Jon Stewart on US support of Israel: ‘America knows this is wrong’

Stewart continued: “Every time America tells the world that there’s something we won’t allow, Israel seems to say ‘challenge accepted’. Are they willfully trying to provoke us? Or perhaps they’re just reading our principles from right to left.”

He concluded by reiterating the death toll in Gaza since the war – 30,000 people, 13,000 of them children, and the strongest language from the US is “urging” Israel to be “as precise as they can be” with air strikes. Stewart had only one conclusion: “What the fuck are we doing here?”

Buying the bullshit Stewart and Biden feed you makes you stupid.
Nazis exaggerated the death toll at Dresden by ten fold.

Why are YOU a propaganda mouth piece for Muslim terrorists?

Why do you not blame the Muslims for using human shields?

BINGO. They buy that bullshit because it feeds their antisemitic stupidity.
Pick a number, fucktard. How many children’s deaths makes it acceptable.

How is it Israels fault shit-for-brains? Why is it you antisemitic morons never seem to blame the real culprits in this whole affair, Hamas? Is it that leftists really are THAT fucking stupid?
Yep, just the latest iteration in something that’s gone on for decades.

Wanna talk about the slaughter done by the Zionists in 1947? Naw, I thought not

More tiresome terrorist revisionism and bullshit history from the mentally challenged leftist moron.
Human misery sucks no matter where it occurs.

We have two factions who refuse to co-exist.
Either would happily obliterate the other side's "innocent" civilians as well as its combatants.

It the Palestinians were winning, they'd be just as callous about collateral damage.
No serious person would deny that.

The jihadist side knocked down the Twin Towers.
The jihadist side is the Middle East's entire Muslim population,
and that includes Palestinians.

It should be easy for all Americans to choose a side.
I honestly don't get the controversy.
What am I missing?


I disagree. The Jews accepted the U.N.'s peace treaty, Resolution 181. The Muslims refused it and chose war.

Hamas and Hezbollah also continue to refuse a two-state solution. Their only solution is the annihilation of the Jewish state. Leftist morons peddling terrorist propaganda are too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
According to testimonies published by these two groups, Israeli forces used unarmed Palestinians including children to protect military positions, walk in front of armed soldiers; go into buildings to check for booby traps or gunmen; and inspect suspicious objects for explosives.


Whats funny is American leftists are useful idiots and even Muslims hate them. Leftists should try going to any Muslims country and tell them they should be teaching their children about tranny crap.

So true. One has to wonder how stupid leftists have to be to vote for Biden and parrot Arab terrorist propaganda.
I’ve tried to tell you time and again, Rufus, this conflict started long before Hamas, or even Israel, existed.

Is English your second language and you need help understanding it?

This conflict has always been started by the Arabs you dimwitted wonder dunce.

So far, none of you ignorant cocksuckers have.

:lolup: The definition of ignorance.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

1. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.
2. The condition of being ignorant; the lack of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed.
3. A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is his duty to have.
One more time, Jethro. This “war” is just another iteration of something that started actively in the 1940s. The planning of which, by the Zionists, began in WWI.

Find a literate 10 year old to explain that to you.

76 IQ
Palestine in 1947- before there was an Israel. The shaded areas are the proposed borders of the Palestinian state- as designated by UN Resolution 181 . These, according to scholars in international law, are still the legal borders of the Israeli and Palestinian states.
In terms of legality, this is the division that should be supported- although it was grossly unfair to the Arabs at the time, as it is now. Even so, the Zionists' plan was to attack and steal as much of the ascribed Arab division as they could before making a unilateral declaration of statehood in 1948. The US made the error of recognizing that stolen territory as ' Israeli' in 1948 and , like the British who allowed the unfair division in the first place, the US has been covering its ass with support for its own error ever since.


Another pile of terrorist pandering bile. The only ones who don't want a two-state solution are Arab terrorists. There never was a nation called Palestine. Probably never will be.

As for your pandering to terrorist talking points, I find it sad, moronic and ignorant for jackasses on the left to believe that even the tiny sliver of land called Israel, which was carved out of the ashes of the European holocaust, is too much. You antisemitic, Fascist morons really are too fucking dumb.