM about it unless it becomes absolutely unavoidable....MSM is the propaganda machine of the Democarts and they will not cover anything that shows a liberal Dim in an unflattering light....

If it becomes necessary to mention Edwards and his love child it will be done by re-hashing the unfounded accusations about McCain alleged affair from last year....the coverage will be 95% McCain, 5% Edwards....
Welcome to the board.

I know. It's really a nearly indefensible position. I cringe to see myself writing it. But, as I said, I must be getting old, because I'm just fed up with it. As far as the Carla Bruni thing, I think that's a horse of a different color. Who cares if she was a bit of a slut? Or if he was. The fact is, his wife left him, and he was available. No one was betrayed.

I think when it involves, as it almost always seems to, the public humiliation and betrayal of a woman, it's a bit different. I'm tired of it. And don't forget that Elizabeth Edwards has cancer. I guess I feel that if you can go home night after night and lie to your cancer-ridden wife, why the hell would you be telling me the truth?

Thanks for your kind welcome, Darla.

I guess I just don't make the connection between the private, sexual behaviour of a politician and his or her public relationship with the people. Where a politician links the private realm to the political by, for example, running on a "moral majority" or "back to basics" platform and is found to be hypocritical in his private behaviour than I would agree that this would be a legitimate cause to withdraw support for them. But outside of that, I am much more interested in their wider political record. I don't see the close connection between private and public trust that you do, sorry!

I take your point, however, about the fact that it is more often a case of male politicians treating their female partners shabbily than the other way around. It's unpleasant and can be disturbing, but I don't hire and fire people at work because of their private morality. Likewise, I wouldn't hire or fire a politician for their private morality.
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Thanks for your kind welcome, Darla.

I guess I just don't make the connection between the private behaviour of a politician and his or her public relationship with the people. Where a politician links the private realm to the political by, for example, running on a "moral majority" or "back to basics" platform and is found to be hypocritical in his private behaviour than I would agree that this would be a legitimate cause to withdraw support for them. But outside of that, I am much more interested in their wider political record. I don't see the close connection between private and public trust that you do, sorry!

I take your point, however, about the fact that it is more often a case of male politicians treating their female partners shabbily than the other way around. It's unpleasant and can be disturbing, but I don't hire and fire people at work because of their private morality. Likewise, I wouldn't hire or fire a politician for their private morality.

Well, I've always agreed with this view in the past, and you make very good points. I am so disillusioned with politicians lately, that I suppose it is just a matter of not being able to believe anything that they say. And cheating on your cancer-ridden spouse is not exactly a ringing endorsement of your honesty. We have had a string of them here lately. One sleazy story after the next, and to a man, they drag their humiliated wives out there to stand next to them as they admit to having "made mistakes". It's just disgusting. Maybe if just once the woman would use the opportunity of a press conference to bang her husband upside the head with a frying pan, it would be more tolerable.
Well, I've always agreed with this view in the past, and you make very good points. I am so disillusioned with politicians lately, that I suppose it is just a matter of not being able to believe anything that they say. And cheating on your cancer-ridden spouse is not exactly a ringing endorsement of your honesty. We have had a string of them here lately. One sleazy story after the next, and to a man, they drag their humiliated wives out there to stand next to them as they admit to having "made mistakes". It's just disgusting. Maybe if just once the woman would use the opportunity of a press conference to bang her husband upside the head with a frying pan, it would be more tolerable.


Being a man is AWESOME!
Perhaps I'm missing something, or perhaps it's just the European perspective, but even if the story is true, so what? A large proportion of politicians in every country have "complicated" personal lives. They're pretty much like the rest of us, including journalists and newspaper editors and owners.

In France, the President of the Republic married a nude-modelling, pop-song singing glamour model just a few months ago. In Ireland, a socially-conservative country once famously described as "the valley of the squinting windows", our previous Taoiseach (head of government), Bertie Ahern was seperated from his wife and had a string of "liaisons" during his term in office. And he was elected and re-elected three times.

I'm not surprised that people are intesred in the details of a politician's sex-life, but I am surprised that people would change their vote on the strength of it.

I find it amusing considering Edward's two americas speech. The duality being the funny part.

And believe it or not, some of us have less faith and trust in people we see betraying the trust of others. I don't know what kind of person you are, but if this doesn't bother you, I'm glad I don't have to call you my friend.
I find it amusing considering Edward's two americas speech. The duality being the funny part.

And believe it or not, some of us have less faith and trust in people we see betraying the trust of others. I don't know what kind of person you are, but if this doesn't bother you, I'm glad I don't have to call you my friend.

Conservatives: simple logic for simple minds.
Well, I've always agreed with this view in the past, and you make very good points. I am so disillusioned with politicians lately, that I suppose it is just a matter of not being able to believe anything that they say. And cheating on your cancer-ridden spouse is not exactly a ringing endorsement of your honesty. We have had a string of them here lately. One sleazy story after the next, and to a man, they drag their humiliated wives out there to stand next to them as they admit to having "made mistakes". It's just disgusting. Maybe if just once the woman would use the opportunity of a press conference to bang her husband upside the head with a frying pan, it would be more tolerable.

There's an interesting remark once made by a BBC TV journalist, called Jeremy Paxman, who said that before he does an interview with a politician he asks himself, "What is this lying bastard going to lie to me about today?"

I am not quite as cynical about politicians as Paxman, but I do have a healthy scepticism about what politicians say or promise - and I'm actively involved in national politics myself. Perhaps that's part of the problem. Perhaps many people expect more from their politicians than they would expect from a work colleague, a neighbour, an employee or a jouranlist, or perhaps even themselves?

However, I do wholeheartedly agree with your comment about (usually male) politicians dragging their humiliated partner/spouse before the cameras as part of an often tearful mea culpa. This is cynical and hypocritical behaviour that I do deplore. But it's the cynicism and hypocrisy that I find offensive, not their sexual behaviour. I totally agree with you that the proper response from a betrayed partner in those circumstances would be to apply a frying pan liberally to their cheating spouse's cranial region. And several swift kicks to the groin as well. That's retaliation I would vote for!
And believe it or not, some of us have less faith and trust in people we see betraying the trust of others. I don't know what kind of person you are, but if this doesn't bother you, I'm glad I don't have to call you my friend.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm really quite a nice person once you get to know me. Alternatively, I'd advise climbing down off that high horse of yours.

I expect politicians to be slippery and difficult to pin down in what they say - that's what politicians do. I expect politicians to show the same weaknesses and make the same sexual choices, good and bad, that people in every other walk of life show. I'm therefore much less likely to be surprised when a politician is exposed for being just like the rest of us.

However, what I won't tolerate is being lied to. I won't tolerate cynicism and hypocrisy in a politician. And I won't tolerate a politician preaching sexual morality to me or anyone else. Such people are invariably frauds and liars and are easilly found out - as recent history on both sides of the Atlantic has demonstrated.

If the reports about John Edwards are true, then as I understand from what little we know so far, he has neither lied to the American people about his sex life nor preached to the American people about their sexual morality or the evils of adultery. The worst he can be accused of, as a politician, is employing his wife as a stage prop in his campaign for the Democratic nomination. That's not nice and could even be described as being unpleasant and exploitative of his spouse, but is pretty much par for the political course both in the US and here in Europe.

I'm surprised you are surprised by that, but on second thoughts I don't think you're that surprised at all. ;)
I'm therefore much less likely to be surprised when a politician is exposed for being just like the rest of us.

We differ in that the people I surround myself with don't lie and cheat others. If you consider that type of behavior to represent the people you associate with, I feel sorry for you.
Do you think people who lie to the closest people in their lives are going to be trustworthy when employed to work for people they don't know or care about?
Actually the Enquirer is not always wrong especially with this sort of scanal mongering. Anyway other sources have followed up and it looks like it might be true.

I would have to see those other sources before accepting an enquirer story. I understand they do occasionally hit upon the truth, but it is really really hard to accept anything they report without a huge grain of salt.