JPP - Help?


Verified User
Ok, I'm not used to this forum. On the other forum we had a "Forum Rules" section. There's a FAQ tab here, but that's a bit confusing.

What's a "Groan"? Is that the same as an infraction?
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..

proof this guy is a troll.

who said anything about multiple accounts in this thread? why does a new member overly concern himself about IP bans?

no wonder zappa loves this guy
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..

stop telling us how to run our forum. if you dont like it you can get the fuck out.

alts are allowed here.
and people are allowed to argue with mods here too. There is basically no rules here except no personal information and no sexual comments about minors.

We aren't DP, DP is full of fail... it's their idiotic rules that got you banned, it's pretty funny you defend the system that got you banned over something so trivial.
and people are allowed to argue with mods here too. There is basically no rules here except no personal information and no sexual comments about minors.

We aren't DP, DP is full of fail... it's their idiotic rules that got you banned, it's pretty funny you defend the system that got you banned over something so trivial.

I'm unsure how to respond to that. We had a lot of rules over there, so this is like shell-shock.
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..

How can I explain this to you? You are not on DP now, arguing with the mods is mandatory on here especially Grind.
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..
I believe there are only 10 adolescents here with multiple accounts, and a few others who stick around in order to add a modicum of intelligence.

A 'groan' is the opposite of a 'thanks'.
So... a lot of members here have multiple accounts so they can keep coming back and troll?

You guys should IP ban people who do that to keep the forum from being spammed/derailed.

All this fighting definitely shouldn't be allowed to happen in the Announcments forum here. On DP if you even argue with a moderator in public you get infracted (not a bad thing, actually). And certainly people weren't allowed to openly troll in DP's Feedback and Suggestions section..

We don't care about multiple accounts. Almost everyone has a 2nd account for fun. Lighten up bro. Also, we let users change their names if they so desire. Again, it's all in good fun.
Ok, I'm not used to this forum. On the other forum we had a "Forum Rules" section. There's a FAQ tab here, but that's a bit confusing.

What's a "Groan"? Is that the same as an infraction?

A groan is just like a 'downvote' or 'dislike' or whatever. It's something a user uses to say they do not like your post, or you, or want to fuck around. For example, I routinely accept groans as thanks and thanks as groans, making the whole system meaningless (well, more meaningless). It's just something for fun that some people have an anal prolapse over.