John McCain, reporting for duty!


New member
Hey, J-Mac - not sure if you were around in 2004, but Kerry got trounced w/ this strategy:

McCain touts military heritage
Notes he is `son and grandson of admirals' in campaign re-launch

MERIDIAN, Miss. - Republican Sen. John McCain opened a new chapter in his presidential campaign on Monday, casting himself as an "imperfect servant of my country," descended from a family of U.S. warriors devoted to honor, courage and duty.
According to Bush apologists, the fact that he's bringing up his service makes him fairgame for swiftboating.

I'm sure people can be dug up who will say McCain lied about being tortured, and in fact that he may have been fighting with the north vietnamese.

Hey now don't you guys know that when the Republican has military experience then it is REALLY important. But when the Republican partied in the Air Guard...not so much.
McCain is opening mouth and inserting foot way better than Kerry, he's more dukakis like. Obama will trounce him in a Reagan like landslide.
Mr. McCain you were tourtured for five years why didn't you kick ass and escape? Why are you such a pussy?
According to Bush apologists, the fact that he's bringing up his service makes him fairgame for swiftboating.

I'm sure people can be dug up who will say McCain lied about being tortured, and in fact that he may have been fighting with the north vietnamese.

Somebody already tried. I think it was Strings.
Relax, Epicurus. This is just another of the usual circle-jerk threads, where the nuttier of the board liberals get together and tell each other how wonderful they all are and how terrible all their opponents are. Looks like it's McCain's turn this time. Asking these people to justify their statements is like asking a flock of guinea hens to justify their squawking. McCain's a coward, traitor, and pussy all rolled into one, simply because these leftists said so.

BTW, Kerry would have gotten trounced with any strategy. Sensible people could see through his feigned adherence to the military as easily as they could see through his flip-flopping and liberalism.
Mr. McCain you were tourtured for five years why didn't you kick ass and escape? Why are you such a pussy?

We don't know for a fact, that McCain was tortured. All we have is his word. I wonder if republicans took john kerry's word that he was shot, and received purple hearts as a result of combat action?:

For all we know, McCain slipped on a bar of soap in the shower, and then whined about being torture.

And we do know that he gave up sensitive military information to the north vietnames. In other words, he collaborated with the communists.
Look gang, the Hanoi Hilton never got five stars. McCain was there for 5.5 years, he still bears the injuries from that piece of shit prison. You may not like his politics, you may have questions about his flip flopping that Little Nut has seemed to forgotten, but please lets not get into demeaning the mans service. He was shot the fuck down in a jet airplane. He spent a long time with his captors and he may have done somethings there that he would not be proud of, but he served his country and did it honorably
You are one sick puppy...cippie!

According to Bush apologists, the fact that he's bringing up his service makes him fairgame for swiftboating.

I'm sure people can be dug up who will say McCain lied about being tortured, and in fact that he may have been fighting with the north vietnamese.


You and your co-horts in 'Code Pink'...are the true traitors...Commies anyone?
We don't know for a fact, that McCain was tortured. All we have is his word. I wonder if republicans took john kerry's word that he was shot, and received purple hearts as a result of combat action?:

For all we know, McCain slipped on a bar of soap in the shower, and then whined about being torture.

And we do know that he gave up sensitive military information to the north vietnames. In other words, he collaborated with the communists.
What if he wasn't really there? I mean, we can fake Mars Landings, why couldn't we fake a Crash Landing in Viet Nam?

What a joke you are!

We don't know for a fact, that McCain was tortured. All we have is his word. I wonder if republicans took john kerry's word that he was shot, and received purple hearts as a result of combat action?:

For all we know, McCain slipped on a bar of soap in the shower, and then whined about being torture.

And we do know that he gave up sensitive military information to the north vietnames. In other words, he collaborated with the communists.

Lt.Kerry's record shows he received 3 purps for 'MINOR' injuries of which no more than 24 hrs off duty for said injuries...he was never shot!...Received minor 'debateable' schrap wounds...! and for the record John willnever be your Commie sympathizer Lt.Kerry was...end of story...moron!
Look gang, the Hanoi Hilton never got five stars. McCain was there for 5.5 years, he still bears the injuries from that piece of shit prison. You may not like his politics, you may have questions about his flip flopping that Little Nut has seemed to forgotten, but please lets not get into demeaning the mans service. He was shot the fuck down in a jet airplane. He spent a long time with his captors and he may have done somethings there that he would not be proud of, but he served his country and did it honorably

hey we agree here, McCain to this day, can't lift his hands above his head from the torture he endured over there.