Just a couple of facts ....

It is becomin a war with Islam. But it would not be if Bush had not insisted on invading Iraq.
So we at war with ALL or virtually all in Iraq ? Virtually all of the people (citizens) of Iraq are Islamic.
Its a war with islam, its not just iraq. The war with saddam is over. The contiuation of the war with islam is now what needs to be concentrated on. Its not Bush's war its OUR war. That's what everyone needs to wake up too.

The lawyers run the war, the politicians squabble over it and the military is stuck fighting with one hand behind their back. from here we have nowhere to go but down.

Oh, calm down and stop your fear-mongering, Jerry Falwell.

You're religious zealotry should not be driving this nation's foreign policy.
Sorry Gaffer I do not buy the religious war aspect. We sure don't need a religious based war. Islamic folks outnumber christians by a large margin, for one thing.
You are just indulging in hate and fearmongering, which has proven time and again in history to be the wrong way to go.
That's the problem with this country, everyone is fixated on iraq and not looking at the big picture.

It is a religious war. Its islamists verses the civilized world.
Gaffer, it is a small portion of the islamists stirring things up, just like it is a small portions of people here saying it is a religious war. I don't believe in Minority rule.
And what is a small portion of 1.6 billion?

A small portion of muslims support democracy, is that portion equal to the small portion that we are fighting? Then there is the large portion that sit on the fence waiting to see who wins. They say and do nothing.

There cannot be a democratic society that is based on islamic law. which is why Bush's plans for the middle east will eventually fail.
so why not go ahead and pull out Gaffer ? If it is going to fail anyway ?

I will never support a religious war, because in my opinion both sides are just letting their religion make them useable for other purposes.
And imho both sides are wrong.
And what is a small portion of 1.6 billion?

A small portion of muslims support democracy, is that portion equal to the small portion that we are fighting? Then there is the large portion that sit on the fence waiting to see who wins. They say and do nothing.

There cannot be a democratic society that is based on islamic law. which is why Bush's plans for the middle east will eventually fail.

THERE can NEVER be a Democratic Society UNLESS the MAJORITY of the people want such.....just think about it!

Which means there will never be a Democratic government for the people of these various Muslim countries unless they want it and FIGHT FOR IT, THEMSELVES....

We can't and should not ever be put in the position to fight this battle for someone else....it'll mean nothing to them unless they want it enough to fight for it, fight to the death for it, THEMSELVES...imho.
