John McCain Known To Like a Gerbil in the Butt


I feel that Obama makes a good point here. The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat.

So, it’s time. It’s time to circulate the rumor that John McCain was taken to the emergency room with a gerbil stuck in his butt, and had to have it removed. And we’ll add in that the gerbil was killed in the process, because that should get PETA going , and you know how they are. I’m dead f’ing serious. I’m really tired of this shit. I am personally going to start this email whispering campaign.

"Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

"We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it," Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. "That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it."
I feel that Obama makes a good point here. The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat.

So, it’s time. It’s time to circulate the rumor that John McCain was taken to the emergency room with a gerbil stuck in his butt, and had to have it removed. And we’ll add in that the gerbil was killed in the process, because that should get PETA going , and you know how they are. I’m dead f’ing serious. I’m really tired of this shit. I am personally going to start this email whispering campaign.

"Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

"We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it," Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. "That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it."

You do recognize that the 'right' has been saying the rumor is more than likely false?

Friday, June 06, 2008


Why Does the Michelle Obama Tape Rumor Match a 2006 Novel?

Sometimes, this rumor of this alleged tape of Michelle Obama denouncing “whitey” sounds like something out of a clichéd political thriller novel.

Actually, it sounds exactly like something out of a clichéd political thriller novel. Specifically, Stephen Frey’s The Power Broker, published in 2006 by Ballantine Books.

A major plot line of the novel is the presidential campaign of Democrat Jesse Wood, aiming to be the country’s first African American president — “Wood was handsome, smart, charismatic, and being mentioned increasingly often in the press as someone who could unite a twenty-first century America growing more, not less, racially and economically divided.” (p.35)

He’s a U.S. Senator from New York and former senior partner at a prestigious law firm. His backers include “some of the old Black Panthers.” He wants to make Puerto Rico a state, and a recurring figure in his campaign is a controversial minister from Philadelphia called “Jefferson Roundtree.”

And by page 130, his opponents find a videotape that could ruin his candidacy…

The camera focused on Wood, who was standing with Clarence Osgood, Stephanie Childress, and another man.

“Who is that guy?” Johnson asked, taking a sip of soda. He’d known Osgood and Stephanie for a while so they were familiar to him right away. “He looks so damn fa-“ Johnson banged the sofa. “Now I remember. That’s Jefferson Roundtree, that activist minister from Philly.”

“Nut job from Philly is more like it,” Forte said. “We don’t want Jesse anywhere near him now, don’t want Jesse seen with him at all because he scares the crap out of whites. But he served his purpose here,” Forte added quietly.

“Boy, it’s a nice clear shot of Jesse-”

“Shh! Here it is, here it is.” Forte picked up the remote and turned up the volume.

The camera panned in on Wood’s handsome face as he turned to Roundtree. “Yeah, that Jew from CNN was such a pr***,” Wood said, smirking, “asking me about my voting record on civil rights.”

“You got it, brother,” Roundtree agreed heartily. “Like any cracker should have the nerve to ask you about that.”

Osgood and Stephanie nodded.

Then there were a few muffled words, but nothing audible…

[skipping over a few paragraphs of the bad guys discussing where to send the tape]

“It won’t be necessary believe me,” Forte interrupted again, pointing at the screen. “Keep watching.”

There was more muffled chatter, then Wood held his hands up.

He said, “You know, I had to put up with so much crap from Whitey when I was playing tennis back in the day, it was ridiculous. Real b****** stuff, too. Tennis racquets busted while I was in the shower, no towels, the worst locker, called n***** all the time, even by the help.” He looked over at Osgood. “I’m telling you, Clarence, if I get elected president, I’m gonna act the way I’m supposed to act in front of the camera. Smile and dance like a good black man, do what I’m expected to do like a good boy. But behind the scenes, I’ll f*** Whitey, and I’ll f*** him good, I really will.”

Later the tape is used for blackmail by an ally, and then the real badguy — a Texan who owns a giant oil company named Hewitt (sorry, Hugh) — gets his hands on the tape. The description of the appropriate timing of the release of the videotape on p. 237 will sound familiar to those tracking the rumors of the alleged Michelle Obama tape.

Hewitt thought for a second. “I’m going to let Jesse win the nomination and let the public get used to him as the Democratic candidate. Give the country some time to get to know Jesse Wood, to start to like him. And they will because he’s a very likeable guy. Then I’m going to drop the bomb, after everyone’s started to like him. That way the clip will have maximum effect and people will be as angry as they can be. Whites and blacks. Whites for the obvious reason, blacks because they’ll feel like he let ‘em down.”

Now. Either author Stephen Frey is clairvoyant, writing this book in 2006. Or this is one of the all time amazing coincidences. Or whoever started this rumor got the idea from a novel.

(The tape is kept secret by getting even more incriminating videotape of the badguys and creating a mutually-assured destruction pact. In a subsequent novel, we learn Wood won the election.)

This unimaginable coincidence, coupled with Larry Johnson's unnecessarily profane and unresponsive answer to David Weigel when he asked about contradictions in the description of what's on the tape, ought to drive a stake into the heart of this rumor.

Why is a conservative blogger putting this much effort into dispelling a rumor that, on paper at least, would hurt Obama? Because those who prefer a president besides Obama should not go through the summer and fall convinced that a magic-bullet devastating tape is going to appear as an October surprise to save the day.

Also, there are a lot of good reasons to vote against Barack Obama; but what people claim Michelle Obama says on a tape that no one can produce and no one has seen isn't one of them.

06/06 11:01 AM
Excellent idea.

I knew Jollie was full of crap with that Obama video thing.

Hmmm....gerbils. It would be disturbing. But yet, somehow believable given the depravity shown by republican politicians in the realm of sex.
i heard Obama only likes high class gerbils up his butt... and they must do a line prior to entry. Apparently that makes them friskier... according to a "source" close to the Obama campaign.
I feel that Obama makes a good point here. The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat.

So, it’s time. It’s time to circulate the rumor that John McCain was taken to the emergency room with a gerbil stuck in his butt, and had to have it removed. And we’ll add in that the gerbil was killed in the process, because that should get PETA going , and you know how they are. I’m dead f’ing serious. I’m really tired of this shit. I am personally going to start this email whispering campaign.

"Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

"We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it," Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. "That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it."

the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor,

The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat. ????
I've seen no one on the right mention this nonsense on this board...but if someone THAT poster and spew your bullshit on him or her....

Otherwise...STFU until you have a legitimate gripe....:321:
You do recognize that the 'right' has been saying the rumor is more than likely false?

Well, I haven’t seen them saying it on here, or on FOX news who really disseminated the rumor, have you? No. And once it moves into the mainstream via a “question” so that the candidate can “clear things up”, the damage has been done. As you will find out when we start hearing more about McCain and his bizarre sexual practices.
Well, I haven’t seen them saying it on here, or on FOX news who really disseminated the rumor, have you? No. And once it moves into the mainstream via a “question” so that the candidate can “clear things up”, the damage has been done. As you will find out when we start hearing more about McCain and his bizarre sexual practices.

Most of the 'rumor' has been the blogs, personally I doubt it's true, which is why I didn't post such. Did anyone?

the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor,

The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat. ????
I've seen no one on the right mention this nonsense on this board...but if someone THAT poster and spew your bullshit on him or her....

Otherwise...STFU until you have a legitimate gripe....:321:

Well, I haven’t seen them saying it on here, or on FOX news who really disseminated the rumor, have you? No. And once it moves into the mainstream via a “question” so that the candidate can “clear things up”, the damage has been done. As you will find out when we start hearing more about McCain and his bizarre sexual practices.

LOL! While MSM Conservative sites try to undermine the rumor, you take it upon yourself to act as a liberal lie machine. Cute, that.
LOL! While MSM Conservative sites try to undermine the rumor, you take it upon yourself to act as a liberal lie machine. Cute, that.

You mean MSM cons like FOX News? This is an old trick, please don't act dumb. It gets spread through conhor sites on the net, FOX picks it up, and then the rest of the MSM feels, for some reason, that they have to start mentioning it.

Unless it's not an act, which wouldn't surprise me, and that's your problem. Don't try and make it mine.
LOL! While MSM Conservative sites try to undermine the rumor, you take it upon yourself to act as a liberal lie machine. Cute, that.

Who are you kidding. Do you think we've forgetten about swiftboat liars?

Yeah, many "mainstream" republicans, like Bush, Dole, McCain, feigned shock at the swiftboat liars. But, they were nodding and winking those 527s at the same time.

I hope the Dems do adopt republican dirty tricks. It's time their tactics were turned against them.
He does? Man, you think you know a guy. I wonder what other crazy anal stories will come out between now & November. You really have to question his judgment at this point.

I think I'll tell everyone I see this weekend.
He does? Man, you think you know a guy. I wonder what other crazy anal stories will come out between now & November. You really have to question his judgment at this point.

I think I'll tell everyone I see this weekend.

Why do you have to question someone's judgement because they put a gerbil up their ass? Don't knock it until you've tried it.
He does? Man, you think you know a guy. I wonder what other crazy anal stories will come out between now & November. You really have to question his judgment at this point.

I think I'll tell everyone I see this weekend.

Yeah I plan on telling everyone I run into this weekend myself.
You mean MSM cons like FOX News? This is an old trick, please don't act dumb. It gets spread through conhor sites on the net, FOX picks it up, and then the rest of the MSM feels, for some reason, that they have to start mentioning it.

Unless it's not an act, which wouldn't surprise me, and that's your problem. Don't try and make it mine.

Actually it was Larry Johnson and Bob Beckel saying stuff on MSM, but don't let that stop you.

Politico too has a 'rumor bad' post, but again, you and Cypress will never see that there are 'conservatives' that try to work with issues, not gossip. I'd love for once to see a liberal site do the same.
I feel that Obama makes a good point here. The right wing circle jerking amebas, represented so well here by BB, Meme, jollie, Indisuptable and Bravo, circulate these bullshit stories made up out of whole cloth on the internet, and eventually the “liberal media’ will actually ask the candidate about it, but only if they’re a democrat.

So, it’s time. It’s time to circulate the rumor that John McCain was taken to the emergency room with a gerbil stuck in his butt, and had to have it removed. And we’ll add in that the gerbil was killed in the process, because that should get PETA going , and you know how they are. I’m dead f’ing serious. I’m really tired of this shit. I am personally going to start this email whispering campaign.

"Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday batted down rumors circulating on the Internet and mentioned on some cable news shows of the existence of a video of his wife using a derogatory term for white people, and criticized a reporter for asking him about the rumor, which has not a shred of evidence to support it.

"We have seen this before. There is dirt and lies that are circulated in e-mails and they pump them out long enough until finally you, a mainstream reporter, asks me about it," Obama said to the McClatchy reporter during a press conference aboard his campaign plane. "That gives legs to the story. If somebody has evidence that myself or Michelle or anybody has said something inappropriate, let them do it."

You've got to edit wikipedia to say that until some newspaper quotes it, and then cite the newspaper whenever someone asks you for a source. It's foolproof.