Just a couple of facts ....


Villified User
"THE HUMAN BURDENS OF WARTIME LEADERSHIP": Now more than five years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, [President] Bush has served as a wartime president longer than any occupant of the White House since Lyndon B. Johnson. He has presided over more U.S. military casualties than any since Richard M. Nixon

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Sounds more like an opinion than a fact. But it doesn't change the need for action that Bush took.
its a cnn site so that makes it credibilty suspect.

The statement he has presided over more US casualties since Nixon is a spin. we haven't been in a major war since Vietnam. Our present casualty rate is remarkably low for the time and effort.

Its all in how you word it to make it look bad. And cnn always words it to make it look bad for Bush. which is why i don't consider cnn a reliable news source.
I wonder which news source Gaffer finds most reliable. If you guys really doubt this I can look up the figures for you.
Nope, and if we can't trust the traditional media, who do we trust ?
I guess some think we are supposed to trust the people who have spreading the rhetoric about the liberal media. But then the media must be pretty liberal or it would not let those who run it down use it for their toool :)
Basically you have to go with multiple sources.

The odds that a news source is lying are relatively high. The odds that four unaffiliated sources are lying is much smaller.

Although with only a few media companies controlling most mass medial. You have to at least look at small time media as well as foreign media.
But don't rely on them solely either as they are government or semi-government run.

I listen to both but I perceive some bias even within them.
I don't IHG. I also read newspapers (gasp!), net news and even tried to watch Couric (gag). I also catch some of the talking head shows on Sunday, but not regularaly. Bte last Sunday it appeared as if Clowntoon was running for pres again ;)
I do not listen to Rush, Air america, or Fox.
I don't trust any of the major media. Including FOX. Fox likes to sensationalize and dramatize too much. PBS is just a rehash of the BBC I call it the Positively British Station. The BBC is run by the British Government. No bias there huh?

cnn and cbs are two totally liberal stations, they are as far left as FOX is right.

The blogs I read cover the news they have found through various sources. with links to left and right wing sources. I am looking for facts and real news not spin and political bullshit.

I have found all the left wing blogs and sources say the same thing as many on here, "I HATE BUSH". You can reduce their whole articles down to those three words. And I still haven't heard a plan offered by the libs of what they would actually do if in power other than impeach Bush.

We have a congress full of demigods all vying for more power in there respective parties. And the media are their PR firms depending on their leanings.
Umm BBC gets it's money from a TV tax I believe. Not really any govt intervention, as I understand it. Perhaps some of our British posters can comment on that.
On the repubs claiming the dems have no plan. I was raised up to believe that if I made a mess I was responsible for cleaning it up. Some of the wussy demoncrats need to pay, but mainly this is the republicans and Bush's war.
Umm BBC gets it's money from a TV tax I believe. Not really any govt intervention, as I understand it. Perhaps some of our British posters can comment on that.
The BBC is quite independently inclined. They've historically been a thorn in the government's side more often than not.
Of course the righties here are forcing PBS into the corporate fold with funding cuts. Have been since Regan.
On the repubs claiming the dems have no plan. I was raised up to believe that if I made a mess I was responsible for cleaning it up. Some of the wussy demoncrats need to pay, but mainly this is the republicans and Bush's war.

Its a war with islam, its not just iraq. The war with saddam is over. The contiuation of the war with islam is now what needs to be concentrated on. Its not Bush's war its OUR war. That's what everyone needs to wake up too.

The lawyers run the war, the politicians squabble over it and the military is stuck fighting with one hand behind their back. from here we have nowhere to go but down.
Its a war with islam, its not just iraq. The war with saddam is over. The contiuation of the war with islam is now what needs to be concentrated on. Its not Bush's war its OUR war. That's what everyone needs to wake up too.

The lawyers run the war, the politicians squabble over it and the military is stuck fighting with one hand behind their back. from here we have nowhere to go but down.
You may have a war with Islam but this country does not. That's just hysterical nonsense.