Kamala 64%, Trump 37%

Feelgood moment for sure. But history shows that debate performance doesn't always translate into a win. Hillary handily beat trump in the debates, but Comey assured a trump win in the 11th hour.

Kerry destroyed Dubyah, but in the relative infancy of the internet trolling phenom Dan Rather's expose' of Bush's TANG tenure was seemingly debunked by a basement dwelling troll.

If this debate were held on the eve of the election, they would be folding the chairs and removing the tables from the party. Unfortunately, there is a lifetime of time left.
Comey is not the bad guy. Hillary's hubris is what did her in.

BTW, Netflix is running "The Comey Rule" miniseries. It's well worth watching.

The way the "called out" Kam-Kam? The "Very fine people" lie - not a word from her campaign staff, and that's what Muir and Davis are - her campaign staff.

They said nothing about this lie:

{"And on that day, the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's Capitol, to desecrate our nation's Capitol. On that day, 140 law enforcement officers were injured. And some died."}
No police died during the Reichstag Fire - but her campaign staff didn't "fact check."

Nor this lie:

{"Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath if the outcome of this election is not to his liking"}
Then this whopper:

{"I made it that very clear in 2020: I will not ban fracking."}

Kam-Kam did an interview with campaign staffer David Muir in 2020 where she said "Absolutely I would ban fracking, across the nation." Not a word from Muir. This counts as a lie from him as well as her.

All in all - 34 documented lies from Harris, not that the DNC propaganda corps will report them. Scumbag prevaricator Daniel Dale of CNN claimed Harris was honest as the pure driven snow.
LOL. Those are lies? If hyperbole is lies then I guess we can ignore your posts because they are full of lies.
Whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see.
Correct, but with free will we do have some choices. Some people live and respect karma, some people shit on Karma and pay the consequences. We all die one day.

True, but the key was to hurt Kam-Kam. And Trump did. He forced her to take ownership of the disaster that is the Harris/Biden administration for the last 4 years.

Now obviously ABC fed her the questions at least a week ago, with her rehearsing answers with Hollywood coaches. But even with all that, Trump made her acknowledge that this is HER mess we are living in. She offers NO CHANGE and is the cause of the misery America suffers under today.

That was his main job, and he succeeded. Yes, he fell for her baiting, but he tied her to her record.
How fucking stupid. She didn’t answer the specific questions. No one ever does. They use a keyword in the question to pivot to the answer. Both candidates knew what the topics would be. Your cult leader sucked. She didn’t. That’s the difference. You really are a fucking moron.
Yep, losers blame the refs.
No it has nothing to do with blame dickhead. She lied and they didn't nothing about it. Fine but let's not pretend it was an equal playing field. I would respect you cockroaches if you could at least be honest but I think you people are genetically incapable of being honset.
You're hiding Netflix from your GF?
LOL. Nope. She's a trumper who really never voted before '16. She hated Clinton, and like so many Hillary haters she rushed out to vote against her. We do not discuss politics for obvious reasons. She went from the original 'give him a chance', to just remaining silent.