JPP Year End Nominees Y2k13


Staff member
Which of these had the most impact on the site this year, whether good or bad?

Topic of the year

  • Gun Debate
  • Zimmerman Trial
  • Obamacare
  • The Mod Team
Poster of the Year (impact)

  • Big Money
  • 007
  • Poet
  • I love America
  • Howey
  • Threedee
  • Mott
  • Charver
  • Darla
  • USF
Most annoying Poster of the Year
  • Desh
  • 007
  • Howey
  • Poet
  • Zappas
  • Big Money
  • Grind
Biggest Meltdown

  • desh and the "billy has my letters saga"
  • darla and others quitting JPP
  • Zappas regarding everything pertaining to moderation
Most hilter-esque mod of the year

  • Damo
  • Billy
  • Grind
  • Soc

Nominee suggestions will be accepted for this weekend only, not all suggestions will make our short lists...
I vote Darla for Poster of the Year because she won JPP Debate Championship II

I vote Zimmermann as the Topic of the Year

I vote Legion as the Most Annoying Poster (he should probably win every year, even with people like Zappas, IHA, Howey, USF, etc.)

I vote Zappas as biggest meltdown. I thought Darla was 100% justified (I.E. didn't surprise me much) and people like Desh are always in meltdown mode

I vote Grind as Most Hitler-esque Mod of the Year (no reason why him over Billy, except perhaps his ultra Hitler-esque personality profile/score)
Nah, this is for suggestions. Just type them.

We'll also accept suggestions for Topics.

Please remember this is a lighthearted slightly sarcastic attempt at fun and "suggest" accordingly. Next week we'll shorten lists and choose topics then early the week after I'll announce the "JPP of the Year" lists...
This is an excellent list Damo.

Topic of the Year:

I started to think Guns was the biggest topic because it had its own section created for it but ultimately I think you have to go with the Zimmerman trial. There was even a 1,000 post thread on the topic.

Poster of the Year:

ILA. When he went on his run of dropping N-bombs and posters started leaving it changed the complexion of the board.

Biggest Meltdown:

Has to be Desh. When someone says you are a real person and not a troll and you take that to mean people are going to come to your house and threaten your family that is a meltdown of epic proportions.

I do give Zappa strong runner up status. The constant whining aside him complaining that he is being forced to talk politics on a political board is one for the ages.
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I vote Darla for Poster of the Year because she won JPP Debate Championship II

I vote Zimmermann as the Topic of the Year

I vote Legion as the Most Annoying Poster (he should probably win every year, even with people like Zappas, IHA, Howey, USF, etc.)

I vote Zappas as biggest meltdown. I thought Darla was 100% justified (I.E. didn't surprise me much) and people like Desh are always in meltdown mode

I vote Grind as Most Hitler-esque Mod of the Year (no reason why him over Billy, except perhaps his ultra Hitler-esque personality profile/score)
Darla for meltdown of the year, going postal to get banned instead of just leaving.....

Zapp for most annoying poster with a 95% whine ratio......I would have voted for the Dude if the fucking idiot ever posted instead of just groaning people all day long....

Poster of the Year.....myself for remaining unchanged while being surrounded by idjits.....
Which of these had the most impact on the site this year, whether good or bad?

Topic of the year

  • Gun Debate
  • Zimmerman Trial
  • Obamacare
  • The Mod Team
Poster of the Year (impact)

  • Big Money
  • 007
  • Poet
  • I love America
  • Howey
  • Threedee
  • Mott
  • Charver
  • Darla
  • USF
Most annoying Poster of the Year
  • Desh
  • 007
  • Howey
  • Poet
  • Zappas
  • Big Money
  • Grind
Biggest Meltdown

  • desh and the "billy has my letters saga"
  • darla and others quitting JPP
  • Zappas regarding everything pertaining to moderation
Most hilter-esque mod of the year

  • Damo
  • Billy
  • Grind
  • Soc

Nominee suggestions will be accepted for this weekend only, not all suggestions will make our short lists...

Topic of the year

  • Gun Debate
  • Zimmerman Trial - Definetly
  • Obamacare
  • The Mod Team
Poster of the Year (impact)

  • Big Money
  • 007
  • Poet
  • I love America
  • Howey
  • Threedee
  • Mott
  • Charver
  • Darla
  • USF
Most annoying Poster of the Year
  • Desh
  • 007
  • Howey
  • Poet
  • Zappas - Hands down
  • Big Money
  • Grind
Biggest Meltdown

  • desh and the "billy has my letters saga" - also the funniest
  • darla and others quitting JPP
  • Zappas regarding everything pertaining to moderation
Most hilter-esque mod of the year

  • Damo
  • Billy
  • Grind - He even has the stupid little mustache
  • Soc
Which of these had the most impact on the site this year, whether good or bad?
Most annoying Poster of the Year
  • Desh
  • 007
  • Howey
  • Poet
  • Zappas
  • Big Money
  • Grind
Biggest Meltdown

  • desh and the "billy has my letters saga"
  • darla and others quitting JPP
  • Zappas regarding everything pertaining to moderation
Most hilter-esque mod of the year

  • Damo
  • Billy
  • Grind
  • Soc

Nominee suggestions will be accepted for this weekend only, not all suggestions will make our short lists...

I already answered the first two on other threads.

Most annoying poster: USFreedom hands-down. No substance, no intelligence, nothing but cyber-bullying and non-stop insults.

Biggest meltdown: 007 for just about everything.

Most Hitler-esque mod: None of the above. On the rare occasions I contacted mods they've always been responsive and nice about it.
Which of these had the most impact on the site this year, whether good or bad?

Topic of the year

  • Gun Debate
  • Zimmerman Trial
  • Obamacare
  • The Mod Team
Poster of the Year (impact)

  • Big Money
  • 007
  • Poet
  • I love America
  • Howey
  • Threedee
  • Mott
  • Charver
  • Darla
  • USF
Most annoying Poster of the Year
  • Desh
  • 007
  • Howey
  • Poet
  • Zappas
  • Big Money
  • Grind
Biggest Meltdown

  • desh and the "billy has my letters saga"
  • darla and others quitting JPP
  • Zappas regarding everything pertaining to moderation - I wouldn't call this a meltdown
    [*]Every lefty on the board after the Zimmerman verdict, especially BAC
Most hilter-esque mod of the year

  • Damo
  • Billy
  • Grind
  • Soc

Nominee suggestions will be accepted for this weekend only, not all suggestions will make our short lists...

I think it is a pretty solid list. While this isn't the section for voting. I think my favorite meltdown was Desh's over Billy potentially releasing her personal information. Why? Because it was a true meltdown. Zappa's is just whining. He isn't really melting down. Desh literally came unhinged for a three hour period. It was visceral. You could actually feel it in her posts. She wasn't play acting.

Zappa's is just playing a part. It is part of his whining and he always fucking whines. I actually wouldn't even call what he is doing a meltdown. I also made one addition for a meltdown that I think should be considered which is the JPP's left wingers collective meltdown after the Zimmerman trial and the assault on Threedee. That was a classic meltdown

I would also like to recommend another category which is Thread of the Year. While some may think this is encapsulated in Topic of the Year, I think it should be separate. There were a few threads that just captured the entire board for weeks. Three that come to mind are

[*] Darla's Damo thread after I called BAC a nigger
[*] Bac's Emmet Till thread where he called everyone who disagreed with him a racist
[*] Zappa's Mods thread

There may be others, but these are the first four that come to mind
I vote Darla for Poster of the Year because she won JPP Debate Championship II

I vote Zimmermann as the Topic of the Year

I vote Legion as the Most Annoying Poster (he should probably win every year, even with people like Zappas, IHA, Howey, USF, etc.)

I vote Zappas as biggest meltdown. I thought Darla was 100% justified (I.E. didn't surprise me much) and people like Desh are always in meltdown mode

I vote Grind as Most Hitler-esque Mod of the Year (no reason why him over Billy, except perhaps his ultra Hitler-esque personality profile/score)

Really, so you say that calling me a paedophile was justified?
You have also told me enough times that you detest her, so have you been nobbled?

Frankly, the worst part of dealing with Darla isn't even her fault. The fact that simple disagreement with her will bring a crazed and manic mob of drooling goons down upon you is not technically something she can control. Blame human nature and douchebaggery for that one.
Frankly, the worst part of dealing with Darla isn't even her fault. The fact that simple disagreement with her will bring a crazed and manic mob of drooling goons down upon you is not technically something she can control. Blame human nature and douchebaggery for that one.

Yes I agree that there is an element of the Charlie Manson about her but she welcomes the cult worship, indeed craves and actively encourages it.