John Lame Deer

You've been trained like a monkey to push buttons on a keyboard, a smart phone, a microwave oven

But your knowledge and skills in higher mathmatics, physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, genetics are practically non-existent.

I seriously doubt you have done the hard work neccessary to be erudite and intellectually skilled.

Message board rubes who've been trained like chimpanzees to punch buttons on a smart phone have no standing to call the Incan, Mayan, or Anazazi civilizations morons.

All you need to do is read a history book to verify my points.

You should try it sometime
All you need to do is read a history book to verify my points.

You should try it sometime

I accept your tacit confession that you as an individual are no more intelligent than a Mayan architect or Anazazi irrigation engineer, other than having been trained like a monkey to punch buttons on consumer technology.
Supposedly, there were waves of migration from Siberia to the Americas, but the earliest happened at least 20k years ago.

Just talking theory here, but I find it easier to believe that native cultures would independently develop beliefs in tune with nature rather than carry forward the same beliefs from 10,000+ years ago.

As previously discussed, Western philosophy sees nature as something to be conquered and overcome whereas Eastern, and Native American, philosophy is more about working with nature since we are all part of it. While the latter is more natural, the former philosophy was what turned human beings into a technological species able to walk on the Moon and put probes out past the edges of our solar system.
Just talking theory here, but I find it easier to believe that native cultures would independently develop beliefs in tune with nature rather than carry forward the same beliefs from 10,000+ years ago.

As previously discussed, Western philosophy sees nature as something to be conquered and overcome whereas Eastern, and Native American, philosophy is more about working with nature since we are all part of it. While the latter is more natural, the former philosophy was what turned human beings into a technological species able to walk on the Moon and put probes out past the edges of our solar system.

That is made up shit.

Native Americans were extremely destructive to the environment, quit getting your information from Disney movies
That is made up shit.

Native Americans were extremely destructive to the environment, quit getting your information from Disney movies

How so, Ms. Irish? Did they decimate the buffalo herds? Dam the rivers? Pollute the streams with mine tailings? Please elaborate how Native Americans were so terrible to the land until the Irish showed up to stop it?
How so, Ms. Irish? Did they decimate the buffalo herds? Dam the rivers? Pollute the streams with mine tailings? Please elaborate how Native Americans were so terrible to the land until the Irish showed up to stop it?

Look up buffalo runs where they would drive hundreds of buffalo off a cliff just to get one and leaving the others to rot

They almost brought the beaver populations to extinction with their slaughter of them to trade for guns. White culture had to step in to save the beavers

Look at the way they clears forests which was simply to burn it all down creating massive wildfires and killing thousands of animals
Look up buffalo runs where they would drive hundreds of buffalo off a cliff just to get one and leaving the others to rot

They almost brought the beaver populations to extinction with their slaughter of them to trade for guns. White culture had to step in to save the beavers

Look at the way they clears forests which was simply to burn it all down creating massive wildfires and killing thousands of animals

Fake facts!
Look up buffalo runs where they would drive hundreds of buffalo off a cliff just to get one and leaving the others to rot

They almost brought the beaver populations to extinction with their slaughter of them to trade for guns. White culture had to step in to save the beavers

Look at the way they clears forests which was simply to burn it all down creating massive wildfires and killing thousands of animals
Just one, Tink? Now who is learning their history from movies? LOL

Wow, Tink. I didn't know the Native American tribes traded guns until the white man showed up to teach them that was wrong. Sounds like Democrats.

Why would Native Americans clear forests with fire? Is this for their vast crops of corn, cotton and wheat in between buffalo hunts?
Just one, Tink? Now who is learning their history from movies? LOL

Wow, Tink. I didn't know the Native American tribes traded guns until the white man showed up to teach them that was wrong. Sounds like Democrats.

Why would Native Americans clear forests with fire? Is this for their vast crops of corn, cotton and wheat in between buffalo hunts?

I've heard that falsehood from other Eurocentric racists. First Stinker says that they barely managed agriculture or civilization. But then they're burning down huge tracts of forest. I wonder how the Euros built their cabins, forts, villages, towns, cities, and metropolises w/o wood? :laugh:

Driving game over cliffs is an ancient hunting practice done not just by Paleoindians in N. and S. America, but across the world. As usual Stinker is lying when she claims that American indigenous people used one buffalo out of hundreds killed. Waste of course was inevitable, but meat and hides that were excess were dried and preserved and traded, esp. for foods and items that were unavailable to that locale. There is archaeological evidence that the excess was traded to obtain pottery, grains, other dried non-meat foods, copper (used for decorations), shells, beads made from various materials, tools, toys, and other daily necessities and desires.

Stinker would do well to take a college-level cultural and/or physical anthropology class or two, as I have. I'm fairly sure that that somewhat-teachable simple primate could learn something. She might develop a better sense of how creative and intelligent our ancestors really were, no matter what continent they dwelled upon.
You've been trained like a monkey to push buttons on a keyboard, a smart phone, a microwave oven

But your knowledge and skills in higher mathmatics, physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, genetics are practically non-existent.

I seriously doubt you have done the hard work neccessary to be erudite and intellectually skilled.

Message board rubes who've been trained like chimpanzees to punch buttons on a smart phone have no standing to call the Incan, Mayan, or Anazazi civilizations morons.

I would love to see Stinkerbelle, or any other random American, be plunked down in their same area, only 500 years ago, and see how long they last. History tells us that the early Europeans didn't fare too well either, exc. for the ones lucky enough to get assistance and teaching from a local indigenous group.
Yes, that is one problem with acquiring knowledge of indigenous American religions - the surviving literary sources describe them from a European bias.

Since there are some common threads among the religious beliefs of the North American indigenous people, I wonder if it all goes back deeper in time to the shamanism practiced by indigenous Siberians.

Well, pretty much the entire human population of 20-30,000 thousand years ago practiced similar "primitive" religions. That being said, whatever beliefs came with the various waves of immigrants, it is 100% certain that they have drifted considerably since then.