John McCain, reporting for duty!

Sorry, I"m not going to cry if anyone questions or smears McCains military service.

The wingnuts certainly smeared Kerry, John Murtha's, and Max Clelands service.

Their calls for a "truce" and respect for McCain rings a bit hollow and disingenuous.
Look gang, the Hanoi Hilton never got five stars. McCain was there for 5.5 years, he still bears the injuries from that piece of shit prison. You may not like his politics, you may have questions about his flip flopping that Little Nut has seemed to forgotten, but please lets not get into demeaning the mans service. He was shot the fuck down in a jet airplane. He spent a long time with his captors and he may have done somethings there that he would not be proud of, but he served his country and did it honorably

Sorry, I"m not going to cry if anyone questions or smears McCains military service.

The wingnuts certainly smeared Kerry, John Murtha's, and Max Clelands service.

Their calls for a "truce" and respect for McCain rings a bit hollow and disingenuous.
I don't remember anybody smearing Murtha's service. And who the heck is Max Cleland?
Oh yeah. I also don't remember anybody smearing his service.

Damo, this little game of "I don't remember republicans doing that" is getting a tad shop worn:

Coulter Attacks Cleland's War Record

Coulter countered that Cleland is no Vietnam war hero, just a victim of a tragic, accidental grenade explosion who plays up his amputations for political gain.

“If Cleland had dropped a grenade on himself at Fort Dix rather than in Vietnam, he would never have been a U.S. Senator in the first place. Maybe he’d be the best pharmacist in Atlanta,” Coulter said in her column, published on February 11.

“He didn't ‘give his limbs for his country,’ or leave them ‘on the battlefield,’” Coulter said. “There was no bravery involved in dropping a grenade on himself with no enemy troops in sight.”
Damo, this little game of "I don't remember republicans doing that" is getting a tad shop worn:
No, I honestly don't remember anybody smearing their service.

One should say that Ann Coulter smeared his service.

Ann Coulter is not the Swift Boat Veterans. She also smeared those 9/11 widows and other people. It's her schtick to attempt to go too far to get air time.

Truly, what was done to Kerry is far more than Coulter making offensive comments about Cleland's service.
"No, I honestly don't remember anybody smearing their service."

Damo - you didn't even remember the guy's name. Forgive me if I don't put too much stock in your comments here...
"No, I honestly don't remember anybody smearing their service."

Damo - you didn't even remember the guy's name. Forgive me if I don't put too much stock in your comments here...
Believe me if 527s had ads out and it was sent to me in e-mail and everybody was talking about it as you suggested it was like what happened to Kerry. I'd have remembered it.

Instead we find that it was Coulter who made offensive remarks about his service, that there was no constant barrage like with Kerry.
Sorry, I"m not going to cry if anyone questions or smears McCains military service.

The wingnuts certainly smeared Kerry, John Murtha's, and Max Clelands service.

Their calls for a "truce" and respect for McCain rings a bit hollow and disingenuous.

I don't see anyone asking for a "truce". You can say whatever you want about McCain it just reflects on you that's all.
Believe me if 527s had ads out and it was sent to me in e-mail and everybody was talking about it as you suggested it was like what happened to Kerry. I'd have remembered it.

Well, believe me, his opponent in that race ran ads equating Cleland to Osama Bin Laden, and there were plenty of people talking about it. It was despicable. Sorry YOU don't remember it, but the fact that YOU don't does not mean that it didn't happen.

Now, please stop embarassing yourself on a topic you have already admitted you know little about. "Who? Oh yeah - that guy; I don't remember any smear on him. "

How foolish.
No, I honestly don't remember anybody smearing their service.

One should say that Ann Coulter smeared his service.

Ann Coulter is not the Swift Boat Veterans. She also smeared those 9/11 widows and other people. It's her schtick to attempt to go too far to get air time.

Truly, what was done to Kerry is far more than Coulter making offensive comments about Cleland's service.

Okay, I'm surprised you don't remember Cleland.

That senate race in Georgia was one of the most well covered and infamous senate races in the past decade. And the attacks on Cleland were well reported.
No, I honestly don't remember anybody smearing their service.

One should say that Ann Coulter smeared his service.

Ann Coulter is not the Swift Boat Veterans. She also smeared those 9/11 widows and other people. It's her schtick to attempt to go too far to get air time.

Truly, what was done to Kerry is far more than Coulter making offensive comments about Cleland's service.

I don't if this is what people refer to when they talk about smearing his service (outside Coulter) but his opponent ran an ad claiming Cleland was weak on national security based on his voting record and within that ad showed him with, or adjoining pictures, Saddam and Osama.
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Well, believe me, his opponent in that race ran ads equating Cleland to Osama Bin Laden, and there were plenty of people talking about it. It was despicable. Sorry YOU don't remember it, but the fact that YOU don't does not mean that it didn't happen.

Now, please stop embarassing yourself on a topic you have already admitted you know little about. "Who? Oh yeah - that guy; I don't remember any smear on him. "

How foolish.

Where am I? How did I get here?