John McCain to begin Gen. Election with Big speech tonight!


Well...the right is right
John McCain will launch his general election campaign against Barack Obama tonight at 9:00 in New Orleans, Louisiana. In a speech that will praise Senator Clinton for her "tenacity and courage," McCain will recognize Obama as the Democratic party's presumptive nominee.

You will hear from my opponent’s campaign in every speech, every interview, every press release that I’m running for President Bush’s third term. You will hear every policy of the President described as the Bush-McCain policy. Why does Senator Obama believe it’s so important to repeat that idea over and over again? Because he knows it’s very difficult to get Americans to believe something they know is false. So he tries to drum it into your minds by constantly repeating it rather than debate honestly the very different directions he and I would take the country. But the American people didn’t get to know me yesterday, as they are just getting to know Senator Obama. They know I have a long record of bipartisan problem solving. They’ve seen me put our country before any President -- before any party -- before any special interest -- before my own interest. They might think me an imperfect servant of our country, which I surely am. But I am her servant first, last and always. ….

I disagreed strongly with the Bush administration’s mismanagement of the war in Iraq. I called for the change in strategy that is now, at last, succeeding where the previous strategy had failed miserably. I was criticized for doing so by Republicans. I was criticized by Democrats. I was criticized by the press. But I don’t answer to them. I answer to you. And I would be ashamed to admit I knew what had to be done in Iraq to spare us from a defeat that would endanger us for years, but I kept quiet because it was too politically hard for me to do. No ambition is more important to me than the security of the country I have defended all my adult life.

Senator Obama opposed the new strategy, and, after promising not to, voted to deny funds to the soldiers who have done a brilliant and brave job of carrying it out. Yet in the last year we have seen the success of that plan as violence has fallen to a four year low; Sunni insurgents have joined us in the fight against al Qaeda; the Iraqi Army has taken the lead in places once lost to Sunni and Shia extremists; and the Iraqi Government has begun to make progress toward political reconciliation.

None of this progress would have happened had we not changed course over a year ago. And all of this progress would be lost if Senator Obama had his way and began to withdraw our forces from Iraq without concern for conditions on the ground and the advice of commanders in the field. Americans ought to be concerned about the judgment of a presidential candidate who says he’s ready to talk, in person and without conditions, with tyrants from Havana to Pyongyang, but hasn’t traveled to Iraq to meet with General Petraeus, and see for himself the progress he threatens to reverse.

I have to say, with these exerts coming from the speech, it's going to be a good speech, McCain is raising excellent points, that the Democrats have to frame the race under false pretexts to win, That Obama is willing to negotiate without preconditions with tyrants, but won't even meet with our Commanders on the ground, and how, he was the sponsor of the 'Surge' which has succeeded in driving down casualties to a war time low, allowing us to succeed, and leave Iraq with Victory and Honor. Should be an interesting night...

Poor McCain, his big speach will be completly overshadowed by the Democrats nominating the first African American to a major party ticket for President.

Can you smell what Obama is cookin?

John McCain to begin Gen. Election with Big speech tonight!

Dude, it was pathetic. There were only a handful of people there, I swear the crowd looked like a few dozen.

And every face in the crowd was white. And mostly OLD.
Compared to Bush he did great! Compared to Obama he was pittafull.

Did you see Obama's speach?
Yes. I'm watching it right now, in fact.

I don't find it anything other than the same thing he's been saying for the past ten stops. It is well practiced because of that.

The reality is, Obama is known for speaking well when it is pre-practiced like this. McCain isn't.

He defined himself well, and pointed out the many differences between himself and Bush as well as between himself and Obama.
Yes. I'm watching it right now, in fact.

I don't find it anything other than the same thing he's been saying for the past ten stops. It is well practiced because of that.

I thought it was awsome, and really killed McCain.

If thats the way the next few months go.... I feel good about Obama's chances.
I thought it was awsome, and really killed McCain.

If thats the way the next few months go.... I feel good about Obama's chances.
You know it won't be. If that was the way it would go, it would have gone that way with Hillbilly. It was the same BS, with the "I met this guy who health care, blah, blah..."

I thought McCain pointing out the cost, and defining the differences, was adequate.

You are excited. I understand. However, nothing in the Obama speech was anything new.
Does ANYONE remember this guy named Reagan that gave speeches during the primaries that were full of feel good rhetoric and not much substance? I wonder Damo did you find Ronald Reagan substanceless as well?
Does ANYONE remember this guy named Reagan that gave speeches during the primaries that were full of feel good rhetoric and not much substance? I wonder Damo did you find Ronald Reagan substanceless as well?
I was rather young.

I find Obama to be a better speaker than McCain, that is doubtless. As I said, I understand Jarod's excitement.

It wasn't that I found it "substanceless" it was that I had heard it all before.
It was not only the speach and ability of the speaker that was so great...

The setup was awsome down to the camera angle that the campaign set up for the networks...

This shows a well honed and well setup campaign machine versus what McCains campaign tried to throw together...

McCain even had chearleaders, but it could not raise the excitement level above that of a group at a local Rotary Club meeting.
What was up with that fake shit eating smile McCain kept trying to plaster on his face during his speach last night?

He also kept trying to give the audience signals that they should have cheared for that coment, or calp for the next one, but they were all asleep and rarely got the point.
What was up with that fake shit eating smile McCain kept trying to plaster on his face during his speach last night?

Jesue christ, does the old man have tourrette's syndrome?
What was up with that fake shit eating smile McCain kept trying to plaster on his face during his speach last night?

He also kept trying to give the audience signals that they should have cheared for that coment, or calp for the next one, but they were all asleep and rarely got the point.

Well they were probably bused in from an assisted living facility.