Just Listen to What BARACK OBAMA Says, Never Mind the Others.

I get scared in high crime neighborhoods that happen to be black. I know black people who are.

You obama attackers are denying there is, in fact, a crime problem in the african-american community, the causes of which are usually hotly debated, but the numbers don't lie.
Ron Paul? Is that you?
Cypress, I don't know if you really look like your photo, but if you do, YOU should know. I see more Black Women with Whote Guys all the time, and a lot of the time, it's because they don't know enough Black Men that will "get with the program", trying to succeed in Capitalist, Business America. A lot of "Second Wave" Black Panther types, guys like Barack Obama, who subscribe to the "Audacity of Victimhood",

Now I am really LMFAO!

A blatant racist, trying to caste Obama as a racist. That's hilarious Toby!

Of course I date "white" men. I date men of all shades and colors. The only requirement, is that they have to be honorable, decent, and intelligent.

In other words, they can't be conservatives. :readit:

hold da phone... you date men? Wow, given all the attempts by you to hump Darla and Tiana's legs I never would have guessed that.
Yeah, darla, that's fine, call me names. You're another Brainless Moron like a lot of other Liberals. Maybe you should go and Blow Up Corporations , or The Pentagon, like Barack's Buddy from the Weather Underground, William Ayers(look it up, idiot). I'M THE ONE laughing my ASS off, becuse this supposed "BRILLIANT" MAN, Barack, was SO STUPID, as to think he could HIDE ALL THESE RACIST ASSOCIATIONS, Haaahahaha!
Say WHATEVER you like about ME, I sleep peacefully, knowing that THIS election, our country is SAFE from the Biggest Anti-American Socialist in the Senate. Bye, Now! Have a Happy Easter. And Go to Church!
Wait, is Cypress a MAN?? You gotta be kiddin' me! He always SOUNDS like such a CHICK, and I always see the photo of a Black Woman, I just put it together....... My Bad! No, no Homo here, haha!
I want to wish you ALL, Left and Right, Athiest, Christian, Muslim, whatever- I want to wish upon you the Blassings of the Holiest Day of the Christian Faith, The Ressurection, Easter Sunday.

"For God so lobved Man that he gave his only begotten son, for forgiveness of sins.

"HE that believeth in me, though he were dead, shall have life everlasting.
I want to wish you ALL, Left and Right, Athiest, Christian, Muslim, whatever- I want to wish upon you the Blassings of the Holiest Day of the Christian Faith, The Ressurection, Easter Sunday.

"For God so lobved Man that he gave his only begotten son, for forgiveness of sins.

"HE that believeth in me, though he were dead, shall have life everlasting.

Don't talk to me about that Zionism-Lite Slave Religion.
No, not all of us know this any more than we all know that the "typical" green person can't speak clearly. Or so forth with a bunch of stereotypes that are not correct.

Again, following "typical" with a negative stereotype didn't make his statement better. It in fact seems far worse than throwing her under the bus to begin with.

Damo, I realize you've been at the forefront of trying to make Obama's candidicy about race. But, you're aligning yourself with wingnuts like Jollie, LittleAcorn, and assorted other hyper partisan far right wingnuts.

Even at ultra partisan Fox News, anchors and newsmen are speaking out ON LIVE TELEVISION, and storming off set, over what they report is highly biased, and unfair Obama bashing, and mischaracterization of his "typical white person" quote:

Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network For "Obama-Bashing"

Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out — and walking off — over what they perceive to be "Obama-bashing" on their network.

This morning on "Fox and Friends," Brian Kilmeade walked off the set after a dispute with his co-hosts Gretchen Carlson (she who celebrates deadly floods) and Steve Doocy over Obama's comment that his grandmother is a "typical white person." Kilmeade argued that the remark needed to be taken in context and eventually got so fed up with his co-hosts that he walked off set.

Later, "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace came on the show and railed against "Fox and Friends" for what he called "Obama-bashing."

Watch both clips below

Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace slams his own network, for execcisve and unfaire "Obama bashing". And for disingenuously clipping the video right after the words "typical white person", without running the rest of the video where Obama gave a thoughtful and measure explanation of what he meant by that:


Fox Newsman Brian Kilmeade walks off set in disgust over Obama-bashing dispute:


I am LMFAO. Grandpa has no issues to run on, and the reich wing is desparately trying to gin up fear of the black man.

Jollie, get with the plan. Most cons here are already backtracking from last weeks "barrage" on Obama's "racist" church.

The typical white man likes beer and football.

The typical woman likes to shop for shoes.

The typical african american likes rap/soul/R&B music.

There's not a god damn thing racist or incendiary about that.

I sure am a not typical white man.
Damo, I realize you've been at the forefront of trying to make Obama's candidicy about race. But, you're aligning yourself with wingnuts like Jollie, LittleAcorn, and assorted other hyper partisan far right wingnuts.

Even at ultra partisan Fox News, anchors and newsmen are speaking out ON LIVE TELEVISION, and storming off set, over what they report is highly biased, and unfair Obama bashing, and mischaracterization of his "typical white person" quote:

ahh but once that door swung open and was caught by the pundit windstorm, kinda hard to get back closed.
the hinges might be plumb warped by now...
And let me tell YOU something, cypress. I live in New Haven, CT. Rich Yale town, right? Wrong. It's 85% Black. I walk the streets, sidewalks, shops, and allies at 2 AM, with WAY more Black people than White, and I am NEVER afraid. Because like any White person with a brain, I don't think ALL Blacks are criminals. But if I see 3 or more teens, talking loud, using "motherfucker" every other word, I'm going to keep my EYES on them, yes. I like Black girls like you, too. I'm not going to fear ANYONE, unless I have a REASON. I've told the story before, I grew up protecting my Best Freind, Curtis Johnson, a Black kid, from jerks and bullies in my White neighborhood. But they grew to like him, because he was my freind. Barack Obama's mind has been poisoned. 20 years. Too many years, to be exposed to that crap. And aside from Rev Weright, he's freinds with Malik Zulu Shabazz, James Meeks, and Al Sharpton brags that he gets 3 calls a week from Obama.

Dont you even know anything about the place you claim to live?


The racial makeup of the city was 43.46% White, 37.36% African American, 0.43% Native American, 3.90% Asian, 0.06% Pacific Islander, 10.89% from other races, and 3.91% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 21.39% of the population. Non-Hispanic whites made 35.57% of the population.
ahh but once that door swung open and was caught by the pundit windstorm, kinda hard to get back closed.
the hinges might be plumb warped by now...

When you have Fox employees walking off stage and calling into the stations shows to complain about the pile on then I think the last straw is on the cart.

I see a wind of change ablowin
I don't care if Fox is bashing Obama, Cypress. You seem to either watch more of it than any other, or believe whatever you see written about it somewhere.

It has nothing to do with my point that stereotyping and pigeonholing people into a negative stereotype is different than what you attempted to pass off Obama's statement as.

The choice of wording was unfortunate, which is what I said, it makes his statements seem worse than the already bad idea of throwing grandma under the bus. He clearly is more at home with prepared speeches than he is at direct questioning. And I gave examples where you would and have stated were equally unfortunate.

You are upset because he is clearly vulnerable in this area, and didn't help himself. I understand why you are upset but attempting to pretend he isn't vulnerable here, isn't working.