Just how big a group is this group of Republicans...

Really point me to an anti whitey ad there mr false outrage. Then show me where anyone at the Obama rallies yelled Traitor or terrorist or Kill him at rally. Show me where ANYONE at a Dem Rally said "We can't trust him, he's a christian!" Or he's Irish. Or ANYTHING CLOSE to the shit that have been said at and outside of these rallies for Palin. SHOW ME! Show me the McCain Bucks that show him with WOnder Bread and Mayo. Show me the ad run by the dems showing McCain in a wheel chair saying he is just too damn old like the ad on the Republican website with Obama in a Turban and comparing him to Osama. Please show me these ads and show me they were on a dem website. Show me the footage of Dem rallies with people shouting hostility and violence at McCain.
So it has to be specific to McCain? And why does it have to be ads? You can find the rhetoric all over the place. Shall we dredge up what democrats had to say about Mitt Romney right here on this site and elsewhere during the primaries?

False outrage - right. You assholes have taken the liberal movement and turned it into a sickening bunch of sewer gas. "False Outrage" It is YOUR kind who I had to fight to try to keep the democratic party a party of the people. But you have to make it the party of government dependence. Your kind has fucked over my people every bit as much as any bunch of racist republicans dreamed of doing with your "assistance" programs.

Overt racism is bad enough. Hidden racism is worse.
Waaaaa it is sooooo hard to be white in this world with all the hidden racism. First off MY kind believes in a flat tax, that the second amendment and ninth amendment are equally important, that abortion should be legal and rare, that there should be incentives for small business to create jobs, that adults should be allowed to smoke a joint if they want. The only reason I don't vote republican is because they are beholden to social conservatives that are every bit if not more authoritarian than the loony left. I don't want another Alito or Roberts who will whittle back criminal procedural rights and civil liberties. But I am a white man and I KNOW that I am member of the most privledged group of people on this entire planet and I hate to listen to white people whine about how hard it is because of all the racism against us white folks.
Waaaaa it is sooooo hard to be white in this world with all the hidden racism. First off MY kind believes in a flat tax, that the second amendment and ninth amendment are equally important, that abortion should be legal and rare, that there should be incentives for small business to create jobs, that adults should be allowed to smoke a joint if they want. The only reason I don't vote republican is because they are beholden to social conservatives that are every bit if not more authoritarian than the loony left. I don't want another Alito or Roberts who will whittle back criminal procedural rights and civil liberties. But I am a white man and I KNOW that I am member of the most privledged group of people on this entire planet and I hate to listen to white people whine about how hard it is because of all the racism against us white folks.

It is actually kind of odd that you have such a strong alliance with the left.

There just aren't enough civil libertarians on our side either.
Waaaaa it is sooooo hard to be white in this world with all the hidden racism. First off MY kind believes in a flat tax, that the second amendment and ninth amendment are equally important, that abortion should be legal and rare, that there should be incentives for small business to create jobs, that adults should be allowed to smoke a joint if they want. The only reason I don't vote republican is because they are beholden to social conservatives that are every bit if not more authoritarian than the loony left. I don't want another Alito or Roberts who will whittle back criminal procedural rights and civil liberties. But I am a white man and I KNOW that I am member of the most privledged group of people on this entire planet and I hate to listen to white people whine about how hard it is because of all the racism against us white folks.
Yes you ARE a member of the most privileged group in the U.S. So when someone like YOU starts lecturing someone who is NOT, it can really fucking gripe. Being only 1/4 caucasian does not count for shit - gotta be all or nothing. I know what it is to be the minority, so you can shove your fucking lecture on racism.

And for someone who "only votes democrat because of the republicans" you certainly are down there on your knees nosing the democratic nethers when it comes to your rhetoric.
To republicans anyone who is not with them is against them and sucks up to the opponents. sigh...
And to Democrats anybody who mentions anything they don't like about a D candidate is "sucking up to Bush"... *sigh*

(Disclaimer: This post is not in any way in support of idiot racists and stupid money with fried chicken and watermelon on it.)
And to Democrats anybody who mentions anything they don't like about a D candidate is "sucking up to Bush"... *sigh*

(Disclaimer: This post is not in any way in support of idiot racists and stupid money with fried chicken and watermelon on it.)
I don't think anyone thinks you would support this. Matter of fact my bet is you just sat there and shook your head.