Just how big a group is this group of Republicans...


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that don't represent the republican party?

We have a group in California that sent out Obama bucks with a Blatant racist image.

We have a local chapter of the Republican party that has a picture of Obama with a turban on their website comparing him to Osama.

We have video which has people saying you can't trust a negro in power and he probably hates whites.

We have an old woman who wants to tell John McCain she doesn't trust Obama cuz he is an Ay-rab!

At the same rally we have people boo THEIR candidate when he says that Barack Obama is a decent family man.

Just how big is this group, that has no fear of saying these things in public, that does not represent the republican party but shows up to all of their functions?
My guess is that they're about 5% of the party, which is fairly significant. There are a lot of bigots who try to mask their bigotry out there. I have a thread about it. Well, their heads are about to explode.
Moderates have been purged from the Republicon party. What's left are the slavery loving corporatists and their racists followers.
The percentage of racist republicans are probably about the same as the percentage of racist democrats. It's sad.

Nor, as far as I can tell, are the scare-tactic ads using Obama's race as a factor, aimed at white racists significantly different from the scare tactic ads against various republicans over the years aimed at racist minorities. They are all equally despicable.

Problem is most liberals do not see anything wrong with anti-whitey ads. Most conservatives DO see the wrong in anti-black ads.
The percentage of racist republicans are probably about the same as the percentage of racist democrats. It's sad.

Nor, as far as I can tell, are the scare-tactic ads using Obama's race as a factor, aimed at white racists significantly different from the scare tactic ads against various republicans over the years aimed at racist minorities. They are all equally despicable.

Problem is most liberals do not see anything wrong with anti-whitey ads. Most conservatives DO see the wrong in anti-black ads.

You're right! The pendulum has swung the other way, and my people are being oppressed!
You're right! The pendulum has swung the other way, and my people are being oppressed!
No one said anything about whites being oppressed you dull witted twit. But using scare tactics to promote racism is immoral no matter who the target of the racism.
The percentage of racist republicans are probably about the same as the percentage of racist democrats. It's sad.

Nor, as far as I can tell, are the scare-tactic ads using Obama's race as a factor, aimed at white racists significantly different from the scare tactic ads against various republicans over the years aimed at racist minorities. They are all equally despicable.

Problem is most liberals do not see anything wrong with anti-whitey ads. Most conservatives DO see the wrong in anti-black ads.
Really point me to an anti whitey ad there mr false outrage. Then show me where anyone at the Obama rallies yelled Traitor or terrorist or Kill him at rally. Show me where ANYONE at a Dem Rally said "We can't trust him, he's a christian!" Or he's Irish. Or ANYTHING CLOSE to the shit that have been said at and outside of these rallies for Palin. SHOW ME! Show me the McCain Bucks that show him with WOnder Bread and Mayo. Show me the ad run by the dems showing McCain in a wheel chair saying he is just too damn old like the ad on the Republican website with Obama in a Turban and comparing him to Osama. Please show me these ads and show me they were on a dem website. Show me the footage of Dem rallies with people shouting hostility and violence at McCain.
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Funny I don't see any racists being video taped at Obama rallies.
Because when it is aimed at people you approve, you won't recognize it for what it is.

Right here on this board there have been a whole BUNCH of posts excusing the racist rhetoric of various Obama supporters and associates.