Just Married

I finally had my wedding on the 17th. Then we took a little mini-moon down to San Diego so I could see her hometown and we could close-out a storage unit she's been renting down there. I basically had a complete diet of tacos for five days. Toured the Zoo and Sea World.

Congrats. I'm 69 and got married on Valentines day. I hope there are no Trump towers near San Diego, their tacos are fishy. Just kidding. Happy for you two.
I love that Douchebag Donald and Crooked Hillary have both embarrassed themselves over tacos. They have managed to screw-up the taco, and this election is now officially the Taco Bell Run.
The reason for the stop at San Simeon was so that we could tour Hearst Castle. William Randolph Hearst was a complete douchebag, but the Castle is quite impressive.

Well, San Simeon did not seem strange... beautiful area. I was wondering why the hell you went to Sacramento?
Well, San Simeon did not seem strange... beautiful area. I was wondering why the hell you went to Sacramento?

It wasn't planned, but, since we were driving a Uhaul, we wanted to get back on I-5 and have the most direct route. We wound-up calculating we could arrive in Sacramento by the end of that night.