Justice Gorsuch believes regulations are bad.


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David French: So I want to start by talking about the book. It takes direct aim at the proliferation of rules, regulations and statutes that govern our lives.

Neil Gorsuch: Well, that’s sort of a question about why I wrote the book, David, I think. The founders also knew that too much law poses some dangers as well. James Madison talked about that in The Federalist. One, you start losing your liberties. And two, it impacts different populations differently.

Another stupid, naive libertarian.
David French: So I want to start by talking about the book. It takes direct aim at the proliferation of rules, regulations and statutes that govern our lives.

Neil Gorsuch: Well, that’s sort of a question about why I wrote the book, David, I think. The founders also knew that too much law poses some dangers as well. James Madison talked about that in The Federalist. One, you start losing your liberties. And two, it impacts different populations differently.

Another stupid, naive libertarian.
So regulations on abortion are good. Glad we agree
So regulations on abortion are good. Glad we agree
So you want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies, but you are eager to let corporations pollute the water we drink and the air we breathe simply to increase profits.
Gorsuch also was in the majority in ruling that former presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution in a decision that indefinitely delayed the election interference case against Trump. What’s more, the justices made it harder to use a federal obstruction charge against people who were part of the mob that violently attacked the US Capitol on January 6 2021 in an effort to overturn Trump’s defeat by Biden in the 2020 election.

The court had to wrestle with an unprecedented situation, he said. “Here we have, for the first time in our history, one presidential administration bringing criminal charges against a prior president. It’s a grave question, right? Grave implications,” Gorsuch said.

Isn't Gorsuch admitting that Trump committed crimes?
It's so Ironic since Reagan appointed his mother to head the Environmental Protection Agency and she is responsible for a whole lot of those Regulations and Environmental protections he hates.

He must have Mommy issues as well!
David French: So I want to start by talking about the book. It takes direct aim at the proliferation of rules, regulations and statutes that govern our lives.

Neil Gorsuch: Well, that’s sort of a question about why I wrote the book, David, I think. The founders also knew that too much law poses some dangers as well. James Madison talked about that in The Federalist. One, you start losing your liberties. And two, it impacts different populations differently.

Another stupid, naive libertarian.
Nothing.... nothing at all makes that is logical makes sense to a leftist.
David French: So I want to start by talking about the book. It takes direct aim at the proliferation of rules, regulations and statutes that govern our lives.

Neil Gorsuch: Well, that’s sort of a question about why I wrote the book, David, I think. The founders also knew that too much law poses some dangers as well. James Madison talked about that in The Federalist. One, you start losing your liberties. And two, it impacts different populations differently.

Another stupid, naive libertarian.
Many are. That's a provable fact.
David French: So I want to start by talking about the book. It takes direct aim at the proliferation of rules, regulations and statutes that govern our lives.

Neil Gorsuch: Well, that’s sort of a question about why I wrote the book, David, I think. The founders also knew that too much law poses some dangers as well. James Madison talked about that in The Federalist. One, you start losing your liberties. And two, it impacts different populations differently.

Another stupid, naive libertarian.
I mean - let big agriculture and big farming regulate how much poison they can put in their products. What could go wrong?
I mean - let big agriculture and big farming regulate how much poison they can put in their products. What could go wrong?
The interview makes Gorsuch look like a real asshole. He actually thinks he is protecting the average American.
Many are not.
Not the point here. How many of the about 250,000 federal regulations aren't needed? How many are duplicates? That's the question. Saying we need regulations is to ignore the problem of too many, and too many useless, stupid ones.


Here's a perfect example. The Bribem administration, on no factual evidence whatsoever, wants to put a speed limit of 11 mph on boats to prevent a strike on a Right whale, a chance of that happening being lower than winning the lottery...

This is a retarded, excessive, regulation likely being pushed by radical Leftists who hate that people that are successful might buy and use a boat or yacht.

But those same Leftist 'tards don't give a shit that they will wreck a whole US manufacturing industry...
Here's a perfect example. The Bribem administration, on no factual evidence whatsoever, wants to put a speed limit of 11 mph on boats to prevent a strike on a Right whale, a chance of that happening being lower than winning the lottery...

This is a retarded, excessive, regulation likely being pushed by radical Leftists who hate that people that are successful might buy and use a boat or yacht.

But those same Leftist 'tards don't give a shit that they will wreck a whole US manufacturing industry...
The WOKE are sadists....in their fantasies there is no joy.

Its time 4 U to wake up now.
So you want to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies, but you are eager to let corporations pollute the water we drink and the air we breathe simply to increase profits.
Abortion is not just the womans body. If a woman wants to hack off her legs I dont give a fuck. Killing a baby though, that I give a fuck about. You people need some new arguments
Abortion is not just the womans body. If a woman wants to hack off her legs I dont give a fuck. Killing a baby though, that I give a fuck about. You people need some new arguments
It's not a "baby" until its its born.

At 12 weeks the fetus isn't viable.