Just in time for November

Under Virginia's constitution, convicted felons lose their right to vote for life. In the Commonwealth of Virginia, the restoration of the right to vote is not automatic. Some say convicted felons comprise the largest bloc of unregistered voters in Virginia.

Unable, or unwilling to change the law, Virginia 'Crats have turned to the tried and true BJ Clinton method of conferring rights on convicts - executive pardon!

What a happy coincidence - the Governor is a Democrat!

The felons will get the right to hold public office from their pal the Gov, too.

Bernard Henderson, deputy secretary of the Commonwealth, whose office will process the pardons, said he "will divert staff to do this". What a guy!

Henderson, who said so far he's only getting about 35 applications a week, notes - without irony - that many applications come from felons seeking to have their right to obtain guns restored.

Not to be outdone, Maine (Democrat Governor) and Vermont (thanks to former Governor Howard "Screamin'" Dean) allow felons to vote from jail.

Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) is working hard to make voting legal for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the USA.

Yes, that's change we can believe in!
Of course VA has a dem gov, they had a republican that pretty much bankrupted them.
the same republican that is currently running for a Federal senators position. Rotsa ruck to him the republicans over here are even slammng him. The guy that straightened out his mess is running against him.
I'm glad the prospect of convicts voting and holding office doesn't concern you. Maybe your state will benefit in some way from the trend, and you can use your Junior Deputy badge to pursue any rustlers that try to grab your meat..I mean beef.

BTW, Virginia hasn't had a Republican governor since 2002.


right not a republican gov since 2002 and for a dman good reason. They are on their second dem now since then. The first one is the one running for senate.

Why would convicts holding office bother you after bush ?

I had to IA this puke. I held out as long as I could. But I have never read this much nonsense out of one squeaker in my whole life. It got to the point where, as I was reading his posts, I would start thinking of how pleasurable it would be to shoot him in the throat, so it would take him a few minutes to die, you know? And I could watch. So then I figured, you know what? maybe I should just IA this guy. Is it really worth going to jail for? And I figured, it's close, but you have to conclude, no, no it's not.
I noted that none of you have any problem with letting convicted felons vote.

Is it the similiarity in your problem-solving approach that makes you sympathetic?
Look on the bright side, Indie.

You could disenfranchise a Democrat if you choose the right state and let them shoot you in the throat.

Sounds mighty tempting, no?
In Virginia the Gov would pardon 'em to vote 'Crat.

I wonder how they intend to shoot anybody. Aren't they supposed to be nonviolent, peace-loving folks, opposed to private gun ownership?
I'm sure there are many thousands. No doubt that's why a Democrat governor wants to pardon them so they can vote for McCain...

or so they can vote for whomever they choose.

this is America where the majority are supposed to rule. If the majority are lawbreakers then perhaps we are not doing things just right ?