Just Go in and Sack them if they aren't...


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TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular teachers from the country's universities, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported in another step back to 1980s-style radicalism.

"Today, students should shout at the president and ask why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities," the agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying during a meeting with a group of students.

Ahmadinejad complained that changes in the country's universities were difficult to accomplish, but said, "The job for such a change has begun."

more at link...
Muslim enough!


TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular teachers from the country's universities, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported in another step back to 1980s-style radicalism.

"Today, students should shout at the president and ask why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities," the agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying during a meeting with a group of students.

Ahmadinejad complained that changes in the country's universities were difficult to accomplish, but said, "The job for such a change has begun."

more at link...

Liberal and secular teachers are the same thing over there? Here they seem to be opposites.
LOL. In the US Colleges this statement is like all the Christians in the US saying they are persecuted.
No they don't. The closest I have seen is an Affirmative Action program type of thing...
The Republican party calls for this all the time!

Conservatives push to counter liberal professors

Mike Cronin
The Arizona Republic

For many students, college is an intellectual rite of passage.

The beliefs that students bring to the classroom often collide with what they learn. Professors push students to think critically.

But some Arizona lawmakers think that push has gone too far. They want to tame what they see as left-leaning professors at state universities who they contend wield an unhealthful influence over Arizona's younger minds.

Their response is a string of proposals that opponents fear could quash academic freedom. The efforts reflect a nationwide trend being fueled by conservative activists.

In Arizona, the moves include:

• A bill enabling students to refuse assignments they find sexually offensive. It failed in March but compelled Arizona's Board of Regents to pass a resolution supporting academic freedom and advance notice to students of a course's content.

• An "Academic Bill of Rights," which Rep. Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, plans to introduce next year. Pearce and other legislators hope to meet with David Horowitz, a national activist who lives in Los Angeles, for help in drawing up the bill, which they say would keep liberal bias out of the classroom.

• A law passed in the spring that requires schools to display the U.S. flag and Constitution in every classroom. It puts patriotic symbols in front of every professor and student.

The proposals reflect a distrust of professors among some ranking legislators on higher-education committees.

"University professors lean liberal and not conservative," said Sen. Linda Gray, R-Phoenix, chairwoman of the Senate's Higher Education Committee. "They contribute to society accepting immoral behavior. (The classroom) is where they get to the mind."

Gray said public universities typically do not provide examples of "what a good, normal family life is."

Responsible Education Reform Means Having All Liberal College Professors Executed by the State
An Editorial by Frank J.
Posted by Frank J. at 08:50 AM

Higher education is important to this country. Without good colleges, we would...

Ah, screw the lede. Let's get to the main point: liberal college professors should be rounded up and executed by the state. If you don't know why, then you haven't been to college or paid much attention to the news.

" These people are spreading lies to our children at their most vulnerable age - their early twenties .” I know; a lot of you are probably squeamish at the phrase "rounded up and executed by the state," but let's look at this logically. Liberal college professors are annoying. When I was in college, I just wanted to learn about digital circuits, but they made me take classes about literature and other crap where the professor would spout about how horrible the white man is and how bad America is. I'd then start to charge him to strangle him, but then I realized that might cost me a letter grade.

See? Students can't handle this themselves. These people are spreading lies to our children at their most vulnerable age - their early twenties - about how America is evil. This gives comfort to terrorists... or it would if anyone took them seriously. In the least, it's irritating.

"But why execution?" you might ask. Because just shutting them up would be abridging their freedom of speech which is unconstitutional. Execution, on the other hand, is perfectly constitutional. And before you say we're executing them for their speech, I remind you that we'll be executing them for their speech and for being college professors. They sought out these positions as evil propagandists, and now it's time for the chickens to come home to roost. And you know what that means...


...or something. Anyway, it'll be funny, because, when we round then up, they'll be like, "See! You're just as evil and fascist as our fevered minds imagined!"

And we can answer, "Actually, we weren't. But then we got the idea from you!"

There will probably be some protest from other countries such as France saying, "First they round up and kill their intellectuals! Who will the vile Americans kill next?"

We should have our ambassador answer, "Maybe the Europeans." That'll shut 'em up.

Now you might be asking who will teach in place of the now condemned professors. Well, most of those weren't doing much teaching anyway... at least in any subject that is useful. If we need to replace them, though, I'd say use good 'ole American grizzled Marine drill instructors.

"By the end of this class, you will either love America or fear it as an angry god!"

So let's get to this. It's for The Children™.

Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on IMAO.us and is the author of such books as "Proper Handgun Usage While Parasailing" and "Frank's Bible Study Guide - Now Condemned by Most Religious Authorities!".


Nothing in that calls for them being fired for it. It just gave rights to the students and proposed an affirmative action thing. Like I said, nobody is calling for firing them all. That is exaggeration and fear-mongering.
Nothing in that calls for them being fired for it. It just gave rights to the students and proposed an affirmative action thing. Like I said, nobody is calling for firing them all. That is exaggeration and fear-mongering.

I don't find any credibility in the arguement "At least were not as bad as Iran!"

Harassment of professors who are alleged to be liberal, is not far removed from threats of firing them.

In the arizona republica article, change a few words to make it look like this it taking place in Iran, and we would be shocked.
Responsible Education Reform Means Having All Liberal College Professors Executed by the State
An Editorial by Frank J.
Posted by Frank J. at 08:50 AM

Higher education is important to this country. Without good colleges, we would...

Ah, screw the lede. Let's get to the main point: liberal college professors should be rounded up and executed by the state. If you don't know why, then you haven't been to college or paid much attention to the news.

" These people are spreading lies to our children at their most vulnerable age - their early twenties .” I know; a lot of you are probably squeamish at the phrase "rounded up and executed by the state," but let's look at this logically. Liberal college professors are annoying. When I was in college, I just wanted to learn about digital circuits, but they made me take classes about literature and other crap where the professor would spout about how horrible the white man is and how bad America is. I'd then start to charge him to strangle him, but then I realized that might cost me a letter grade.

See? Students can't handle this themselves. These people are spreading lies to our children at their most vulnerable age - their early twenties - about how America is evil. This gives comfort to terrorists... or it would if anyone took them seriously. In the least, it's irritating.

"But why execution?" you might ask. Because just shutting them up would be abridging their freedom of speech which is unconstitutional. Execution, on the other hand, is perfectly constitutional. And before you say we're executing them for their speech, I remind you that we'll be executing them for their speech and for being college professors. They sought out these positions as evil propagandists, and now it's time for the chickens to come home to roost. And you know what that means...


...or something. Anyway, it'll be funny, because, when we round then up, they'll be like, "See! You're just as evil and fascist as our fevered minds imagined!"

And we can answer, "Actually, we weren't. But then we got the idea from you!"

There will probably be some protest from other countries such as France saying, "First they round up and kill their intellectuals! Who will the vile Americans kill next?"

We should have our ambassador answer, "Maybe the Europeans." That'll shut 'em up.

Now you might be asking who will teach in place of the now condemned professors. Well, most of those weren't doing much teaching anyway... at least in any subject that is useful. If we need to replace them, though, I'd say use good 'ole American grizzled Marine drill instructors.

"By the end of this class, you will either love America or fear it as an angry god!"

So let's get to this. It's for The Children™.

Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on IMAO.us and is the author of such books as "Proper Handgun Usage While Parasailing" and "Frank's Bible Study Guide - Now Condemned by Most Religious Authorities!".


LOL. First of all that isn't any mainstream leader like, oh let's say the President... Second of all, one article isn't "Republicans ALWAYS calling for it" that is exaggeration and fear-mongering. It is total rubbish.
I don't find any credibility in the arguement "At least were not as bad as Iran!"

Harassment of professors who are alleged to be liberal, is not far removed from threats of firing them.

In the arizona republica article, change a few words to make it look like this it taking place in Iran, and we would be shocked.
I don't find that my statement means that "At least we aren't as bad as Iran."
I find these statements by conservatives to be shocking, whether its in iran, or here.

The proposals reflect a distrust of professors among some ranking legislators on higher-education committees.

"University professors lean liberal and not conservative," said Sen. Linda Gray, R-Phoenix, chairwoman of the Senate's Higher Education Committee. "They contribute to society accepting immoral behavior. (The classroom) is where they get to the mind."

Gray said public universities typically do not provide examples of "what a good, normal family life is."
I don't find any credibility in the arguement "At least were not as bad as Iran!"

Harassment of professors who are alleged to be liberal, is not far removed from threats of firing them.

In the arizona republica article, change a few words to make it look like this it taking place in Iran, and we would be shocked.
Also. If you replace "liberal" with Christian you will find amazing similarities between the Christian whiners and the Liberal whiners...

Christians in this nation are not persecuted against, just as liberals are not in colleges accross our nation.
It really amounts to almost exactly the same thing to claim "persecution" when control is the actual.
I did not say Republican leaders are always calling for it, I said Republicans are.... and its true there are always some Republicans calling for the removal of liberal professors.
I did not say Republican leaders are always calling for it, I said Republicans are.... and its true there are always some Republicans calling for the removal of liberal professors.
There are also "some liberals" calling for the removal of Christians from public life...

Does it amount to actual persecution? Not even close.
There are also "some liberals" calling for the removal of Christians from public life...

Does it amount to actual persecution? Not even close.


Please provide examples of Democratic legislators doing this, like I provided an example of GOP legislators harrasing liberal professors.

I understant there are always some crackpots on the internet who might say it.

Please provide examples of Democratic legislators doing this, like I provided an example of GOP legislators harrasing liberal professors.

I understant there are always some crackpots on the internet who might say it.
Just as there might be one guy who gets elected who says it on the other side....

Actual persecution needs to have more than one example of a Congressman saying something. Otherwise we could use that insane guy who ran as a D who was all anti-cop to say all Democrats are anti-cop.

Let's get realistic. If you basically control the colleges, saying you are persecuted at the colleges is total rubbish. It is exactly like a Christian whining about the "Merry Christmas" crap and removing of Christian symbolism from a city seal while leaving pagan and other religious symbolism...

There was this city council... In fact the LA board of Supervisors... Who removed a cross but left other religious symbolism in that city seal... Do you remember it?