Judge orders stop to release of Trump documents

He's afraid of something, but we won't know what until later.

"The purpose of this administrative injunction is to protect the court's jurisdiction to address appellant's claims of executive privilege and should not be construed in any way as a ruling on the merits," the panel wrote in a brief two-page order.

Nixon tried to use "executive privilege" to cover up his misdeeds when he actually was President. The Supreme Court didn't uphold it.
He's afraid of something, but we won't know what until later.

"The purpose of this administrative injunction is to protect the court's jurisdiction to address appellant's claims of executive privilege and should not be construed in any way as a ruling on the merits," the panel wrote in a brief two-page order.

Nixon tried to use "executive privilege" to cover up his misdeeds when he actually was President. The Supreme Court didn't uphold it.

Same tactic he always uses, and has succeeded with for decades. The right wings gawd will be dead before we get any answers just like with his tax records.
Quote Originally Posted by Old Trapper View Post
Same tactic he always uses, and has succeeded with for decades. The right wings gawd will be dead before we get any answers just like with his tax records.

so you agree that like his tax records you have no right to see these documents......
I think most 2021 conservatives would cheer at a public burning of the Constitution, as long as they felt it would benefit Trump and "stick it to liberals."
This is not the first time Trump has taken our nation into unprecedented waters. That was an everyday event during his administration- and he is still challenging our norms after leaving office.

Of course Donald Trump is just seeing what he can get by with- testing our legal system, testing the powers of the Senate, and our justice department- TESTING OUR SUPREME COURT! But his get-out-of-jail-free card has expired when he lost his executive privileges- due to him being such a bad president- his own party had to help the nation vote him out of office. So all he can do now is just stall the many courts, and ongoing investigations into his corrupt past and controversial presidential administration years. He thinks if he can stall them for another 3 years- he can elect himself president again or something. If there were a trick in the book, He has already tried using it- it didn't work. So his reign of terror is ALL about to come to an end.

Donald Trump is about to hit a wall like a bug hitting the windshield at 100 MPH!

The courts are non-partial, so they have to make sure that they review the issues at hand, before they go and rule on something- that before Trump we had no previous precedent for. We've never really had such a corrupted criminally insane president before.

But trust me- Congress will get whatever they ask for, as Trump's executive privileges are GONE! Up In Smoke! Notta! KAPUTT!

And the courts will agree!

So no! Trump didn't get by with anything! In fact, he is just digging himself a bigger hole!

Donald Trump will be lucky to stay out of jail!
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Now of this means anything, if we have seen anything it is that Trump can get away with anything, January 6th proved that fact, even if found guilty of something, an entire political party plus major news network will reframe it to appear Trump was victimized

All of them, Trump, Bannon, Meadows, etc, will appeal, delay, and postpone everything knowing the GOP appears ready to recapture the House, then, the little Jimmy Jordans will drop this and immediately start investigations into Hunter Bidden