Just Listen to What BARACK OBAMA Says, Never Mind the Others.


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Mr. Obama, in his speech, trying to undo damage from his PREVIOUS speech:

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity," he said. "But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know. . .there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
The point he was making was that his grandmother did harbor racial animosity and he then equated her with the anti-American racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

He threw his ailing grandmother under the bus.

I thought that Liberals have been telling us for a YEAR, that Barack Obama is The Man Who is Going to Heal the Country, Because HE is "BEYOND RACE". Anybody ELSE remember that? I, mean, just listen to what he's saying here:"a typical white person"? I guess that means, if I am a "typical white person", I look at any Blacks I don't know on the street as muggers and criminals.
First of all, in some situations there is a REASON to fear stangers "on the street"! What do you think the white kids of University of No. Carolina think, when they see 3 Urban Youths approaching them, with baggy shorts or pants fallen down over their asses, and backward ball caps? Don't you think they FEAR being SHOT OR STABBED FOR THEIR ATM CARDS AND PIN NUMBERS, like their fellow students were? But Obama says his grandmother is the "typical White person", meaning Racist, let's not KID ourselves.
It looks like he threw her under the bus again...
And this time he threw "white people" under the bus with her.
He truly was hanging with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright too long.

Could you even imagine if any white person would have said--
"But she is a typical black person"?

More... Does that make Jesse Jackson the typical white person?

Still More... Steve Sailor reported on how Obama described the incident with his grandmother and a bum (who was black) in his book:

'He was very aggressive, Barry. Very aggressive. I gave him a dollar and he kept asking. If the bus hadn't come, I think he might have hit me over the head."
This is a far cry from how he is describing the incident with his grandmother today.
He is just using his ailing grandmother to score political points.
"Obama's congregation subscribes to what it calls the Black Value System, which is described as a disavowal of “our racist competitive society” and the pursuit of “middle-classness.” That is defined as a way for American society to “snare” blacks rather than “killing them off directly” or “placing them in concentration camps,” just as the country structures “an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.”

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01,” Wright wrote in the church-affiliated magazine Trumpet four years after the attacks. “White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

The op-ed included details of a sermon Wright gave at Howard University blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, shamelessly supporting Israel, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black man as president.

At the time, Wright explained: “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli” to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, “a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”

Wright continued: “Fact No. 4: We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. Fact No. 5: We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-semitic.”

His voice rising, Wright was on a roll: “Fact No. 6: We conducted radiation experiments on our own people. They’re just finding out about that. We care nothing about human life if the ends justifies the means. Fact No. 7: We do not care if poor black and brown children cannot read and kill each other senselessly. We abandoned the cities back in the '60s when the riots started and it really doesn’t matter what those nations do to each other; we gave up on them and public education of poor people who live in the projects . . .”

Wright went on: “Fact No. 8: We started the AIDS virus, and now that it is out of control, we still put more money in the military than in medicine; more money in hate than in humanitarian concerns. Everybody does not have access to healthcare, I don’t care what the rich white boys in the Senate say. Listen up: If you are poor, black and elderly, forget it.”
let it go, already....
LOL. Yeah, like y'all did with RP. That's what will happen. This is politics, man. The reality is he definitely made it worse.

"typical white person" was definitely not the best choice of wording.
I am LMFAO. Grandpa has no issues to run on, and the reich wing is desparately trying to gin up fear of the black man.

Jollie, get with the plan. Most cons here are already backtracking from last weeks "barrage" on Obama's "racist" church.

The typical white man likes beer and football.

The typical woman likes to shop for shoes.

The typical african american likes rap/soul/R&B music.

There's not a god damn thing racist or incendiary about that.
I am LMFAO. Grandpa has no issues to run on, and the reich wing is desparately trying to gin up fear of the black man.

Jollie, get with the plan. Most cons here are already backtracking from last weeks "barrage" on Obama's "racist" church.

The typical white man likes beer and football.

The typical woman likes to shop for shoes.

The typical african american likes rap/soul/R&B music.

There's not a god damn thing racist or incendiary about that.

If the statement is followed by a negative stereotype it would definitely be different.

Let's say that RP had somebody write a newsletter talking about the typical black teen being fleet of foot... I'd say that your reaction would be entirely different.
Oh, yeah, onceler, let it go. Right. Just like you people have that idiot desh, and thousands more like him, putting up an obvious teen-ager's stupid comments, and saying, "This is what all people "On the Right" think. Let me TELL you something, Onceler. I LOVE this country. I CARE about it. I WORRY about it. ESPECIALLY, when we have people like Barack Obama, not only a kid wet behind the ears, politically, but a DISASTER oF Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, Socialist/Collectivist WAITING TO HAPPEN. And THIS is the BEST you could find? This guy makes Hillary look RIGHT-WING! This guy could be writing books with Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung, and Nikita Kruchev. They could ALL denounce the "Bourgeois Capitalists".

If the statement is followed by a negative stereotype it would definitely be different.

Let's say that RP had somebody write a newsletter talking about the typical black teen being fleet of foot... I'd say that your reaction would be entirely different.

I know this little game your playing, Damo. And I ain't buying it.

All of us know for a fact, and from everyday life, that the "typical" white person, is in fact a little nervous if they find themselves in certain neighborhoods that have a lot of blacks or mexicans.

You know, that's exactly what he was refering to.
I know this little game your playing, Damo. And I ain't buying it.

All of us know for a fact, and from everyday life, that the "typical" white person, is in fact a little nervous if they find themselves in certain neighborhoods that have a lot of blacks or mexicans.

You know, that's exactly what he was refering to.
No, not all of us know this any more than we all know that the "typical" green person can't speak clearly. Or so forth with a bunch of stereotypes that are not correct.

Again, following "typical" with a negative stereotype didn't make his statement better. It in fact seems far worse than throwing her under the bus to begin with.
Oh, yeah, onceler, let it go. Right. Just like you people have that idiot desh, and thousands more like him, putting up an obvious teen-ager's stupid comments, and saying, "This is what all people "On the Right" think. Let me TELL you something, Onceler. I LOVE this country. I CARE about it. I WORRY about it. ESPECIALLY, when we have people like Barack Obama, not only a kid wet behind the ears, politically, but a DISASTER oF Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, Socialist/Collectivist WAITING TO HAPPEN. And THIS is the BEST you could find? This guy makes Hillary look RIGHT-WING! This guy could be writing books with Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung, and Nikita Kruchev. They could ALL denounce the "Bourgeois Capitalists".

Well, I disagree with you. Have you noticed that a 'partisan' tone is almost non-existent in the Obama campaign...in the primaries? He will be a very different kind of President, and I think just what we need after the divisive, "51%" President Bush.

You didn't mind that Bush had very little experience, and you didn't mind his "lapse" in judgment for showing up every day to work hungover for 20 years.

If you're really worried about the country, you'd want the campaign to be about the issues that matter, and the recession we're facing, and the war we're in. You wouldn't care what church Obama went to.
Cypress, I don't know if you really look like your photo, but if you do, YOU should know. I see more Black Women with Whote Guys all the time, and a lot of the time, it's because they don't know enough Black Men that will "get with the program", trying to succeed in Capitalist, Business America. A lot of "Second Wave" Black Panther types, guys like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the "Audacity of Victimhood", where EVERYTHING they DON'T HAVE, or ALL THEIR TROUBLES, are the "White Man's fault. I'm sorry, but in America, you have to STOP being a VICTIM, and DO something for yourself. Now you can twist that any way you like, and call me names, but you know it's true, just like Obama's Poll numbers, from Zogby AND Rassmussen, are DROPPING LIKE A LEAD BALLON, hahaha! 2 weeks agho, he was BEATING McCain by 10 ponts. NOW, only 3 days after he was "discovered", "outed, if you will, he is BEHIND by 8 ponts. Face it, cypress, it's over for Obama. When people go into the booth NOW, they will only think of Rev. Wright and Farrakhan's staements.
Cypress, I don't know if you really look like your photo, but if you do, YOU should know. I see more Black Women with Whote Guys all the time, and a lot of the time, it's because they don't know enough Black Men that will "get with the program", trying to succeed in Capitalist, Business America. A lot of "Second Wave" Black Panther types, guys like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the "Audacity of Victimhood", where EVERYTHING they DON'T HAVE, or ALL THEIR TROUBLES, are the "White Man's fault. I'm sorry, but in America, you have to STOP being a VICTIM, and DO something for yourself. Now you can twist that any way you like, and call me names, but you know it's true, just like Obama's Poll numbers, from Zogby AND Rassmussen, are DROPPING LIKE A LEAD BALLON, hahaha! 2 weeks agho, he was BEATING McCain by 10 ponts. NOW, only 3 days after he was "discovered", "outed, if you will, he is BEHIND by 8 ponts. Face it, cypress, it's over for Obama. When people go into the booth NOW, they will only think of Rev. Wright and Farrakhan's staements.

Cypress, I don't know if you really look like your photo, but if you do, YOU should know. I see more Black Women with Whote Guys all the time, and a lot of the time, it's because they don't know enough Black Men that will "get with the program", trying to succeed in Capitalist, Business America. A lot of "Second Wave" Black Panther types, guys like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the "Audacity of Victimhood",

Now I am really LMFAO!

A blatant racist, trying to caste Obama as a racist. That's hilarious Toby!

Of course I date "white" men. I date men of all shades and colors. The only requirement, is that they have to be honorable, decent, and intelligent.

In other words, they can't be conservatives. :readit:
I get scared in high crime neighborhoods that happen to be black. I know black people who are.

You obama attackers are denying there is, in fact, a crime problem in the african-american community, the causes of which are usually hotly debated, but the numbers don't lie.
Cypress, I don't know if you really look like your photo, but if you do, YOU should know. I see more Black Women with Whote Guys all the time, and a lot of the time, it's because they don't know enough Black Men that will "get with the program", trying to succeed in Capitalist, Business America. A lot of "Second Wave" Black Panther types, guys like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the "Audacity of Victimhood", where EVERYTHING they DON'T HAVE, or ALL THEIR TROUBLES, are the "White Man's fault. I'm sorry, but in America, you have to STOP being a VICTIM, and DO something for yourself. Now you can twist that any way you like, and call me names, but you know it's true, just like Obama's Poll numbers, from Zogby AND Rassmussen, are DROPPING LIKE A LEAD BALLON, hahaha! 2 weeks agho, he was BEATING McCain by 10 ponts. NOW, only 3 days after he was "discovered", "outed, if you will, he is BEHIND by 8 ponts. Face it, cypress, it's over for Obama. When people go into the booth NOW, they will only think of Rev. Wright and Farrakhan's staements.

That's right. Cypress is really Cynthia McKinney. Cypress why don't you tell us why you are dating white men?

I gave him my dating criteria for men, in another post. HaHa

I mean, and people talk to this guy, as if he was freaking sane, or even on our planet? Doesn’t’ anyone else here try and picture what is behind this and start shaking? I do!
And let me tell YOU something, cypress. I live in New Haven, CT. Rich Yale town, right? Wrong. It's 85% Black. I walk the streets, sidewalks, shops, and allies at 2 AM, with WAY more Black people than White, and I am NEVER afraid. Because like any White person with a brain, I don't think ALL Blacks are criminals. But if I see 3 or more teens, talking loud, using "motherfucker" every other word, I'm going to keep my EYES on them, yes. I like Black girls like you, too. I'm not going to fear ANYONE, unless I have a REASON. I've told the story before, I grew up protecting my Best Freind, Curtis Johnson, a Black kid, from jerks and bullies in my White neighborhood. But they grew to like him, because he was my freind. Barack Obama's mind has been poisoned. 20 years. Too many years, to be exposed to that crap. And aside from Rev Weright, he's freinds with Malik Zulu Shabazz, James Meeks, and Al Sharpton brags that he gets 3 calls a week from Obama.