JPP Year End Nominees Y2k13

This is an excellent list Damo.

Topic of the Year:

I started to think Guns was the biggest topic because it had its own section created for it but ultimately I think you have to go with the Zimmerman trial. There was even a 1,000 post thread on the topic.

Poster of the Year:

ILA. When he went on his run of dropping N-bombs and posters started leaving it changed the complexion of the board.

Biggest Meltdown:

Has to be Desh. When someone says you are a real person and not a troll and you take that to mean people are going to come to your house and threaten your family that is a meltdown of epic proportions.

I do give Zappa strong runner up status. The constant whining aside him complaining that he is being forced to talk politics on a political board is one for the ages.

I'm with 3D on bigmoney being the most annoying poster of any year, but i agree with you about ILA. He changed the board most, and for the worse. But of course, he was permitted to do so.
I'm with 3D on bigmoney being the most annoying poster of any year, but i agree with you about ILA. He changed the board most, and for the worse. But of course, he was permitted to do so.

Because he didn't break the rules like you did?
I got something for you legion. Something real special.

But I have to finish some xmas stuff now.

It's coming though. A real nice christmas present. :)
Even a pussy like Tom can defeat the Darlaks. I have proof.

I can't believe I am being censored by being on forced ignore from Darla

Oh the humanity

Oh he unfairness of it all

I demand an immediate DOJ investigation
I can't believe I am being censored by being on forced ignore from Darla

Oh the humanity

Oh he unfairness of it all

I demand an immediate DOJ investigation

Just cut and paste all of the resident whiners posts and just change them enough to fit the present circumstances.
There's already enough there, to supply you with month's of postings. ;)
Just cut and paste all of the resident whiners posts and just change them enough to fit the present circumstances.
There's already enough there, to supply you with month's of postings. ;)

But don't you see that I am being CENSORED? Where is my investigation?

How can Damo allow this indignity to go on? I mean didn't we have a deal that ONLY lefties were to be placed with obstacles? How did this happen?

I feel like George Castanza when he realized the pigeons reneged on their deal.

I don't know if I can go on. This changes everything