Justify banning this rifle...

The NRA may not have directly supported Zimmerman but they practically wrote the legislation for the stand your ground law that Zimmerman is using for his defense.

So basically: They didn't do it; but if you squint really hard, it might look like they did.
So basically: They didn't do it; but if you squint really hard, it might look like they did.
You don't have to squint unless you need reading glasses....

"...Baxley says he and Peaden lifted the law's language from a proposal crafted by Marion Hammer, a former NRA president and founder of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, a local NRA affiliate..."

"...On April 26, with former NRA President Marion P. Hammer looking on, Governor Jeb Bush (R) signed into law a bill that will allow Floridians to forcefully defend themselves against attackers without first having to try to escape...."
You don't have to squint unless you need reading glasses....

"...Baxley says he and Peaden lifted the law's language from a proposal crafted by Marion Hammer, a former NRA president and founder of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, a local NRA affiliate..."

"...On April 26, with former NRA President Marion P. Hammer looking on, Governor Jeb Bush (R) signed into law a bill that will allow Floridians to forcefully defend themselves against attackers without first having to try to escape...."

You have to squint, in order to block off the reality and only see what you want to; because if you have your eyes wide open, you see the word "former" within the posts.
You have to squint, in order to block off the reality and only see what you want to; because if you have your eyes wide open, you see the word "former" within the posts.

There's something to be said about only seeing through your squinty right eye , too.
The NRA may not have directly supported Zimmerman but they practically wrote the legislation for the stand your ground law that Zimmerman is using for his defense.

that does not mean the NRA defended MURDER. which is what howey claimed the NRA did by saying...cough zimmerman.

fact is, he has not been convicted of murder, thus, it is false to claim the NRA defends murder. further, even if convicted of murder, the NRA has not defended him. you might want to follow the links back and see what the conversation was about.
that does not mean the NRA defended MURDER. which is what howey claimed the NRA did by saying...cough zimmerman.

fact is, he has not been convicted of murder, thus, it is false to claim the NRA defends murder. further, even if convicted of murder, the NRA has not defended him. you might want to follow the links back and see what the conversation was about.

Well, if anyone can claim self defense and kill someone and no one questions it, then yes, the NRA is supporting murder.

I wouldn't expect Zimmerman to be charged with murder if he has proven his case in a court of law. The point is there would not have been a trial at all and if he had commited murder then he would have gotten off scott free because of the SYG law. Without the trial we would never know the truth....and the only reason the Trayvon Zimmerman case came to light and went to trial was of the persistence of Tryavons family and the media.
So when argueing about the technical minutia of guns, experts are to be ignored and legislation is to be based on emotion?
Clearly, the people who know nothing about guns should be the ones who decide what guns should be available to the public.
Well, if anyone can claim self defense and kill someone and no one questions it, then yes, the NRA is supporting murder.

I wouldn't expect Zimmerman to be charged with murder if he has proven his case in a court of law. The point is there would not have been a trial at all and if he had commited murder then he would have gotten off scott free because of the SYG law. Without the trial we would never know the truth....and the only reason the Trayvon Zimmerman case came to light and went to trial was of the persistence of Tryavons family and the media.

again, what does SYG have to with NRA? do you have quotes from NRA regarding zimmerman or SYG?

btw, just so we are clear, SYG is not a defense that no one questions. if that is your claim, you're wrong.

as to whether zimmerman should be charged, the legal system works something like this: first you're charged...etc...then you have a trial. so he can still be charged and found innocent. i agree that the only reason it came to light was politics. i really do not understand what your point is.

can you cite one single instance where the NRA supports murder. if not, then stop defending people like howey and dude.
again, what does SYG have to with NRA? do you have quotes from NRA regarding zimmerman or SYG?

btw, just so we are clear, SYG is not a defense that no one questions. if that is your claim, you're wrong.

as to whether zimmerman should be charged, the legal system works something like this: first you're charged...etc...then you have a trial. so he can still be charged and found innocent. i agree that the only reason it came to light was politics. i really do not understand what your point is.

can you cite one single instance where the NRA supports murder. if not, then stop defending people like howey and dude.
Are you deliberately ignoring everything I said and the links I posted, or just playing games?
Are you deliberately ignoring everything I said and the links I posted, or just playing games?

The links you provided provide no support for your asinine accusation.
You want to play connect the dots, of a picture of a rabbit, leave off the ears and tail and then call it a cat.
I don't have a squinty right eye.
My left eye get a little watery, now and then though.

No, no, no, your right eye is very squinty but I gave you a like for an occasional teary eyed left eye. lol It shows you still have some humanity left in you.
No, no, no, your right eye is very squinty but I gave you a like for an occasional teary eyed left eye. lol It shows you still have some humanity left in you.

No - my optometrist said there was no squint.
The "teary eye" only happens when my goggles don't fit right and allow some of the wind to enter, while riding.